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H P Smith B W Illustrated by Photographers Ranger&Austen Jordan Bros Syracuse Inner Hinges starting slightly Cracked Brown Endpapers Couple B W Frontispieces&Map Engravers Bureau of Illustration Buffalo NY H C Barkley Preface FORMER OWNER STAMP Blank Endpapers Effie Seachrest BLANK Endpaers FOX&SMALL former owner stamp Illustrated with 4 plates in color by Edwin Howland Blashfield and 220 half tones from photos by the author
Gordon Holmes 1863-1928 AKA Blank Endpapers Fox Iner DJ Flap PriceClipped Detective fiction by the journalist and writer of thrillers and sometime collaborator of Shiel Michael Reaves SIGNED with Full Signature on Half Title pg with Spine DJ Sticker saying Autographed Copy DUSTJACKET Illustrated by Michael Koelsch Inner DJ Flap Original Price $25 95 Intact Author is Emmy winner for television writing Grace Livingston Hill Dustjacket Illustrated by Deborah L Chabrian Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped
Bruce T Torrence-SIGNED by Author On Title pg 300 Vintage b w Fotos Rust colored endpapers Tiny edge stains Title pg Erna Fergusson SIGNED&INSCRIBED by Author End papers are nautical maps of the Hawaiian Islands surrounded by the Pacific Ocean with shipping routes in Turquoise Blue&White Illustrated with 36 photographs 4 maps + endpaper maps Glossary index Robert G COWAN Lavishly illustrated in numerous vintage b&w photographs
Compiled by Joann Leach Larkey Illustrated by Jeanette Nunn Copley Joseph Pennell Blank Endpaers Fox Small former Owner Stamp Illustrated in Sepia Tones has 25 reproduction in photo-gravure from etchings and drawings Mary Graham M G Bonner PriceClipped DJ but Btm Flap has Code 09-012 Blank White endpapers
Mary Graham M G Bonner PriceClipped DJ but Btm Flap has Code 09-012&has small chips wear tears edges of Inner Flaps Blank White endpapers have Rub Scuff&small stamps ex-library copy with all normal markings&Pocket Removal&FORMER OWNER STAMP Clement Moore PICTURED IN COLOR by John R Neill Inner Blank Flap PriceClipped Color Frontispiece with Santa Holly Branches&Red Berries on Red&Blue Cap LUDWIG BEMELMANS SIGNED with Full Signature by Author on Title pg in Black Ink has colorful illustrated endpapers OF REPEATED BLACK CAT WITH 4 EYES&White outline poodle has Former Owner Pencil Name With Internals in B W&COLOR
Jon Whitcomb Illustrated by author in Red B W Inner DJ Flap Foxed HAS Original Price Intact $3 95 Color Endpapers of Standing B W Poodle Tugging on its Leash which is wrapped around Owners Leg Light Fox Leone Adelson&Lilian Moore Illustrated by Leonard Shortall in B W WITH FRONTISPIECE OF BLACK POODLE&CHICKEN IN YARD with pictorial cover has end papers decorated with several VARIOUS pictures of a black poodle NOT Ex-Library Inner DJ Flap Pricecl Larry M Harris
Colonel S P Meek Illustrated by Kurt Wiese in B W Blank Endpapers Foxed Jo Dereske Ex-library book Library stickers on spine Usual Wear&Stickers ETC by Aldarilla S Beistle ColorIllustrated Pictures by Mary Alice Beistle SIGNED by Author&Illustrator on Lightly Fox Blank Endpapers Inner Hinges Nice&Tight
ANDERSON Betty Baxter B W Frontispiece of Girl in Library with Sinister man at Door Decorations by Paul Galdone Blank Endpapers Slight Residue X-LBRARY Usual Wear Stamps Pocket FORMER OWNER Stamp BACK Blank FLYLEAF Florence Laughlin Illustrated by Jane Oliver In B W Library jacket covers DJ Ex-Library Usual wear Rub STAMPS pocket Lane Archer AKA Glossy B W Frontispiece Greg Looked at Her in Amazement Three b w Internal illustrations Blank Endpapers&Blank Flyleaf Ink Names&Markout
Monica MARSDEN B W Frontispiece of Man on Telephone&Beautiful Girl Outside Door Green&White Illustrated Endpapers Inner Flap DJ Large Sq PRICEClipped Lorna Lewis Glossy Colored Frontispiece Matches DJ Illustration They drove Home From market BLANK ENDPAPERS Scuff marks&Ink Name DICKSON&GERRY REYNOLDS FRONTISPIECE Illustrations DECORATIONS in B W BY Milton Wynne Associates Ex-Library usual wear Stamps ETC
