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Gould, John:: Porzana Pygmaea (Baillon's Crake) Gould, John:: Lesser Grey Shrike Addison, Joseph:: The Works [...] With a Complete Index
Lear, Edward:: Journal of a Landscape Painter In Corsica Walpole, Horace:: Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpole. Selected from his Correspondence and Papers [...] by Willam Coxe [...] Seneca:: [...] Opera Omnia quae supersunt. Recognovit et illustravit Fridericus Ernestus Ruhkopf [...]
Ammianus Marcellinus:: [...] Rerum Gestarum [...] ex MS. Codicis emendati ab Henrico Valesio, & Annotationibus illustrati [...] Lysias & Isocrates (John Gillies trans.):: The Orations of Lysias and Isocrates, Translated from the Greek; With Some Account of Their Lives; And A Discourse on the History, Manners, and Character of the Greeks, from the Conclusions of the Peloponnesian War, to the Battle of Chaeronea. By John Gillies, LL.D Lucretius:: De Rerum Natura [...] Quibus additae sunt Conjecturae & Emendationes Tan. Fabri cum Notulis Perpetuis. [...]
Gibbon, Edward:: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [...] A New Edition [...] Cicero:: Opera Omnia ex recensione Jo. Aug. Ernesti cum Varietate Lectionis Gruterianae et Clave Ciceroniana. [...] Editio Nova Arnobius:: Adversus Gentes Libri VII. Cum Recensione Viri Celeberrimi, & integris omnium commentariis. Editio novissima atque omnium accuratissima
Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius & Vegetius:: Scriptores Rei Rusticae Veteres Latini e recensione Jo. Matth. Gesneri cum eiusdem Praef. et Lexico Rustico Latin Poets:: Poetae Latini Minores [...] Curavit Io. Christianus Wernsdorf Ahl, Frances Norene:: Two Thousand Miles up the Amazon
Woodroffe, Joseph F.:: The Upper Reaches of the Amazon Bible:: The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments., The text carefully revised from the most correct copies of the present Authorised Translation, including the marginal readings and parallel texts. With a commentary and critical notes [...] by Adam Clarke [...] a new edition, with the author’s final corrections. [...] Homer (attrib.):: Homeri Hymnus in Cererem, Nunc Primum Editus a Davide Ruhnkenio. Accedunt Duae Epistolae Criticae, ex Editione altera, multis partibus locupletiores
Bates, Henry Walter:: The Naturalist on the River Amazons [...] second edition [...] Cambridge, Richard Owen:: The Works [...] including several pieces never before published: with an account of his life and character by his son, George Owen Cambridge [...] Dibdin, Thomas Frognall:: Aedes Althorpianae; or an account of the Mansion, Books and Pictures at Althorp; the Residence of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. to which is added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. [...]
Roberts, David:: Remains of a Triumphal Arch at Petra Roberts, David:: The Ravine (Petra) Roberts, David:: Site of Petra
Roberts, David:: The Acropolis, Lower End of the Valley (Petra) Roberts, David:: Petra, Shewing the Upper or Eastern End of the Valley Roberts, David:: The Theatre (Petra)
Roberts, David:: Temple called El Khasne, Petra (the “Treasury”, detail) Roberts, David:: Mount Hor, from the cliffs encirling Petra Roberts, David:: The Arch crossing the Ravine (Petra)
Roberts, David:: Tomb of Aaron, Summit of Mount Hor (Petra) Roberts, David:: Rock of Moses, Wady-el-Leja, Mount Horeb Bisse, Thomas: The Beauty of Holiness in the Common Prayer: as set forth in Four Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel, in the Year 1716 [...] The Tenth Edition
Faber, George Stanley:: The Difficulties of [Deistical] Infidelity [...] Hooker, Richard:: The Works [...] in Eight Books of Ecclesiastical Polity [...] Ammianus Marcellinus:: Rerum Gestarum [...] Editio Posterior [...]
