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BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Worcestershire Divided into Hundreds
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of the County of Rutland
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of ye Countie of Westmorland
SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Wigorniensis Comitatus Sabrinae ..
BLAEU, Joan: Comitatus Salopiensis; Anglice Shrop Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Staffordiensis Comitatus; vulgo Stafford Shire
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Hantshire
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Nottinghamshire
BLOME, Richard: A generall Mapp of the County of Hereford
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Huntington Shire
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of the County of Leicester
BLOME, Richard: A Generall Mapp of the Countie of Cumberland
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Cambridgeshire Divided into Hundreds
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Dorset Shire Divided into Hundreds
BILL, John: Surrey
VAN DEN KEERE, Pieter: Midle-sex
LUFFMAN, John: Middlesex
LUFFMAN, John: Essex
RUSCELLI, Girolamo: Mauritania Nuova Tavola
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Appendix. III. Tabulae Afr:
BONNE, Rigobert: Isles de Wallis/ I. Turtle/ I. des Cocos/ I. des Traitres/ Palmerston I/ I. Sauvage/ I. D`Hervey/ Esquisse de la Baye Dusky, dans la Nouvelle Zeelande/ I. Pitcairn/ I. de Pasques
COOK, Captain James: Chart of Cook's Strait in New Zealand
COOK, Captain James: Carte des Isles des Amis
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Tab. I. Europae, Continens Albion, Britanniam, et Hiberniam ..
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae VIII Tab
HEYNS, Pieter: Bohemia
SANSON, Nicolas: Cimmeria quae Postea Scythia Europaea ..
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Eur: IX Tab:
NOLIN, Jean Baptiste: La Rochelle
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Mansfeldiae Comitatus Descriptio Auctore, Tilemanno Stella Sig
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae X Tab:
MERIAN, Matthaus: Ardebil
MALLET, Alain Manesson: Ancienne Arabie
LE BRUYN, Cornelis: Premiere Vue de Persepolis
WALDSEEMULLER, Martin: Nona Asiae Tabula
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Tab. V. Asiae, Repraesentans Mediam, Hyrcaniam, Assyriam, Susianam, ac Persiem ..
SAYER, Robert: The Whole Russian Empire
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae II Tab
GOOS, Pieter: Caarte voor en Gedeelte der Canarise Eylanden als Canaria, Tenerifa, Forteventura, etc
MULLER, Johann Ulrich - BODENEHR, Gabriel: (Egypt)
MORDEN, Robert: Aegypt
MUNSTER, Sebastian: (Egypt)
DEPOT DES CARTES ET PLANS DE LA MARINE: Carte Particuliere Des Cotes D'Italie (Estats Sardes) partie comprise entre San Lorenzo et Le Cap Caprazoppa
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio
BLAEU, Joan: (Stonehenge)
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Northampton
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Stafford
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Suffolk
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Worcester
GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Cambridge
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of Herefordshire
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of Northamptonshire Divided into its Hundreds
SCHENK, Petrus & VALK, Gerard: Comitatus Nottinghamiensis; Sive Nottinghamshire
JANSSON, Jan: Comitatus Nottinghamiensis; Sive Nottingham Shire
JANSSON, Jan: Leicestrensis Comitatus cum Rutlandiae
SCHENK, Petrus & VALK, Gerard: Herefordia Comitatus vernacule Hereford Shire
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of the County of Worcester, Divided into its Hundreds
VAN DEN KEERE, Pieter: Buckinghamshire
SCHENK, Petrus & VALK, Gerard: Radnoriensis Comitatus Vulgo The Countie of Radnor
OGILBY, John: The Roads from York to Whitby and Scarborough in Yorkshi:
OGILBY, John: The Roads from Shrewsbury and Chester to Holywel com: Flint
OGILBY, John: The Road from Ferrybridge to Boroughbridge Continued to Barnard Castle
OGILBY, John: The Roads from Exeter com: Devon to Dorchester And from Plimouth to Dartmouth
OGILBY, John: The Road from Carmarthen to Cardigan Cardigan to Llanbeder Llanbeder to Aberistwith
OGILBY, John: The Road from York to West=Chester
OGILBY, John: The Road From Welshpool Com Montgomery to Carnarvan
OGILBY, John: The Road From Prestaine in Com. Radnor to Carmarthen
OGILBY, John: The Road from Hereford to Leicester
OGILBY, John: The Road From Exeter to Truroe
OGILBY, John: The Road from London to Montgomery
OGILBY, John: The Road from London to Flambourough Head
OGILBY, John: The Road from London to Boston
SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Eboracensis Comitatis pars Occidentalis vulgo West Riding
MORDEN, Robert: The West Riding of York Shire
DRAYTON, Michael: (Middlesex and Hertfordshire)
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