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Pettingill Olin Sewall and others La Fontaine Hart Horace
International Union of Geological Sciences Commission on Stratigraphy van Gogh Joan and John Anderson Kotze J S
Stewart W C Schütte Hedwig Landsborough Thomson A
The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy van der Westhuizen Louis Johannes De Villiers J editor
Clarke Angela Amersfoort H and P H Kamphuis Maxwell Marcuswell
Theron Willem Adriaan [Country Life] Alexander Zonia
[Federal Parliament of the Cook Islands] Malinowski Bronislaw Barrow A H
[His Majesty's Stationery Office] Nebel Heinrich C Schoeman Johan
Hauptfleisch Temple with Wilma Viljoen and Céleste van Greunen Hahn T H Goy Mathilde
De Villiers J Ohlrich Walt and Jeff Ethell Bottomley John
Cahn Joseph M Skinner J D and R H N Smithers Scott-Shaw Rob
Clapham Christopher Greg Mills and others Harley Anne and Romy Fotheringham Adderley Sir C B
McKittrick Meredith Burgess J T Bickerdyke John and others
Cholmondeley-Pennell H and others Peek Hedley Longworth F A
Vietzen Sylvia Hutchinson Lucy Robinson Sir John
Sherry S P Bidwell Shelford and Dominick Graham Wilkinson Henry Spenser
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Woolfenden Glen E and John W Fitzpatrick Von Sydow Eckart Oswald Felix
Van Dis Adriaan and others Peters James A Bücherl W and others
Smith Malcolm Levaillant François Walmsley R G
van Someren V G L Lamberti E E Moore C
Smith Ken and F J Nöthling Christidis Leslie and Walter E Boles Lansdowne J F and John A Livingston
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