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Bridle, Augustus: Sons of Canada; Short Studies of Characteristic Canadians
Milner, Viscount: Speeches Delivered in Canada in the Autumn of 1908
Roberts, Charles G. D: The Watchers of the Trails; A Book of Animal Life
Mallet, Thierry, Captain: Plain Tales of the North
Logan, Harold A: The History of Trade-Union Organization in Canada
Medicus, Friedrich Casimir: Traite des Maladies Periodiques sans Fievre; ou Historie de ces Maladies, Avec la vraie methode curative qu'il faut suivre pour les Guerir; Traduit de l'Allemand; Par M. Lefebure de Villebrune
Scholl, William M: Practipedics; The Science of Giving Foot Comfort and Correcting the Cause of Foot and Shoe Troubles; Based on the Experience, Inventions and Methods of Dr. William M. Scholl
Clapp, George Wood: The Life and Work of James Leon Williams, Doctor of Dental Surgery; Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. Author, Artist, Philosopher
Chambon de Montaux, Nicolas: Maladies des Femmes; Cinquieme Partie; Maladies Chroniques a la Cessation des Regles
Brodie, Benjamin C: Clinical Lectures on Surgery, Delivered at St. George's Hospital
Hyde, James Nevins: A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin; For the use of Students and Practitioners
Cowan, John: The Science of a New Life
Gilson, Jewett C: Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania
Anonymous: Annual Report of Great Northern Railway Company to the Interstate Commerce Commission for the Year Ended December 31, 1925
Various: Reproduction of Fariss and Smith's History of Plumas County, California, 1882
Anonymous: Black Eyed Susan
Sousa, John Philip: The Fifth String
Doran, Dr., Editor: The Bentley Ballads; A Selection of the Choice Ballads, Songs, &c., Contributed to "Bentley's Miscellany"; With Four Ballads Contributed by the Editor
Holland, J. G., Editor: Illustrated Library of Favorite Song; Based Upon Folk Songs, and Comprising Songs of the Heart, Songs of Home, Songs of Life, and Songs of Nature
Baker, George M., Editor: The Reading Club and Handy Speaker; Being Serious, Humorous, Pathetic, Patriotic, and Dramatic Selections in Prose and Poetry, for Readings and Recitations
Frost, S. A: Frost's School and Exhibition Dialogues; Comprising Frost's Humorous Exhibition Dialogues, and Frost's Dialogues for Young Folks, Combined in One Volume
Smith, Adele Millicent: Proof-Reading and Punctuation
Parker, Willis C: The Modern Business Letter Writer Containing Speciman Business Letters on a Great Variety of Subjects, Together with All the Standard Business Forms Used in Modern Commercial Intercourse, Also Concise and Simplified Rules (continued)
Rankin, Herbert A: From Script to Cursive
Drake, Samuel Adams: The Benefactors of the World; Short Biographies of the Men and Women Most Prominent in Philanthropy, Patriotism, Art, Literature, Discovery, Science and Invention
Rice, Charles: Posological Table; Including all the Officinal and the most Frequently Employed Unofficinal Preparations
Sordet, Louis: D'Arithmetique; Ouvrage dont le but n'est pas seulement de donner sur l'arithmetique des notions claires et exactes, mais encore de les rendre familieres par des applications variees et continuelles
Various: The World's Progress as Wrought by Men and Women in Art, Literature, Education, Philanthropy, Reform, Inventions, Business and Professional Life; Prepared by Carefully Selected Authors Under the Supervision of William C. King
Fosbroke, Gerald Elton: Character Qualities Outlined & Related; Summing up the Evidence of Individual Qualities and Tendencies as Shown by the Reactions of the Mind and Body on the Face
Wright, G. Frederick: The Ice Age in North America and its Bearings Upon the Antiquity of Man
Niblett, J. T: Storage Batteries, Stationary and Portable; A Clear Exposition of the Principles Governing the Action of Storage Batteries. Detailed Instructions Regarding Their Construction, Care and Maintenance
David, Wm. K: The Short Rule Arithmetic and Accountant's Referee; Comprising an Original Treatise on Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Showing how These Processes may be Shortened when Applied to the Practical (continued)
