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SANTINI, Paolo: Partie Occidentale de L Empire de Russie en Asie Contenant les Provinces de .. PURCHAS, Rev. Samuel: Greneland [Spitsbergen] BOWEN, Emanuel: A New & Accurate Map of Moscovy, or Russia in Europe, with its Acquisitions ..
WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: De Zee Custen Tusschen Douere en Orfordts Nesse, Daer de Teemse de Vermaer de Rivire va Lonon .. ORTELIUS, Abraham: Austriae Ducatus Chorographia, Wolfgango Lazio Auctore BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Oenipons, sive Enipontus vulgo Insspruck, Tirolensis Comitatus Urbs Amplissima MDLXXV
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Constantia, vulgo Costnitz Memorabile Sueuie Opp MERIAN, Matthaus: Die Eydtgnoschafft Punten und Wallis Helvetia cum Confinijs. Hans Conr'd Geiger von Zurich. Fecit Anno 1637 MERIAN, Matthaus: Mantua Ducatus
D'ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon: Troisieme Partie de la Carte d'Asie, Contenant la Siberie, et quelques autres Parties de la Tartarie ... par le Sr. d'Anville ... MDCCLIII avec Privilege HONDIUS, Henricus: Scotia Regnum HONDIUS, Henricus: Scotiae Regnum
MERCATOR, Geradus: Siciliae Regnum ORTELIUS, Abraham: Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, Novissima & Exactissima Descriptio LONDON MAGAZINE: A Plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimakinac, to Shew the Situation & Importance of the Two Westernmost Settlements of Canada for the Fur Trade
CAMDEN, William: Britannia: Or a Chorographical Description of Great Britain SMITH, Charles: A Two Sheet Map of the Principality of Wales NORDENSKJOLD, Nils Adolf Erik: Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History of Cartography ..
CARY, John: Hertfordshire CASSINI DE THURY, Cesar-Francois: (Channel Islands) SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Frugiferi ac Amaeni Herefordiae Comitatus ..
BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte Des Isles Philippines KAEMPFER, Englebert: De Stad Nagasaki KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan
KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Kaart van de Reys te Land van Fammamatz tot aan Farra door Engelbert Kaempfer KAEMPFER, Englebert: Platte Grondt van dr Stad MIACO. JAPAN KAEMPFER, Englebert: Beschryving van de Stad Jedo
KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Kokura tot Khurissima KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Nagasaki tot Kokura KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart te Land strekkende van Jokaitz tot aan het Dorp Fammamatz
QUAD, Matthias: Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locupletissima Descriptio MERCATOR, Gerard: Das Wiflispurgergou SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Lecestriae Comitatus. Sive Leicestershyre: Pars olim Coritanorum
BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of Portugal Laid down According to the Sr. Nolin BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of Switzerland Comprehending the Thirteen Cantons with their Allies and Subjected Territories by Abr. Rouvier BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of the German Empire, Divided into its Circles
DIX, Thomas: A New Map of the County of Buckinghamshire Divided into Wards BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New Pocket Map of the Discoveries Made by the Russians on the North West Coast of America. Published by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Petersburg BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Costes de France depuis Brest jusqu'a Dunkerque et celles d'Angleterre qui leur sont opposees
DE FER, Nicolas: Carte Nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar MUNSTER, Sebastian: Tabula Asiae V DE FER, Nicolas: Partie Orientale du Gouvernement General de Languedoc ou se trouve dans Les Sevenes et dans le Bas Languedoc
COVENS, Jean - MORTIER, Corneille: Le Gouvernement General de Guienne et Gascogne JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert: Le Cercle de Baviere COVENS, Jean & MORTIER, Pierre: Le Cercle de Baviere Divisee en touts les Estats ..
VALK, Gerard: Pars summa, seu Australis Superioris Rheni Circuli; Compleetens praeter Lotharingiae Ducatum et Alsatiam Utramque QUAD, Matthias: Bavaria Ducatus LOTTER, Tobias Conrad: Insularum Danicarum ut Zee-Landie Fioniae,Langelandiae Lalandiae Falstriae Fembriae monae
SANDBY, Paul: Eton College from Crown Corner BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de l'Isle de la Barbade Dressee au Depost des Cartes et Plans de la Marine pour le Service des Vaisseaux du Roy .. DALRYMPLE, Alexander: Chart of the Northern Part of the Bay of Bengal Laid down Chiefly from the Surveys Made by Bartholomew Plaisted and John Ritchie
HOMANN, Johann Baptiste: Bavariae Circulus et Electorat .. ORTELIUS, Abraham: Bavariae olim Vindeliciae, Delineationis Compendium ex Tabula Philippi Apiani Math BOWEN, Emanuel - KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of Northampton Shire. Divided into its Hundreds ..
DE VAUGONDY, Robert: Royaume De Danemarck, qui comprend le Nort-Jutland Divise en ses Quatre Dioceses, le Sud-Jutland Divise en ses Deux Duches de Sleswick et de Holstein, et les Isles de Fionie, Selande, Laland, &c SENEX, John: The Province of Artois and the country adjacent By William de l'Isle Geoger. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris RAMBLE, Reuben: Reuben Ramble’s Travels in the Northern Counties of England
RAMBLE, Reuben: Reuben Ramble’s Travels in the Midland Counties of England DEPOT DES CARTES ET PLANS DE LA MARINE: Carte Particuliere des Cotes Bresil, Iguape et I'Ile Cao Sebastio DEPOT GENERAL DE LA MARINE: Carte Reduite des Atterages de Montevideo dans la Riviere de la Plata
DEPOT DES CARTES ET PLANS DE LA MARINE: Plan de la Baie de Bahia de Todos os Santos DEPOT GENERAL DE LA MARINE: Plan du Port de Civita-Vecchia DEPOT DES CARTES ET PLANS DE LA MARINE: Plan du Port de Genes et de ses Environs
SPEED, John: Herefordshire Described with the True Plot of the Citie Hereford as also the Armes of thos Nobles that have been Intituled with that Dignity SPEED, John - OVERTON, Henry: Herefordshire DUDLEY, Sir Robert: Carta Particolare dell Mare Oceano fra l'Ierlandia e l'Isole de Asores ..
ROSSI, Giacomo Giovanni de: Asiae Minoris Iacobi Cantellij Vineolensis .. BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte Generale de la Coste de Guinee depuis la Riviere de Sierra Leona jusqu'au Cap de Lopez Gonsalvo .. GASTALDI, Giacomo: Marmarica Nova Tabula
GASTALDI, Giacomo: Africa Minor Nova Tabula GASTALDI, Giacomo: Tabula Africae III MELA, Pomponius: Aegyptus
MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio: Tabula Africae IIII MELA, Pomponius: Cyrenaica MELA, Pomponius: Numidia
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