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Card, Orson Scott: Visitors (Pathfinder Trilogy) Kells, Susannah & Cornwell, Bernard: Coat of Arms Dalglish, David; Duperre, Robert J: Blood of Gods (The Breaking World)
Scalzi, John: Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas Chapman, Elizabeth: Marmaduke Goes to Switzerland Macdonnell, J. E: In Close Waters #165
Macdonnell, J. E: Close Escort #166 Macdonnell, J. E: Choke Point Pierce, Tamora: Trickster :Omnibus of Trickster's Queen & Trickster's Choice : Daughter of Lioness 1 & 2
MacDonnell, J E: Stand Off Cornwell, Bernard: Copperhead MacDonnell, J E: Most Immediate (Gold Collectors #121)
Macdonnell, J. E: Change of Command Johns, Capt W E (William Earle): Biggles Cuts it Fine Johns, Capt W E (William Earle): Biggles Sets a Trap
Palmer, Arnold; Furlong, William Barry: Go for Broke: My Philosophy of Winning Golf Blyton, Enid: The Mystery of the Invisible Thief : Being the Eighth Adventure of the Five Find-Outers and Dog Townsend, Lisa (Elinor Brent Dyer interest): A Difficult Term for the Chalet School
Paisley, Heather (Elinor Brent Dyer Interest): New Beginnings at the Chalet School Brent- Dyer Elinor M ; Barber, Helen; Wendus, Miranda; German, Caroline; Stow, Janet; McEnroe, Natasha, Paisley, Heather; Edmonds, Heather & Others: The Chalet School Christmas Story Book Johns, Capt W.E (William Earle): Biggles and the Gun-Runners
Johns, Capt W E (William Earle): Biggles In Mexico Shaw, Jane: Nothing Happened After All Shaw, Jane: Where is Susan ?
Williams, Sean: The Devoured Earth (The Books of the Cataclysm #4) Patchett, Mary Elwyn: Outback Adventure Esslemont, Ian C: Kellanved's Reach: Path to Ascendancy Book 3 Novel of the Malazan Empire
Idriess, Ion L: The Opium Smugglers : A True Story of Our Northern Seas Blaxland, John; Crawley, Rhys: The Secret Cold War: The Official History of ASIO, 1975-1989 Wodehouse, P G: A Few Quick Ones
Pratchett, Sir Terry: The Colour of Magic: Discworld: The Unseen University Collection Keene, Carolyn: The Curious Coronation (Dana Girls Mystery Stories [Revised], 14) Wharton, Virginia: The Adventures of Trudy and Flame. Flame, Son of Silver Cloud
Penman, Sharon Kay: When Christ and His Saints Slept Needham, Violet: Richard and the Golden Horseshoe (Stormy Petrel series #6) Horse Shoe Ames, Delano: Murder, Maestro Please
Kyle, Duncan: The Honey Ant Milligan, Spike: Puckoon Gregg, Stacy: The Fire Stallion
Leggoe, John: Trying to be Sailors Oxenham, Elsie Jeanette (E J ): Pernel Wins Summers, Essie: Bride in Flight
Johns, Capt W.E (William Earle): Biggles Sorts it Out Slade, Jack (Todhunter Ballard): South of the Border (Gatling # 4) Johns, Capt W.E (William Earle): Biggles Buries a Hatchet
Johns, Capt W.E (William Earle): Biggles Combined Operation Johns, Capt W. E. (William Earle): Return to Mars :A Story of Interplanetary Flight Dickens, Monica: Follyfoot Farm (Follyfoot & Dora at Follyfoot )
Simak, Clifford D: An Autumn Land and Other Stories (Rule 18) Johns, Capt W E (William Earle): Biggles in the South Seas Dever, Joe: Lone Wolf 14: The Captives of Kaag
Dever, Joe; Chalk, Gary: The Chasm of Doom: (Lone Wolf No. 4.) Dever, Joe; Grant, John: The Dark Door Opens (Legends of Lone Wolf # 2.) Dever, Joe: The Kingdoms of Terror: (Lone Wolf #6.)
Dever, Joe; Grant, John: The Birthplace: (Legends of Lone Wolf # 7) Dever, Joe; Grant, John: The Tellings: (Legends of Lone Wolf #9) Dever, Joe & Grant, John: Lone Wolf Legends Book 1 : Eclipse of the Kai
Dever, Joe: The Masters of Darkness: (Lone Wolf # 12) Dever, Joe: Fire on the Water: (Lone Wolf Adventures #2) Ball, Murray: Footrot Flats 18
Ball, Murray: Footrot Flats 19 Morris, Dave: Dragon Warriors (No. 1) Role Playing Game Durack, Mary: Kings in Grass Castles
Tucker, Mike; Perry, Robert: Loving the Alien (Doctor Who) Shea, Michael: The Colour Out of Time Palmer, Vance: The Big Fellow
Blaxland, John: The Protest Years : Volume 2 The Official History of ASIO 1963-1975 Davis, Lindsey: Last Act in Palmyra (A Marcus Didius Falco Novel) Johns, Capt W E (William Earle): Biggles and the Plot That Failed
Falconer, Kim: Arrows of Time (Quantum Enchantment book 2) Falconer, Kim: Strange Attractors : Quantum Enchantment Book 3 Feist, Raymond E: Prince of the Blood
O'Grady, John (Nino Culotta): John O'Grady Classics Omnibus - They're a Weird Mob, Gone Fishin' (Gone Fishing), Aussie English & Aussie Etiket (Fishing) Southall, Ivan: Terror Flight (Flight to Gibraltar) Stuart, Vivian (William Stuart Long): The Exiles Volume 1 of the Australians
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