Book details: IBERLEBUNGEN
$US 100.00
Rollansky, Shemuel
Imprint: Buenos-Ayres [Buenos Aires] Ateneo Literario En El IWO, 1982
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback
1st Edition. Original Boards. 8vo. 278 Pages ; 19 cm. In Yiddish. Title translates into English as, “Considerations. ” From one of Argentina’s most prolific Yiddishists. “Samuel, or Shmuel, Rozhanski, was born April 14, 1902, into a Litvish (i. E. Litvak) family residing in Warsaw. He had a traditional Jewish as well as a secular gymnasium education, something slightly unusual for immigrants to Argentina, where he arrived in 1922. From 1934 to 1973 he wrote a daily column for Di Yidishe Tsaytung of Buenos Aires. Rollansky directed the Argentinean branch of the YIVO or IWO... In addition, he authored theater sketches, short stories, essays and histories of Yiddish literature and press in Argentina and elsewhere. He is best remembered as the editor of Musterverk fun der yidisher literatur, a 100-volume series of the classics of Yiddish literary classics. ” (Samuel Rollansky’s Fiction: Preliminary Observations, Astro, Alan) SUBJECT(S) : Rozshansk? I, Shemu? El, 1902-1995. Spine starting. A few markings on cloth. Very good condition. (YID-26-7A)
Stock number:39049.