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BOWLES, Thomas: A New & Exact Plan of ye City of London and Suburbs there of, With the addition of the New Buildings, Churches & c. to this present year 1728. (Not extant in any other,) Laid down in such a method that in an Instant, may easily be found any Place contain'd therein
BERRY, William: A New Mapp of the Kingdome of England and Wales. Containing all the Cities, Market Towns, with the Roades, from Town to Town. And the Number of Reputed Miles between them, Are given by Inspection without Scale or Compass. [rule] To the Most Serene and most Sacred Majesty William III ... William Berry
ANONYMOUS: Bourne Mouth 1830
SCHEDEL, Hartman: Anglie Provincia
GREENE, Robert: A New Map of Scotland with the Roads
SANDBY, Paul: Windsor
ROLEWINCK, Werner: Britania que postea dicta est anglia
SCHONSPERGER, Johann: Engellannd oder Bryttania/ Engelland
BELLEFOREST, Francois de: La Ville de Londres
MOUNT, W. & J. & PAGE, T: A New Chart of the Sea Coast of Scotland with the Islands thereof
SCHEDEL, Hartmann: Anglia
EDER, Johann: Prospect der Stadt London in England
BOWLES, John: The World described; Or, A New and Correct Sett of Maps ..
STOW, John: The Charter House
STOW, John: The Custom House
STOW, John: Somerset House
STOW, John: The Prospect of Guild Hall
STOW, John: The Prospect of Grays Inn
BLAEU, Willem Janszoon and Joan: Le Theatre du Monde ou Nouvel Atlas
ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, Didier: Atlas Universel
COVENS, Jean & MORTIER, Corneille: Atlas Nouveau Contenant Toutes les parties du Monde
BLAEU, Joan: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum sive Atlas Novus
BLAEU, Joan: (No title)
BONNE, Rigobert: Atlas Moderne ou Collection de Cartes sur toutes les parties du Globe Terrestre
HARVEY, William: Geographical Fun: Humorous Outlines of Various Countries
CRUCHLEY, George Frederick: From the Ordnance Survey of the Country Thirty Miles round London
BENOIST, Felix: Port de Nice
BENOIST, Felix: Nice
BENOIST, Felix: Villefranche
BENOIST, Felix: Village d'Eza
BENOIST, Felix: La Turbie
BENOIST, Felix: Nice. Vue prise de l'extremite du Mont Boron
WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: Zee Caerte vande Noordt custe van Engelandt, alsoe tzelffde landt aldaer in sijn gedaente en wesen is, met alle sijnn undieptenn
WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: Beschrijvinge vande Zee Custen van Engelandt tusschen Blacgneij en Scharenburch Alsoe dat Landt in zyn wesen en gedaente is
WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: The Sea Mappe Of The North coaste of England betweene Walderswick & Burnham with all the bankes and sholdes there alongst
DUDLEY, Sir Robert: Carte particolare della Costa di Inghilterra che comincia con Orfordness e Finisce con Flamborow heade ... di Europa Carta XXXII
VAN KEULEN, Johannes: Pas-caert Vande Zee-custen van Engeland van Orfordness tot aen Flamborger Hoost ..
JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert: Carte de l'Entree de la Tamise avec les Bancs, Passes, Isles et Costes Comprise entre Sandwich et Clay
DE WIT, Frederick: Nova Orbis Tabula, in Lucem Edita, A. F. De Wit
BASSET, Paul-Andre: Vue Perspective du Covent Garden
VISSCHER, Nicolaas Jansz: Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima
JEFFERYS, Thomas & TUKE, John: The County of York Survey'd in MDCCLXVII, VIII, IX and MDCCLXX
SELLER, John: A Chart of the North Coast of England, from Yarmouth to Cocket Island, Describing all the Roads Havens and Harbors Depths and Soundings, the Coarses and distances of one Place from Another Newly Corrected and Published by John Seller. And are to be Sold at his Shop, at the Sign of the Marriners Compass at the Hermitage stairs in Wapping
VAN KEULEN, Gerard: Afteekening van de Rivier van London .../ Afteekening van de Yarmouthse Banken geleegen voor Yarmouth …
LA PEROUSE, Jean Francois Comte de: Massacre of De Langle, Lemanon & Ten Others of the Two Crews
WATTEAU, Jean Antoine: La Tourilere Comedien
Benson: Benson's test map
benson: Optimised image
Benson: unoptimised image book
BESLER, Basil: Flos Solis maior
TARDIEU, Ambroise: Carte du Mexique Dressee pour l'intelligence de l'histoire generale des Voyages de Laharpe
WILLIAMS, Jonathan: Thermometrical Navigation. being a Series of Experiments and Observations, Tending to Prove that by Ascertaining the Relative Heat of the Sea-Water From Time to Time, The Passage of a Ship Through the Gulph Stream, and From Deep Water into Soundings, May be discovered in Time to avoid Danger
[PRINCE, Thomas]: The Vade Mecum for America: Or a Companion for Traders and Travellers: Containing..
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Tab. X. Europae. Macedoniam Epirum ac Peloponnesum
D'ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon: Carte la Plus Generale et qui Comprend la Chine, la Tartarie Chinoise et le Thibet ..
SAXTON, Christopher - WEB, William: Salopiae Comitatus, Summa cum Fide cum et Diligentia Descriptionem haec Tibi Tabula Refert Ao. Dm. 1642
HOLLAR, Wenceslaus: Piazza in Coventgarden
BLAEU, Joan: Bedfordiensis Comitatus, Anglis Bedford Shire [on sheet with] Buckinghamiensis Comitatus, Anglis Buckingham Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Episcopatus Dunelmensis Vulgo The Bishoprike of Durham
BLAEU, Joan: Glocestria Ducatus; vulgo Glocester Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Lincolnia Comitatus. Anglis Lincoln-Shire
BLAEU, Joan: Regiones Inundatae in Finibus Comitatus Norfolciae, Suffolciae, Cantabrigiae, Huntingtoniae, Northamtoniae, et Lincolniae
BLAEU, Joan: Ceretica; sive Cardiganensis Comitatus; Anglis Cardiganshire
BLAEU, Joan: Montgomeria Comitatus et Comitatus Mervinia
BLAEU, Joan: Penbrochia Comitatus et Comitatus Caermaridunum
BASSET, Paul-Andre: Vue du Chateau de Versailles du cote de la grande Avenue
VAN KEULEN, Johannes: Nieuwe Paskaert vande oost cust van Engeland en Schotland Beginnende van't Flamburger Hoost tot an de Rivier van Edenborg ..
BASSET, Paul-Andre: The Foundling Hospital London
JONES, T. H: Regent's Circus, Oxford St
WALKER, John & Charles: Marseille. Ancient Massilia
MICHELOT, Henri and BREMONT, Laurent: Recueil de plusieurs plans des ports et rades de la mer Mediterranée
KITCHIN, Thomas - JEFFERYS, Thomas: An English Atlas or a Concise View of England and Wales
OWEN, John & BOWEN, Emanuel: Britannia Depicta: Or, Ogilby Improved. Being an Actual Survey of all the Direct and Principal Cross Roads of England and Wales ..
SELLER, John: France
BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of France, Divided into 83 Departments According to the Decree of the National Assembly
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