Mildred A Wirt AKA Carolyn Keene Famous as Author of Nancy Drew Books in Red Color Dustjacket by K S Woerner S Griswold Morley Plain grey Endpapers Introduction Illustrated in B W photos + MAP Paul Waitt 8 Color Well-illustrated in multi-colors illustrations by Clara E Atwood Inner DJ Flap&DJ SPINE has Original Price of 50 cents Intact
Lilian MOORE Illustrated by Mary Stevens Inner DJ Flap PriceCliped Color Endpapers of Boy Running LORNA LEWIS Illustrated by Ruth Gervis in B W Blank Endpapers Light Fox Monica Marsden Inner DJ Flaps has Øriginal Price Intact of 8s 6d NET BLANK ENDPAPERS Light Fox
NO AUTHOR LISTED Anonymous Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped Blank Endpapers Bookplate Color Frontispiece Duplicates DJ Illustration Illustrated B W Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1949 Born in Boston Mass Illustrated B W&color illustrations&Book Design by Paul Galdone Inner DJ Flap ORIGINAL PRICE INTACT $2 95 Story and Lovely illustrations in full colour pictures by Jon Whitcomb EX-LIBRARY Light Wear rub BACK Blank Endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP Light Fox Priceclipped
Story Laura Harris Illustrated in Color by Julian Wehr includes 2 Pop-Ups 1 OF WHICH IS DAMAGED Text and BEAUTIFUL CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS Illustrations by E L SHUTE in Color&B W Sepia Frontispiece Soiled&Pencil marks Nice Condition shows Dog standing on 2 feet holding hands with Circle of Children Monica Marsden Illustrated by Nora S Unwin
Lorna Lewis Well Illustrated by J R Monsell in Color&B W Color frontispiece of 2 Dogs Toutou&George FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper With 8 colour illustrations and 16 B W text inserts Elisabeth Kyle B W Illustrated by Nora S Unwin RED&WHITE PICTORIAL ENDPAPERS Name&Former Owner Inscription In INK Kelly Slater&Jason Borte SIGNED&Inscribed by SLATER DJ Design by Deke Angel Inner DJ Flap Original price $24 95 Illustrated with Color&B W Photographs
Todd Richards World Champion Snowboarder WITH Eric Blehm SIGNED&Inscribed by Richards DUSTJACKET shows Alley-Oop Backside Air Photo by Rich Van Every Illustrated B W&Color Photos by ROB GRACIE C R Stecyk and Drew Kampion Designed&Edited by Tom Adler Foreword By Steve Pezman SMALL CREASE COLOR Photographic Frontispiece of Surfer in Sunglasses Numerous color photographs profusely illustrated in color and b&w Hughes Howard The Howard Hughes Story by Stephen White Photographs by Hyman Fink Milton H Greene Robert Vose ETC articles by Walter Lippmann AMY VANDERBILT Perkins H Bailey ETC
By Illustrator Oscar Fabres Color Illustrated Endpapers Black Porter in Blue Suit&Red Cap running with 2 pieces Luggage Blonde Boy in Red Overalls Cowboy on Horse ROOSTER ETC Victor Appleton blank endpaper light FOX with creases to back 1 shows slightly outer back cvr Glossy B W Frontispiece illustration by Walter S Rogers They Ran the Rope Around the Tree Fastening Gorilla Franklin W Dixon DJ Flap is PriceClipped Lists Thru Secret Skull Mountain Orange&White Endpapers By Gretta with FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper Light FoX
Elizabeth Honness Illustrated by Dorothy Bayley Morse in B W Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name Elizabeth Honness SIGNED Inscribed by Author Betty with affection and admiration in equal parts on the books dedication page to Agnes and Tim Illustrated Paul Frame Elizabeth Honness Illustrated Paul Frame in B W Inner DJ Flap priceClipped
Elizabeth Honness Ex-library Usual Wear Stamps Inner DJ Flap Price Clipped but Original Price Intact $5 95 shows tiny chips&small stains edge Helen Fuller Orton Illustrated by Robert Doremus Ex-Library Usual wear stamps Etc Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $2 69 Helen Fuller Orton who began writing in 1921 Illustrated by Robert Doremus in B W Ex-library copy usual wear Stamps ETC INNER DJ Flap PriceClipped but has Original Price Intact $2 has TAPE Residue on Edge&tear
