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HOMANN, Johann Baptist: Agri Parisiensis Tabula particularis, qua maxima Pars Insulae Franciae, seu Regiae celeberrimaeq .. MERIAN, Matthaus: Basilea/ Basel HOMANN, Johann Baptist: Tabula Geographica Campaniae
BARBAULT, Jean: Veduta del Palazzo Mattei CHARPENTIER, Etienne: Veue du Chasteau de Meudon du Cote de l'Entree CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte de la Grece Contenant L'Etat Present de L'Eglise Grecque & Ce Qui Regarde les Ecclesiastiques
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte des Ordres de Chevalerie des sa Majeste Czarienne, ses Titres, l' Etat de sa Noblesse, Profil de son Palais et la vue de Moscow AA, Pierre van der: Elbing MERIAN, Matthaus: Obsidio Geneppae/ Belagerung des Vesten Schloss u Passes Gennep
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Genealogie des Anciens Empereurs Tartares, Descendus de Genghiscan WELLS, T: A Parochial Map of the Diocese of Canterbury .. MUNSTER, Sebastian: Die Stat Landaw
MERIAN, Matthaus: Abbildung dess weitberumbten Bragerischen alten Schlosses Wiserat MERIAN, Matthaus: Prospect des granitz Haus Buttnol, in ober Hungarn, gegen Mittag, Ao. 1667 MERIAN, Matthaus: Brandeburgum Marchionatus cum Ducatibus Pomeraniae et Mekelenburgi
MERIAN, Matthaus: Meklenburg Ducatus CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte Genealogique de la Maison de Stuart, dans la quelle l'on fait Observer son Origine, ses Branches ses Armes, et ses Alliances MERIAN, Matthaus: Abbildung der Schwedischen Schantz auff dem ... in Preussen gelegen. Anno 1626
MERIAN, Matthaus: Sedunum/ Sitten MERIAN, Matthaus: Underwaidia/ Der Landt Underwalden BELVEDERE, Augusto de: La Funesta Batalla del cabo de San Vicente
LONDON MAGAZINE: A New Map of the Isle of Wight VIVIAN, George: Malaga BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Description de la Ville de Bar Faicte l'an 1617
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Rotomagus, vulgo Roan, Normandiae Metropolis [on sheet with] Nemavsus, Nismes, Civitas Narbonensie Galliae Vetustissima [and] Civitas Burdegalensis in Aquitanea, Genuina Descrip ALBIZZI, Antonio: Reges Castel MERCATOR, Geradus: Regni Valentiae Typus
JANSSON, Jan: Provinciae Cantii Vulgo Kendt Nova Descriptio BLAEU, Willem Janszoon: Pascaarte va het vermaert Canael van Bristou .. COOK, Capt. James: Debarquement a Mallicolo l'une des Nouvelles Hebrides
AKERLUND, Erik: Karta Ofver Australien eller Polynesien MEIJER, Pieter: Het Graafschap Warwick, Verdeeld in des zelfs Honderden .. CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte Genealogique de la Maison d'Autriche, avec les Branches des differents Princes de l'Europe qui en sont issus jusqu'es a l'An 1708
MERIAN, Matthaus: Neocomum. Newenburg am See MERIAN, Matthaus: Prospect der Bestung Namur CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte Genealogique de la Maison de Valois et des Principales branches quelle a Formees Ilustree de leurs Artmes et de leurs Alliances avec des Remarques pour servir a l'Eclaircissement de l'Histoire
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Singularez Curieuses des Royaumes de Maroc et de Fez dans la Barbarie CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Description de la Ville d'Alexandrie et des Antiquities Remarquables qu' on y voit CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Vue de Tunis D'Alger &c de Gigeri avec Quelques Particularitez Curieuses Touchant les Moeurs …
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Vue & Description de la Ville de Lovango dans le Royaume de Congo .. CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Genealogique des Czars de Moscovie ou Empereurs de la Grande Russie, avec le Blason de leurs Armes et de leurs Etats MORRIS, Lewis: Plans of Harbours, Bars, Bays and Roads in St. George's-Channel, Lately Survey'd under the direction of the Lords of the Admiralty, and now publish'd by their Permission
