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Phil Edwards surfer is a legendary surfer from Oceanside California COVER Photo by Lynn Pelham Articles by Bob Ottum Mark Mulvoy Told&Drawn by MARION BULLARD Illustrated in B W by Author To Enchant Small Children Plain Endpapers FOXED with REVIEW COPY STAMP with price $1 50 B W Frontispiece A Story by Richard Bach and B W photographs by Russell Munson INNER DJ FLAP SHOWS POUND 1 50 B W ENDPAPERS OF SEAGULS FORMER OWNER NAME ADDRESS
Alan Clark Miller B W Photography of Peter Britt Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $20 95&$18 95 til 1 1 77 Introduction by Miller 18 p illus biography of Britt 11 p notes about the plates by Peter E Palmquist Kalton C Lahue and Terry Brewer SIGNED&Inscribed by Lahue FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Original Inner DJ Price Marked Out 33 Diotone Photos Foreword by Kent D Eastin Illustrated B W Fotos Slater Brown SIGNED&Inscribed in Red Ink Inner DJ Flap Price Clipped Illustrated B W DJ Design Susan Schwalb
Phil Edwards surfer is a legendary surfer from Oceanside California With Certificate of authenticity One of the all-Time Greats who was considered by most to be Top Dog during late 1950's&Early 1960's by Rev Father Patrick Roddy Illustrated B W&Additional Brochure&Golden Jubilee Sermon Preached at Mission Santa Barbara by Father Joseph Thompson James Connor III Illustrated with B W photographs of boys surfing by John J Atkinson Jr Orville Andrews Werner Stoy ETC plain Goldenrod Endpapers Inner DJ Flap original Price intact $3 95 NOT EX-LIBRARY
James L Summers DJ Illustration by Alex Stein Inner Dj flap original Price Intact $3 50 Ex-Library usual wear stamps etc Elizabeth Gray Potter&Mabel Thayer Gray TIPPED in Frontispiece of The Mission the Modern Structures Crowd Upon the Low Adobe Building by Audley B Wells Plain Beige Endpapers Illustrated with b&w drawings BY WELLS Priestley J B J B plain Endpapers Foxed
Ted Giles SIGNED BY AUTHOR B W Illustrations by John Moll APPENDIX Robert A Streeter&Robert G Hoehn Illustrated by O Soglow&Dr Seuss Blank Endpapers Fox Preface aH Hetty Waddingham Seers INNER HINGE WHITE TPE REINFORCEMENT B W Illustrated by Joyce L Brisley including colour Frontispiece of 2 children asking Farmer Have You seen a Sailor asked Thomas Few of the line drawings in the text have been Colou
A Story by Richard Bach and B W photographs by Russell Munson INNER DJ FLAP SHOWS $4 95 B W ENDPAPERS OF SEAGULLS SCUFF MARK TOP EDGE by Florence Temko B W&Color Illustrations by Paul Jackson&Florence Temko Photos by Richard Peterson&David Friend Book Design by Kathleen McKeown X-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR STAMPS ETC Written by Cheryl Ladd&Brian Russell SIGNED&Inscribed BY Authors on blue Endpapers Color Illustrated by Ezra Tucker&Nancy Krause
John Steinbeck illustrated by Wesley Dennis in Watercolors reproduced by 4 Color Process offset Lithography Color pictorial endpapers of Horses Running Frank Marino SIGNED Inner DJ Flap price clipped Signature is on the purple front free endpaper C0-Authored Steve and Cathy Marks Illustrtated B W Fotos NOT LISTED This Book belong to page has in INK Shirley 401-W-117 ST Hawthorn etc WiTH Psalm 119 105 at Btm Illustrated in B W Miniature Leather Bk with Gold Gilt Title PREFACE
Betty Baxter ANDERSON who lives in La Jolla Calif Decorations by Paul Galdone FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Millie Robbins Society Editor San Francisco Chronicle for 20 yrs called Millie s Column Line drawing illustrations Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $6 95 Don Blanding Illustrated by author in B W Frontispiece drawing in B W SIGNED by author ALOHA DON BLANDING Blank Endpapers small Former Owner X-LIBRARY Stamp usual wear B W Frontispiece
