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Andrew Lycett
Iain Sproat
Franck Frederick Graham Greene
Seton Thompson Ernest
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Fant Joseph L Robert Ashley editors
Faulkner John
Runyan Harry
Brown Calvin S
Fitzgerald F Scott Edmund Wilson editor
John Gerard Intro by Graham Greene
Bruce F Kawin
Gene D Phillips
Joseph R Millichap
George Catlin
Dorset Phyllis Flanders
John G Cawelti Bruce A Rosenberg
Twain Mark and Charles Dudley Warner
Alyce Billings Walker WPA Federal Writers Project
Our Man In Havana
Hagglof Gunnar Greene Graham foreword
Verlaine Paul Hall Gertrude Translator
John Barth
Mark Kurlansky
Michael Shelden
Montgomerie John
Natacha Merritt
New York State Commission
R A Salvatore
Terry Brooks George Lucas
Nicholas Rankin
John Kennedy Toole
Williams Wiliam Carlos
Heinrich Bo ll
Böll Heinrich
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Burney James
McWatters George S
Styron William`
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Lincoln Abraham Tracy Gilbert
Hermann Binger
Playfair R L
Van Vechten CarlQA
Charles Frazier
Diane Johnson
Quentin Falk
Phillips Gene D S J
Cornell Woolrich
Dashiell Hammett Edited and with an Introduction by Steven Marcus
Cornell Woolrich Editor Francis M Nevins
Weber Brom
Langston Hughes Carl Van Vechten
Maughan W Somerset
Butcher Margaret
Geismar Peter
Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy
Paule Marshall
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Benedict Blathwayt
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