MORRIS, William: Plans of the Principal Harbours, Bays, & Roads, in St. George's and the Bristol Channels, From Surveys Made Under the Direction of the Lords of the Admiralty: By the late intelligent and ingenious Hydrographer, Lewis Morris, Esq JANSSON, Jan: (Novus Atlas sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum -'Belgii, Britannia, Norvegie') BLOME, Richard: Britannia: or, a Geographical Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland
BADESLADE, Thomas & TOMS, William Henry: Chorographia Britanniae LUFFMAN, John: A New Pocket Atlas and Geography SMITH, Charles: Smith’s New English Atlas
WALLIS, James: Wallis's Second & Superior British Atlas Containing a Complete Set of County Maps Divided into Hundreds DE BRY, Theodore: (Map of the World) THACKARAY, John & VALLANCE, James: Plan of the City of Washington
REISCH, Gregor: Typus Universalis Terrae, Juxta Modernorum Distinctionem et Extensionem per Regna et Provincias ALEXANDER, Sir William: (No title) JUSTEL, Henri: Recueil de Divers Voyages Faits en Afrique et en L’Amerique
BLOME, Richard: L'Amerique Angloise, ou description des isles terres du roi D'Angleterre, dans L'Amerique SCOTT, Joseph T: The United States Gazetteer: Containing an Authentic description of the Several States. Their situation, extent, boundaries, soil, produce, climate, population, trade and manufactures. Together with the Extent, boundaries and population of their Respective Counties ... Illustrated with Nineteen Maps CAREY, Mathew: Carey's American Pocket Atlas; Containing Twenty Maps
WOOD, William: New Englands Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England: discovering the state of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters; and to the old Native Inhabitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind travelling Reader, or benefit the future Voyager JANSSON, Jan: Norfolciae Descriptio. The Description of Norfolk DE LAVAUX, Alexander: Plan of the City & Castle of Chester
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of the East Riding of York Shire BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Divided into its Wapontakes COLLINS, Captain Greenville: Great Britain's Coasting Pilot. In Two Parts. Being a New and Exact Survey of the Sea-Coast of England and Scotland ..
LEWIS, William: Lewis's New Traveller's Guide, or a Pocket Edition of the English Counties. Containing all the Direct & Cross Roads in England & Wales PHILIP, George & Son: Philips' Atlas of the Counties of England, Including Maps of North & South Wales, The Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. Reduced from the Ordnance Survey , and coloured to shew the new Parliamentary divisions, according to the Redistribution Bill, 1885 CARY, John: Cary's Survey of the High Roads from London to Hampton Court, Bagshot ... On a Scale of one Inch to a Mile; Wherein Every Gentleman's Seat, situate on, or seen from the Road ..
THOROTON, Robert: The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, Extracted Out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger Books, other Manuscripts, and Authentick Authorities. Beautified with Maps, prospects, and Portraictures CRUCHLEY, George Frederick: Cruchley’s County Atlas of England & Wales Shewing all the Railways & Stations .. LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van: His Discours of Voyages unto ye Easte & West Indies. Devided into foure Booke
PEICHUN, Zhou: (Procession) AA, Pierre van der: Grande Pologne et Prusse avec les frontieres de la Misnie, Lusace, Moravie et Lithuanie .. AA, Pierre van der: Les trois Iles appellies en Allemand Werders, ou sont les Territoires de Dantzic, Marienbourg et Elbing dans la Prusse Royale
VON REILLY, Franz Johann Joseph: Die Inseln Wight SKRINE, Henry: A General Account of all the Rivers of Note in Great Britain; with their several courses, their peculiar characters, the countries through which they flow, and the entire sea coast of our island SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Dunelmensis Episcopatus qui comitatus est Palatinus olim pars Brigantum
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