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WELLS, Edward: A New Map of the Islands of the Aegaean Sea, Together with The Island of Crete and the Adjoining Isles
MOUNT, William & PAGE, Thomas: A Chart of the Sea Coasts of Algrave and Andalusia between Cape St. Vincent and the Strait of Gibralter and C. Spartel
WELLER, Edward: The Canton River or Chu-Kiang from Macao and Hong Kong to Pottinger Isl. [on sheet with] The Canton River or Chu-Kiang from Pottinger Isld. to Canton
CLOPPENBURG, Johannes: Asia
OGILBY, John: Kings Lynn to Harwich
MEISNER, Daniel: Aden in Arabia
LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre T: Port-Louis a l'Ile de France
LAPLACE, Cyrille Pierre T: Port-Louis (Ile de France)
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Ancona Civitas Piceni Celeberrima, ad Mare Adriaticum Posita
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Bavariae olim Vindeliciae Delineationis Compendium
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Bardewick
SELLER, John - GROSE, Francis: Isle of Wight
BLOME, Richard & BAKEWELL, Thomas: Hundreds in the county of Glocester
RICHARDSON, Thomas Miles: View of Port & Town of Newcastle Upon Tyne
COWLEY, John - DODSLEY, Robert: An Improved map of Norfolk …
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Warwici Comitatus a cornauus olim inhabitatus
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Eur: V Tab:
CLOPPENBERG, Johannes: Russia cum Confinns
HOMANN HEIRS: Carte Nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar
MERIAN, Matthaus: Freyburg in Uchtland
WALKER, John & Charles: North Africa or Barbary IV Tripoli
WALKER, John & Charles: North Africa or Barbary III Tunis and Tripoli
WALKER, John & Charles: North Africa or Barbary I Marocco
WALKER, John & Charles: Ancient Africa or Libya
SELLER, John: Buckingamiae Comitatus vulgo Buckingham Shire
SPEED, John: A New and Accurat Map of the World Drawne According to ye Truest Descriptions Latest Discoveries & Best Observations yt have beene Made by English or Strangers
MUNSTER, Sebastian: Von de Statt Zurich
SELLER, John: The Sea Coast of Barbary From Cape de Tenes to Cape de Rosa
SPEED, John: Bohemia
MORDEN, Robert: Oxfordshire
MORDEN, Robert: Episcopatus Dunelmensis Vulgo The Bishoprick of Durham
MORDEN, Robert: Lincolnshire
MORDEN, Robert: Wiltshire
MORDEN, Robert: Worcestershire
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Poictou. Pictonum Vicinarumque Regionum Fidiss Descriptio ..
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Lorraine. Lotharingiae Nova Descriptio
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Europ: IIII Tab:
LAURIE, Robert - WHITTLE, James: A New Chart for Sailing Between the Straits of Sunda or Batavia and the Straits of Banca and Gaspar
FADEN, William: Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts, with a Part of Palestine; to which has been Added the Nomenclature of the Roman Age, MDCCCII. London Published by William Faden Jan 1st 1802
D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B. P. D: Carte Des Isles Nicobar
MUNSTER, Sebastian: Bern in der Endegnoschafft ..
FADEN, William: A Map of the Kingdom of Denmark with the Duchy of Holstein ..
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Valentiae Regni, olim Contestanorum si Ptolimaeo, Edetanorum si Plinio Credimus Typus
GOOS, Pieter: Pas-Kaarte van de Zuyd-west-Kust van Africa; van Cabo Negro tot Beoosten Cabo de Bona Esperanca
SEALE, Richard William: A Correct Chart of the German Ocean From the North of Scotland to the Start Point, on the Coast of Great Britain
MUNSTER, Sebastian: La figure de la place ou sut iadiz la cite de Romme avec ses portes ..
SANSON, Nicolas: Turcomanie Georgie Commanie
HARRISON, John: A New Chart of the Caspian Sea, from the Original by D'Anville
MUNSTER, Sebastian: Asia Minore
STEEN, C: Nyeste Grundtegning af Kiobenhavn
HOMANN, Johann Baptist: Tabula Marchionatus Brandenburgici et Ducatus Pomeraniae quae sunt Pars Septentrionalis Circuli Saxoniae Superioris ..
HOMANN, Johann Baptist: Typus Geographicus Ducat. Lauenburgici
DANCKERTS, Justus: Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae Descriptio Emendata a. I. Danckerts
QUAD, Matthias: Elsatia Superior, Ober Elsas
D'APRES DE MANNEVILLETTE, Jean B. P. D: Nouveau Plan des Detroits, Situes a l'Est de Java et de Madura, Nommes Communement les Detroits de Bali et d'entre Pondi et Respondi ..
DUDLEY, Sir Robert: Carta Particolare del Mare di Ethiopia con l'Isola di S. Elena e Parte della Costa ..
VAN KEULEN, Gerard: A New Gradnally Encreasnig Compass-Map, of the Coming in of the Heads; Containing a Part of the Coass of Boulonnois; extending from Callis to Dannes, as also in England from the South Foreland to Rye ..
DURAND-BRAGER, Jean Baptiste Henri: Soujak-Bay
THOMSON, John: (The Atlas of Scotland)
KITCHIN, Thomas - JEFFERYS, Thomas: The Small English Atlas, being A New and Accurate Sett of Maps of All the Counties in England and Wales
BLAEU, Joan: Comitatus Northantonensis vernacule Northamton Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Leicestrensis Comitatus. Leicester Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Herefordia Comitatus. Herefordshire
MOLL, Herman: Glostershire
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Bedford Comitatus olim pars Cathifuclanorum
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Essexia Comitatus
DRAYTON, Michael: (Dorset, Hampshire & Isle of Wight)
BLOME, Richard: A General Map of Dorsetshire
NORDEN, John - KIP, William: Hertfordiae Comitatus ..
SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Northumbriae Comitatus
BOWEN, Emanuel: Somersetshire Divided into its Hundreds
MOLL, Herman: Suffolk
MOLL, Herman: Shropshire
MOLL, Herman: Worcestershire
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of the County of Warwick
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