Claudian:: Opera quae extant, interpretatione et annotationibus illustravit Gulielmus Pyrrho [...] in usum Serenissimi Delphini Historiae Romanae Scriptores:: Historiae Romanae Scriptores Latini Veteres, qui extant omnes: Regum, Consulum, Caesarum res gestas ab Urbe condita continentes: nunc primum in unum redacti Corpus, duobus Tomis distinctum [...] Tibullus:: [... Opera] quae exstant [...]
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Gould, John:: Jack Snipe Gould, John:: Crested Tit Gould, John:: Marsh Bunting
Gould, John:: Fieldfare Gould, John:: Reed Bunting Gould, John:: Crested Lark
Gould, John:: Richard’s Pipit Gould, John:: Grey-Headed Wagtail Gould, John:: White-Winged Wagtail
Gould, John:: Black Wheatear Gould, John:: Barred Warbler Gould, John:: Sparrow Owl
Staunton, Sir George:: A chart of part of the coast of Cochin-China including Turon Harbour [Danang] and the island Callao from an actual survey in June 1793. By H.W. Parish of the Royal Artillery and J.Barrow Jode, Gerard de:: Primae Partis Asiae accurata delineatio habens nomina antiqua et recentia continens Turcici Imperii magnam partem ac Sophorum seu Persarum Regnum observatis ubique cum longitudinis tum latitudinis gradib. Auctore Iacobo Gastaldo pedemontano. Gerhardis de Jode excudebat Roberts, David:: Remains of the Portico of the temple of Kom Ombo
ENGLAND, CORNWALL: Blaeu:: Cornubia sive Cornwallia ENGLAND, BERKSHIRE: Neele, Samuel John:: A Plan of the Town of Reading copied by permission of the Rev. Cha. Coates from the Plan prefixed to his History of that Town Church, R.W.:: Bacon
Anselm of Bec, Saint, & Eadmer:: Sancti Anselmi ex Beccensi Abbate Cantuariensis Archieposcopi Opera: nec non Eadmeri Monachi Cantuariensis Histroia Novorum, et alia Opuscula: labore ac studio D. Gabrielis Gerberon [...] Secunda Editio, coreecta & aucta Cromwell, Thomas:: Oliver Cromwell and his times [...] second edition Covens & Mortier (after Sanson):: Les Deux Poles Arcticque ou Septentrional et Antarcticque ou Meridional, ou Description des Terres Arcticques et Antarctiques et des Pays circomvoisins jusques aux 45 Degres de Latitude [...]
Ruscelli, Girolamo:: Tabula Asiae V ENGLAND: Ogilby, John:: The Roads from London to Wells in Norfolk and St Edmonds Bury in Suffolk ENGLAND, LEICESTERSHIRE: Speed, John:: Leicester, both Countye and Citie described [...]
ENGLAND, WESTMORLAND: Speed, John:: The Countie of Westmorland and Kendale the cheif towne described Aristotle:: Ethics and Politics, comprising his Practical Philosophy, translated from the Greek: illustrated by introduction and notes [...] by John Gillies [...] the Third Edition [...] ENGLAND, CAMBRIDGESHIRE: Saxton-Kip:: Cambridge Comitatus quem olim Iceni insederunt
Ordnance Survey:: London Sheet VII.75 [Bankside] Philip, George & Sheldrake, T. Swinborne:: The Chambers of Commerce Atlas [...] A systematic survey of the world's trade, economic resources & communications specially prepared for The Times Trade and Engineering Supplement [...] Philip, George:: Philips’ New Handy General Atlas and Gazetteer: A Geographical Survey of the New Era [...] Third Edition, revised to show the latest territorial changes [...]
Goodall, George & Fullard, Harold:: The Standard Reference Atlas Baines, Edward:: United States of America, exhibiting the Seat of War on the Canadian Frontier from 1812 to 1815 Stanford, Edward:: Stanford's London Atlas of Universal Geography: exhibiting the Physical and Political divisions of the various Countries of the World
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