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Charles Forbes Taylor SIGNED by author Inner Flap DJ price clipped but Original Price Intact $1 FORMER OWNER STAMP back blank endpaper FoXing blank Endpapers BARBARA HUTTON AKA MDIVANI Barbara SIGNED BARBARA&INSCRIBED FROM VENICE 1934 FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper She was married to the playboy Alexis Mdivani Stephen Longstreet SIGNED CORDIALLY BY AUTHOR Inner DJ Flap $3 95 Drawing on front of Dustjackety by Dick Dodge
Calculus with 7'6D on cvr OR SEVEN SHILLINGS&SIXPENCE Foxing blank endpapers Adverts to front and rear James Weldon Johnson Harlem Renaissance figure + 13 illustrations and decorative endpapers was an accomplished educator diplomat editor and NAACP organizer SIGNED&Inscribed by Quentin Crisp on Half Title pg Illustrations by Jo Lynch FOX TO ENDPAPERS
Edited Randolph E Haugan Illustrated Conrad Pickel Color Frontispiece Canadian Christmas watercolor by Garnet Hazard Ruth L Dieffenbacher Hazel Ford Yggdrasil EVA KNOX EVANS Illustrated in Yellow B W by Millard McGee PRICECLIPPED&CREASE TO INNER DJ FLAP SOME Photos by Ken Larkey TITLE PAGE IS WRINKLED Introduction Illustrated IN COLOR&B W
Ray Cannon&Sunset Editors endpapers have a browntone map illustrated color&B W Half title Page Light FOX Stains MAY JUSTUS B W&Color with ten plates in color throughout Illustrated by Carrie Dudley Color illustrated Endpapers Gabby Gaffer dancing with ten plates in color Throughout Ngaio Marsh Small Dealer STAMP Btm copyright pg blank endpapers small ink smudge red 35 Inner DJ Flap $3 50 photo of author back of DJ By Angus McBean
Color Illustrated Vic Havel James Weldon Johnson Drawings Aaron Douglas Lettering by C B Falls SIGNED REGGIE DOSS 71 RAMS CRAIG MCEUWAN CEDRICK HARDMAN 49ers MARLON BRISCOE 15 FRED MCNEIL 54 JESSE SAPOLU 49ers ETC
Skelton Red written&Illustrated INNER DJ FLAP $5 95 coloured frontispiece former owner stamp back blank endpaper 60 pages of Jokes&color Illustrations with 1 Intact in Number Line Copyright pg TOLD&Pictured by Marjorie Flack Plain endpapers worn wrinkled EX-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR RUB STAMPS Color FrontisPiece of Dogs playing Inner Hinges Tape Reinforced PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY DOLL
Produced by Universal Television UNOPENED A&E 2013 For Your Emmy Consideration Bates Motel Season 1 episodes 1-6 DVD FROM TV TELEVISION SERIES Norman Psycho Prequel Rare Written&color&B W Illustrated by Marjorie Flack 1897-1958 Fox blank endpapers mended TAPE EX-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR SCUFFING STAMPS LOIS LENSKI PREVIOUS OWNER name and date Xmas 1940 upper corner of color decorated Ffep Illustrated in B W&Orange
by Helen A Monsell Illustrated in Color&B W by CALDECOTT HONOR ARTIST-Kurt Wiese Front Yellow Inner Flap DJ Original $1 00 Intact Fred Beck SIGNED by ELUSIVE AND LEGENDARY author with added comments by me Sallie in Margins in INK on 4 or more pgs Foreward H Allen Smith illustrations by Emax in B W DAPHNE DU MAURIER book is SIGNED 'Best Wishes from-Daphne du Maurier' to title page 1907-1989 English author&Playwright born in LONDON Price sticker covers Original price on DJ FLAP
DAPHNE DU MAURIER book is SIGNED Daphne du Maurier' to title page 1907-1989 English author&Playwright born in LONDON DJ FLAP $3 50 Green Endpapers Former OWNER Inscription Written&COLOR&B W Illustrated by Marjorie Flack 1897-1958 INNER DJ FLAP $2 95&small Residue&Red 3 Decorated Yellow Orange&B W Endpapers FORMER OWNER NAME Fred Beck SIGNED by ELUSIVE AND LEGENDARY author Priceclipped but says 1st Large Printing on Inner DJ Flap Illustrated B W
Signed Check by Zane Grey Fred Beck SIGNED by ELUSIVE AND LEGENDARY author in black ink on the front free endpaper illustrations by Emax in B W CLIPPED DJ but $2 THOMAS BURKE English essayist $2 Original price on DJ flap FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper He was married to Winnifred Wells
by Lear Edward Illustrated B W drawings by Edward Gorey Hideyuki Oka color&b w Photographs by Michikazu Sakai PC But original Price Intact Charles H Babbitt EX-LIBRARY Usual wear STAMPS ETC Includes a variety of B W illustrations and maps throughout text BOOKPLATE blank endpaper illustrated by George Simon Etc
by L FRANK BAUM Color Frontispece&B W illustrated by Leonard Weisgard Inner Flap PriceClipped DJ Design Dick Umnitz Told by Margaret Jacobson ILLUST drawn Emily Elman All illustrations are bright and clean Basil Woon SIGNED&Inscribed by Author blank endpaper ILLUSTRATED
