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Avida Yehuda Leib
Schwartzbard Sholom
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Shkolnikoff A S Gotlib Noah Isaac
[Isaiah Leo Sharfman President Jacob H Schiff Honorary Vice-President Jacob Chasnoff Executive Council]
Shatzky Jacob Opatoshu Joseph
Schwarz Joseph translated with Introduction by Isaac Leeser
Heller Binem
Grinvald Yekutiel Yehudah
Shtain A Sh
Korn Yitshak
Ashkenazi Eliezer ben Elijah active 16th century
Coleman Abram N
Gotthelf Jakob
Pöllnitz Karl Ludwig von Hecquet Philippe
Bizot Pierre
Gilles Pierre
Ferrari Giovanni Battista
Secundus Janus Scriverius Petrus
Barlow Thomas
Wecker Johann Jacob
Stein Gertrude Virgil Thomson
By a Searcher After Truth
Momus Jun
Rowson Mrs
Vignier Nicolas
Francesco Nobile Da Schmid Et J J Busch
Cook James Anderson George William editor
Minsheu John
Kirschstein S
Goldschmidt Lazarus translator
Jacobs George
Felsenthal Bernhard
Binkovitz A L
Adler Lazarus
Halpern Henoch H
Bien Julius introduction
[Wise Isaac M]
Zepin George
Schappes Morris U editor
Sholem Aleichem Folks Shulen Illustrations by Aaron Goodelman
Sholem Aleichem Folks Shulen
Duker Samuel ed
Smolenskin Peretz
Catsuto da Firenze Moise Vita
Zionist Organization
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Bambus Willy
Nunis Toris David Rashi
Judah Ha-Levi Yehudah Ibn Tibon Hartwig Hirschfeld
Moses Adolph
Rabinovits Natan Yehudah Leyb
Karo Joseph Ben Ephraim 1488-1575
Jacobs Henry S
Weiss Louis
Vidaver H
Abraham Cahan
Adler S Merzbacher L
Landau Adolf Efimovich editor
Werne Isaac
Blau Joel
Tullidge Edward
Elzas Barnett A editor
Bronx Board of Trade
McCabe James
Vanderbilt Gertrude Lefferts
Kramer Frederick A
Fausser William
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