Jan Burke Seal Beach Calif Author SIGNED&Dated 2 12 94 in Silver Ink by Author Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $20 Bright neon yellow Plain Endpapers Cover Photograph by Christa of MODEL DOLORES GREER in Blue Jumpsuit&wearing Brown Pointed SlipOn Shoes Standing on White Gravel was very Elusive to IDENTIFY but turns out she was living in Santa Monica CA all the Time SIGNED ON COVER BY SURFER PHIL EDWARDS in Blue JSA authenticated james spence authentication LABEL 1231595 on cvr Articles Jack Nicklaus by Alfred Wright
This book belongs To Page NOT FILLED IN Illustrated in B W&Turquoise Blue NO AUTHOR Alphonse De Lamartine TRANSLATED FROM FRENCH INTO ENGLISH Blank endpapers soiled pencil marks Author born at Macon October 21 1790 His father was imprisoned during the Terror narrowly escaping the Guillotine Phil Edwards surfer is a legendary surfer from Oceanside California One of the all-Time Greats who was considered by most to be Top Dog during late 1950's&Early 1960's
SIGNED&DATED 2-28-2008 BY artist Zeng Jianyong artist Photos by Kathy Amerman Preface by Carol Cheh who is writer&Curator based in Los Angeles Mary C Meglemre SIGNED&Inscribed by Author Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $19 95 She impersonated Judy Gaarland on Stage at La Cage B W Illustrated Photos NO AUTHOR Illustrated in B W Photos
Fernando Krahn B&W&Peach illustrations on cream colored paper inner DJ Flap Original Price intact $5 95 Plain Green endpapers DJ says Reinforced Binding with 503096 Judith Reichman M D SIGNED&Inscribed by Author Front Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $25 95 Chuck Palahniuk SIGNED on Title pg along with two red lip stamps to the title page which were part of his book tour Original DJ price intact $24 95 Autograph guaranteed Authentic
Candace Bushnell Plain Orange Endpapers Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $24 Richard Kearton INK NAME DEDICATION PG Preface ILLUSTRATED B W by Cherry Kearton 180 illustrations from photographs Inner Hinges staring slightly cracked&small Tear to STAMPED Endpaper Frontispiece Dispatch of St Kilda Mail-Boat Foxed on Blank Clare Naylor and Mimi Hare creased Inner DJ Flap shows Original price of $21 95 Intact DJ Design by Roseanne J Serra
BY Helen Hunt Jackson Introduction Oscar Lewis Illustrated in Color Jean-Jacques Jura&Rodney Norman Bardin II SIGNED&Inscribed By Authors on Title Page Illustrated in B W DR Alfred Pearce Dennis who served on colleges Princeton University Smith College ETC COLOR ILLUSTRATED DJ by Chas K Stevens 21 B&W photos plain Blank endpapers Foxed Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped
Mary Pope Osborne who lives in Connecticut Illustrated by Sal Murdocca WITH ORIGINAL PRICE INTACT BACK CVR OF $12 99 DJ Design by Heather Palisi by Jack DOUGLAS Writer in Television Retold By Watty Piper Glossy color Illustrated by George&Doris Hauman from the Pony Engine by Mabel C Bragg Inner DJ Flap PRICECLIPPED with INK Name both corners clipped from flap with No 520&003-008 at Btm
David Feldman Masters Degree in Popular Culture Illustrated by Kassie Schwan IN B W DJ Illustration by Kassie Schwan Frederick Lenz world class snowboarder&black Belt in Martial Arts Inner DJ Flap Original price intact $16 95 Retold by Watty Piper Illustrated by George&Doris Hauman