J K Rowling orange endpapers illustrations by Mary Grandpre Photography Dolls designed&Made by Amalia Serkin Illust w 16 full color plates Illustrated in Glossy Color Photography&B W drawings Blank Endpapers Former Light wear Fox by Robert Browning Photography Dolls designed&Made by Amalia Serkin Illustrated inGlossy Color Photography&B W drawings Blank White Endpapers INNER DJ FLAP HAS ORIGINAL PRICE CODE 1 2 Intact w 16 full color plates
Photography Dolls designed&Made by Amalia Serkin Story of Brothers Grimm Illustrated in Glossy Color Photography&B W drawings Blank Endpapers Former Owner Inscription Foxed Christine Govan Title page b w illustrated and illustrations throughout the book by Leonard Shortall FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but Original Price Intact $4 21 by Charles G Clarke of San Marino CA A well known Cinematographer is Brother of Mrs Van griffith Illustrated b w fotos Includes Lost in Space by Stephen S Fentress of Griffith Observatory
Conon Fraser Illustrated by Will Nickless Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name&STAMP ion Back Flyleaf slight Fox Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact 7 6 NET Glossy B W Frontispiece the Oldest Beggar At Last Written by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's daughter Anna Roosevelt Dall originally for her children with illustrations by Marjorie Flack SIGNED BY Anna Dall&Marjorie Flack on Blank Endpapers with BOOKPLATE Attached Edited by Nova Nestrick Delightful illustrated diagrams by Barbara Remington in Color front illus endpapers of Pond Fish Mushrooms&Butterflies has Former Owner Inscription and gift notation on endpapers FORMER OWNER
Carolyn Sherwin Bailey Illustrations in full-color and B W by George Carlson Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but Original Price 75 Cents Intact Color Frontispiece I DONE RUN AWAY Br’er Possum said Lil Hannibal selected by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey B W Illustrated by Eunice Young Smith Night Before Christmas by Clement C Moore Color Frontispiece many children were standing around Santa Written by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's daughter Anna Roosevelt Dall with illustrations by Marjorie Flack Color Frontispiece of Boy&Girl IN GARDENS with Rabbit dressed in Red White&BLUE COLLAR
Carolyn Sherwin Bailey illustrated by Garry MacKenzie in B W Price-Clipped DJ with light edgewear but Price Code Intact of 70-120 Book plate on the front endpaper small gift inscription at the top Carolyn Sherwin Bailey Illustrated by Dorothy Bayley Morse Brief previous owner inscription on front free endpaper by Elizabeth Honness Illustrated in B W by Eloise Wilkin Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped but price Code intact 80-120 B W Frontispiece of boy&girl tipping into deserted Mansion
Katharine Adams 7 B W illustrations by Marguerite De Angeli Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but Original price Intact $1 75 Blank endpapers Fox Katharine Adams B W Illustrated by Decie Merwin Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but Original price Intact $2 Blank endpapers Fox Former Owner Name Ink&STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Conon Fraser Illustrated by Will Nickless Glossy B W Frontispiece In the Nick of Time Inner DJ Flap priceClipped but original Price Intact of 7 6 NET Half Title pg small Stamp
Brian Andreae B W Glossy Illustrated by R G Campbell Inner DJ Flap Priceclipped but Original Price Intact 7 6 NET B W GLOSSY FRONTISPIECE our Entrance was Undignified Wilson Gage she is Graduate of Chattanooga Univ B W Illustrated by Paul Galdone NOT EX-LIBRARY FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped but Original Price Intact $3 41 B W Frontispiece of scary Barn by Dorothy Aldis DRAWINGS BY Helen D Jameson POEMS BY James stephens ETC Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $2 PLAIN GREEN ENDPAPERS BOOKPLATE
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