Mayhew, Ira: Mayhew's Practical Book-Keeping Key
Anonymous: How to Run a Store at a Profit; Figuring Expenses and Mark-up -- Counter and Window Displays -- How a Retailer Increased Business 400% in Fourteen Months -- Short Cuts in Handling Trade -- Larger Net Profits -- Training Your (continued)
Bottone, S. R: Electric Bells and all About Them; A Practical Book for Practical Men
White, Emerson E: The Elements of Pedagogy; A Manual for Teachers, Normal Schools, Normal Institutes, Teachers' Reading Circles, and all Persons Interested in School Education
Muller, Margarethe: Carla Wenckebach, Pioneer
Higgins, Frances Caldwell: The Life of Naomi Norsworthy
Du Bois, Patterson: The Point of Contact in Teaching
Holst, Bernhart P., Editor in Chief, and Ruric Neval Roark, Associate Editor: The New Teachers' and Pupils' Cyclopaedia; A Reference Library of History, Geography, Biography, Literature, Economics, Civics, Arts, Sciences, Discoveries and Inventions; Six Volumes
Law, Hartland, and Herbert E. Law: Viavi Hygiene for Women, Men and Children
Markun, Leo: Mrs. Grundy; A History of Four Centuries of Morals Intended to Illuminate Present Problems in Great Britain and the United States
Lewys, Georges: The House of Love (La Maitresse de son Mari)
Carpenter, Edward: Love's Coming-of-Age; A Series of Papers on the Relations of the Sexes
Weems, Mason L: Three Discourses; 1, Hymen's Recruiting Sergeant; 2, The Drunkard's Looking Glass; 3, God's Revenge Against Adultery
Anonymous: Reflections of a Bachelor
Anonymous: The Guinness Book of Superlatives
Carrick, Alice Van Leer: Collector's Luck in Spain
Arber, Edward, Editor: James VI of Scotland, I of England; The Essays of a Prentise, in the Divine Art of Poesie, Edinburgh, 1585; A Counterblaste to Tobacco, London 1604; English Reprints
Cudell, Robert: Das Buch Vom Tabak
True, G. H. and L. M. Davis: Dairy Husbandry; Correspondence Courses in Agriculture, Course 10, University of California, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley
Repplier, Agnes: The Fireside Sphinx
Colburn, Frona Eunice Wait: In Old Vintage Days.With Decorations By Dorothy Payne
Anonymous: The Review; Edited by the January and June Classes of 1924 of Sacramento High School
Hawkins, N: Mechanical Drawing, Self-Help; An Educational Treatise
Mackenzie, W. Douglas, Assisted by Alfred Stead: South Africa; Its History, Heroes and Wars; Four Books in One Volume
Seely, J. E. B., Major-General, The Rt. Hon: Adventure
Beach, Harlan P: Dawn on the Hills of T'ang or Missions in China
Nagata, Honami, and Lois Johnson Erickson: Hearts Aglow; Stories of Lepers by the Inland Sea
Heston, Winifred: A Bluestocking in India; Her Medical Wards and Messages Home
Rogers, W. J., Mr. and Mrs: India, From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
Huntington, Ellsworth: West of the Pacific
Whyte, Frederick: The Future of East and West; An Essay in Surmise
Boyd, Mark: Reminiscences of Fifty Years
Irvine, R. F. and O. T. J. Alpers: The Progress of New Zealand in the Century
Spencer, Herbert: Essays; Moral, Political and Aesthetic
Anonymous: Proceedings of the American Society of Agronomy; Volume I, 1907, 1908, 1909; Volume 2, 1910; Volume 3, 1911
Tabor, Grace: Making the Grounds Attractive with Shrubbery
Hamilton, C. D. P: Modern Scientific Whist; The Principles of the Modern Game, Analyzed and Extended
Halstead, Murat: The World on Fire Including Splendors and Horrors of the Volcanic Eruptions of the Lesser Antilles, Together with a Biographical Sketch of Josephine, Empress of the French, the Fair Daughter of Martinique, and Alexander Hamilton, (continued)
Various: Secret Correspondence Connected with Mr. Pitt's Return to Office in 1804; Chiefly Compiled From the Mss. at Melville Castle
Palmerston, H. J. T: Letter Signed by Lord Palmerston
Maguire, Thomas, and T. D. Gregg: Authenticated Report of The Discussion Which Took Place Between The Rev. Thomas Maguire and The Rev. T. D. Gregg, in the Round Room of the Rotunda on the 29th May, 1838, 30th, 31st, June 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th
Walsh, Louis J: Twilight Reveries
Adams, John: Balcarres Crag or Nature Rambles in a Country Parish
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