Books by Abel, O., et al., 1911Click here for all books by Abel, O., et al., 1911 available for purchase on-line. Die Abstammungslehre. Zwölf gemeinverständliche Vorträge über die Deszendenztheorie im Lichte der neueren Forschung, gehalten im Winter-Semester 1910/11 im Münchner Verein für Naturkunde by Abel, O., et al., 1911 listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase. Bibliophile Bookbase lists over 5 million books, maps and prints including livres anciens, incunabula, livres illustrées, out of print books and first editions. Bibliophile Bookbase for antiquarian books, maps and prints. |