Prince Dhammadhibet translated by Khunying Chamnongsri Rutnin Illustrated in Color Pictured&Described b y D Gwyn Jeffreys Color Frontispiece 5 Children in coats Illustrated Color Plates Decorated color Endpapers FORMER Owner Name Half Title pg Hildegarde Hoyt Swift
LYDIA&Don FREEMAN Illustrated with color drawings by the author EX-LIBRARY USUAL WEAR STAMPS ETC Color Frontispiece of Train DOROTHY CLARKE WILSON SIGNED on Blank Endpaper Inner DJ Flap $3 95 Honore de Balzac Orange&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers Priceclipped but 95 Cents on INNER DJ Flap
Laura Bannon Scratchboard 2 color Illustrations By Author Inner DJ Flap $3 57&back Flaps advertises for Katy&the Big Snow B W Illustrated Endpaper DR Hyman E Goldin Inner DJ Flap $1 50 FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Illustrated in B W F Scott Fitzgerald DJ FLAP $4 50
Phinneas Crutch B W decorative line drawings by John Held Frontis and full page plates Drawings at top of each page CHARLES DICKENS 1812-1870 GREY&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers DJ FLAP $1 25 Introduction by Edward Wagenknecht Jean Crosse Hansen SIGNED Inscribed Dated 1959 on Front blank Endpaper Inner DJ Flap $2
By Rosita Forbes&Louis Gillet Christopher Lord Robert Norrie TAPE Reinforcement Inner Outer Hinges-Fully Illustrated DR Hyman E Goldin Illustrated B&W engravings Stories from Talmud&Midrash Initials blank Endpapers Charles Dickens BOOKPLATE on Orange&White Rockwell Kent running man with Streamer Endpapers Preface 210 books mentioned on Back of DJ with Coupon
Joyce Kilmer ILLUSTRATED BY E MACKINSTRY OR ELIZABETH MACKINSTRY COLOR ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS GHD logo on copyright page English version by E Powys Mathers Translated into French from his own Arabic Text-This is English Version b W Frontispiece with Tissue Guard Theophile Gautier FRENCH WRITER Yellow&White Bernhard Endpapers INNER DJ FLAP 95 CENTS Intact Preface Contains original shop sticker
Paul Frischauer Inner DJ Flap $3 Tape Residue&Initials on blank endpapers EMILY POST aka SIGNED by author Attached Bookplate Award for Good Manners blank endpapers TAPE RESIDUE JOYCE KILMER SIGNED&IINSCRIBED&Dated Jan 14 1915 NYC by Joyce Kilmer death of joyce kilmer in France Aug 1918 age 31
Emily Dickinson with an Introduction by Conrad Aiken Inner DJ Flap Original Price Intact $1 25 Grey&White Running Man Endpapers Anatole France 1844-1924 son of bookseller Aubrey Beardsley green illustration inside boards Translation by Mrs John Lane ANNIE EICHBERG 2 6 NET ON DJ Spine rubbed Robert L Lewis May written for Montgomery Ward COLOR Illustrated by Denver Gillen DJ Illustration by Scott Gustafson Inner DJ Flap $9 95 Pictorial color endpapers of Rudolph
George H Waltz Jr Priceclipped but Original DJ price of $2 50 is Intact DJ Design Hollis Holland Author Photo on back DJ Lite Scuff LADBROKE BLACK A scarce book by the British Aristocrat and Science Fiction Writer B W GLOSSYphotographs and illustrations Blank endpapers light Fox SPINE DJ 12 6 NET PRICE John O Hara Introduction by Lionel Trilling Inner Flap Priceclipped GREY&WHITE Running man Endpapers
Noel de Vic Beamish IN ENGLISH Taken from the Arabian INNER DJ Flap 12 6 NET Mark Collins Jenkins SIGNED&INSCRIBED Inner DJ Flap $25 Black Endpapers Front Cvr Design Melissa Farris DJ DESIGN Cameron ZOTTER Claude A LA BELLE Blank endpapers PENCIL NAME foxed ENDPAPERS With B W GLOSSY FRONTISPIECE matches Cover
Howard R Garis TITLE PAGE MISSING Water Stains Thruout&AROUND COVER Edges Color Illustrations by Louis Wisa with Blank Margin water stains 31 Chapters Inner Hinges Cracked Claude A LA BELLE Blank endpapers Foxed With B W GLOSSY FRONTISPIECE matches Cover Noel de Vic Beamish IN ENGLISH Taken from the Arabian EX-LENDING LIBRARY WITH Bookplate&STAMPS 0N Blank Endpaper
HOWARD R GARIS Color Frontispiece Illustrations by Louis Wisa Lang Campbell Illustratd DJ front cvr 31 Chapters Illustrated with 7 other plates each printed in two colors Stanley Allen Lane B W FRONTISPIECE EMPEROR NORTON IN HAPPY VALLEY LOUNGE OF PALACE Hotel in San Francisco ORANGE&WHITE ILLUSTRATED ENDPAPERS but 1st and last blank page are Missing JOHN MILTON Inner DJ flap $1 25 Grey&White Rockwell Kent Endpapers
William Makepeace Thackeray Vera Bock DJ Art ORANGE&white Rockwell endpapers Inner DJ Flap Pricclipped with 95 cents Ellye Howell Glover SIGNED&Inscribed to Previous Owner by author MISS ELLIE Christmas 1913 AKA Dame Curtsey B W Frontispiece Photo Upright Harpsichord by Elaine&Willy Pogany SIGNED&Inscribed by Both B W Illustrated Endpapers illustrated in COLOR&b w B W Frontispiece
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