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BUTTERS, Robert: Cheshire DEPOT DES CARTES ET PLANS DE LA MARINE: Plan de la Baie de Pouzzol GASTALDI, Giacomo: Moschovia Nova Tabula
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: The Royal English Atlas: Being a New[sic] and Accurate Set of Maps of all the Counties BASIRE, Isaac: A View of Casal, a Very Strong City and Castle in Italy, taken by the Duke of Savoy in Decemr. 1706 DEPPING, George Bernard: L'Angleterre ou description historique et topographique
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Atlas of the Counties of England from Actual Surveys Made from the years 1817-33 ORTELIUS, Abraham: Thusciae Descriptio Auctore Hieronymo Bellarmato BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de l'Ocean Oriental, ou Mer des Indes ..
CAMDEN, William - HOLE, William: Hiberniae Ireland, Anglis Yverdon Britannis Erin-Incolis. Ierna Orpheo & Arist. Iris Diodoro Siculo .. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS: The Crimea and Adjacent Coasts WALKER, John & Charles: Newhaven
EVANS, John: To Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. this Map of North Wales is Respectfully Inscribed SELLER, John: Buckingamiae ORTELIUS, Abraham: Salisburgensis Iurisdictionis ..
BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte Particuliere de la Coste D'Or HONDIUS, Jodocus: Barbaria/ Cartaginens/ Aegyptus LAURIE, Robert - WHITTLE, James: Chart of the West Coast of Sumatra from Bencoolen to Keysers Bay
HUDDART, Captain Joseph: Sketch of the Straits of Gaspar HONDIUS, Jodocus: Aegyptus HERBERT, William: A draught of the Bay on the S W Side of the Island Timoan
D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B. P. D: Carte de la Cote de Pegu D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B. P. D: Plan de la Rade D'Achem et des Isles Circonvoisines HONDIUS, Jodocus: Persicum Regnum
PURCHAS, Rev. Samuel: Persicum Regnum D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B. P. D: Carte Madagascar RUSCELLI, Girolamo: Tabula Asiae VI
KING, Daniel: The Vale-Royall of England. Or, the County Palatine of Chester Illustrated. Wherein is Contained a Geographical and Historical Description of that Famous County... Adorned with Maps and Prospects and the Coats of Arms belonging to Every Individual Family of the Whole County ORTELIUS, Abraham: Britannicarum Insularum Typus. Ex Canatibus Geographicis Abrah. Ortelij. .. LE BRUYN, Cornelis: Troisieme Vue de Persepolis
TALLIS, John: Ireland GAULTIER, Pierre-Jacques: Cratere Maritimo, o Parte del Golfo di Napoli JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert: Estats de l'Empire du Grand Seigneur des Turcs en Europe, en Asie, et en Afrique ..
MERIAN, Matthaus: Augsburg MUNSTER, Sebastian: Description de la Germanie HEAD, Captain Charles Francklin: Villages of Deroot & Sindiour
RUSCELLI, Girolamo: Tabula Europae IIII MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio: Tabula Africae III MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio: Aegyptus
MAGINI, Giovanni Antonio: Tabula Asiae V GASTALDI, Giacomo: Tabula Asiae V WALDSEEMULLER, Martin - FRIES, Laurent: Tabula Nova Partis Aphri
WALDSEEMULLER, Martin: Duodecima Asiae Tabula JARDINE William: Naturalists Library Mammalia Dogs JARDINE William: Naturalists Library Ornithology Flycatchers
JARDINE William: Naturalists Library Ornithology Gallinaceous Birds BLAEU, Willem: De Cust van Engelandt tusschen de Singels en de Drooghten van Weembrugh GOOS, Pieter: De Custen van Bretaigne, Waer in vertoont wort alle gelegentheyt tuschen Caap de Hague en t'Eylant Heyssant
SMITH, William - OVERTON, John: Staffordiae Comitatus .. SAXTON, Christopher - LEA, Philip: Monmouthshire SAXTON, Christopher - JEFFERYS, Thomas: Pembrockshire
SAXTON, Christopher - WEB, William: Penbrok comitat qui inter meridionales cambrić Ptes hodie censetur olim demetia. L Dyfet ptes B hoc est occidentalis wallia descriptio Ano Dni 1642 SMITH, William - STENT, Peter: Essexiae Comitatus description .. SMITH, William - OVERTON, Henry: A New Mapp of the County of Essex. Printed and sould by Iohn Overton
SMITH, William - OVERTON, John: Surriae Comitatus Continens in Seoppida Mercatoria VII Ecclesias Parochiales CXL JANSSON, Jan: The Countie Palatine of Chester Comitatus Cestrensis GREENWOOD, Christopher: Map of the County Palatine of Chester
OVERTON, Henry: A New Map of Nottingham-Shire with the Post & Cross Roads, and other remarks according to ye latest and best Observations OVERTON, John - Anonymous: Wiltonia sive Comitatus Wiltoniensis Anglis Wil Shire SAXTON, Christopher: Nofolciae comitatus continens in se’. Oppida mercatoria 26, Pagos et Villas 625, Una cum singulis Hundredis, et flu minibus in codem, Vera descriptio
LEA, Philip: Cambridge-Shire and the Great Levell of ye Fenns Extending into the Adjacent Shires according to Surveys as it is now drained .. SAXTON, Christopher: Anglia SAXTON, Christopher: Promontorium hoc in marc proiectum Cornubia dicitur
SAXTON, Christopher - LEA, Philip: Dorsetshire SAXTON, Christopher - LEA, Philip: Norfolk Described by C. Saxton Corrected and Amended with many Additions of Roads & c. by P. Lea SMITH, William - OVERTON, John: Lecestriae, Rutlandiaeq Comitatuum Delineatio
SMITH, William - OVERTON, John: Northamptoniae Comitatus Descriptio WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: Beschrijuinghe der Zee Custen van Engelandt tusschen Pleijmouth en Porthlandt, met zijne principale ha=uenen elcx in hare gedaenten BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Bedfordshire
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Buckinghamshire BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Durham BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Kent
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Leicester/ Rutland BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Northhamptonshire BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Warwickshire
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