LADBROKE BLACK A scarce book by the British Aristocrat and Science Fiction Writer B W photographs and illustrations FORMER OWNER STAMP BACK Blank endpapers light Fox Patrick F Quinn Quinn Was Professor at Wellesley College Illustrated Inner DJ Flap PricClipped but retains Original price intact of $5 Blank Endpaper Former Owner Name Ink Retold by Watty Piper Illustrated by George&Doris Hauman Most GOLD FOIL spine strip paper missing AT SPINE CVR
Scott 986 First Day Cover 1949 First Day ISSUE Cover WITH 4 Cancelled Poe Stamps 10 7 49 Richmond Block Edgar Allen Poe Harry Kurnitz DJ price still intact $2 75 B W GLOSSY Photographes from Play Two page frontis and two additonal B W photos from 10 54 production at the Lyceum Theatre NYC Check out Mike Wallace in the cast Anita Brenner Illustrated by Jean Charlot Prof at University of Hawaii Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $3 95 has small corner Residue
E M PENN Inner DJ Flap PRICE CLIPPED BUT shows Original price Intact 7s 6d NET with another inked price FORMER OWNER STAMP BACK BLANK Endpaper Brian X Chen SIGNED Copy ON Da Capo Press BOOKPLATE by Chen on Title Page Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $25 Plain Black Endpapers DJ Design by Alex Camlin Commissioner of Indian Affairs Charles H Burke chief supervisor H B Peairs Supervisor of Indian Tribal Schools Herbert C Calhoun
Michael Phillips SIGNED on Title pg by Author who Lives in Lawndale California with Original Price on back Cvr of $8 95 SIGNED MADONNA ACTRESS SINGER on Cvr by Basil Woon 20 Humorous B W Illustrations by Wynn chronicle their adventure as they travel west Inner Flap DJ Original Price Intact of $2 50 Inner hinges starting CRACKED
Retold by Watty Piper Illustrated by George&Doris Hauman two inch piece of foil missing at foot of spine CVR GEORGE R GRAHAM EDITOR CONTRIBUTOR EDGAR ALLAN A POE ETC Contains the Rare Engraving of Edgar Allan Poe! Also Has 2 Poe Stories Poems by Longfellow and 30 + Engravings Including Several Native American Indians&3 Color Plates Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 Lived in England Beautifully COLOR illustrated with original oil paintings Illustrated by Dean Morrissey who lives in Cape Cod Inner DJ Flap Original price Intact $6 95
Noreen Ayres SIGNED&Dated 10 16 92 $19 00 price listed on DJ flap X J Kennedy Kennedy&Dorothy M Kennedy ILLUSTRATED charming Watercolors BY Jane Dyer SIGNED ON BOOKPLATE BY ALL 2 Kennedys&Dyer Elspeth Wills Plain Gold Endpapers
Noreen Ayres SIGNED DATED MAY 1992 $19 00 price listed on DJ flap Nancy Woollcott Smith Lives in East Lansing Michigan Illustrated B W by Dorothy Marino FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Eric Simons Inner DJ Price Intact $24 B W Frontispiece of Charles Darwin by Elliot&Fry
Will Irwin Frontispiece Adolph Zukor List of Illustrations Zukor FOUNDER OF PARAMOUNT STUDIOS IN HOLLYWOOD Charles Dickens Cover almost Detached on Vol 1&has been TAPED AT Inner Hinge B W Frontipsiece Author in 1838 with Tissue Guard by Boz Adapted from story by Eudora Welty Adapted By Joseph Fields and Jerome Chodorov DJ Flap Original price Intact $2 95 Orginally presented at the Music Box Theatre in New York City
Audrey and William Roos Original DJ price on flap $2 95 Intact WITH PENCIL MARKS B&W Photograph Frontispiece Blank Endpapers tiny Foil mark Illustrated B W Photos Max Shulman and Robert Paul Smith comedy The Tender Trap starring Robert Preston Kim Hunter and Ronny Graham DJ Flap Original price Intact but rub wear Orginally presented at Longacre Theatre in in New York City Laura Ingalls Wilder Pictures in B W by Garth Williams Yellow Endpapers FORMER OWNER STICKER&Pocket GLUED on Back Endpaper B W Frontispiece of Hayride Followed by a Dog
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