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Mossop, Dr. E. E. (editor and translator): Joernale van die Landtogte van Die Edele Vaandrig Olof Bergh (1682 en 1683) en Die Vaandrig Isaq Schrijver (1689)/ Journals of the Expeditions of the Honourable Ensign Olof Berg (1682 and 1683) and the Ensign Isaq Schrijver (1689)
Bruyn, de Annaline: Kosmos-Skyfies
King, L. C: South African Scenery - a Textbook of Geomorphology
Malherbe, Jane A; Malherbe, Ds. E. G. (illust): Predikante-Prestasies en -Petaljes
Bowles, Paul: Pages from Cold Point
Clark, Percy M: Guide to the Victoria Falls
Awerbuck, Diane: Home Remedies
Thamm, Marianne: Mental Floss: a collection of 'unfair comment' from FairLady
Wood, Missy: Missy's Day to Day - A journal of a Year of my life
Brain, Helen: Here Be Lions: A Memoir, Not Suitable for Children
Bardi. P.M: Marino Marini - Graphic Work and Paintings
Couzens, Tim: Tramp Royal - The True story of Trader Horn with such of his Philosophy as is the gift of Age and Experience learned in his Quest from Joss House to Doss House and in which appear severally Cannibals and Pyrates, Gorillas and Lynchings with a guest appearance by Greta Garbo as well as numerous other adventures of a Remarkable Nature
McLoughlin, Min (ed): Sharing the Passion - Conversations with coaches
Murray, Tony: Ninham Shand - The Man, the Practice - the story of the great South African Civil Engineer and the practice he founded
Standard System of Measuring Builders' Work in South Africa and South West Africa/ Standaardstelsel vir die opname fan Bouerswerk in Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika
Souvenir of United South Africa
Various: The Bokmakierie vol 1 - January 1948 - February 1949
various: The Bokmakierie vol 2 - May 1949 - June 1950
Loots, Philip C: Construction Law and Related Issues
Henty, G. A: With Cochrane the Dauntless
Singer, Eileen: Baby Hippo Grows Up (Based on a true South African Adventure)
South African Racing Calendar Vol, 74 - 1st August 1977 to 21st July 1978
Bernstein, Birch: Tomorrow is another day - an historical romance
Rob,: Dr. Jack: Shoestring
de Villiers, Willemien: Kitchen Casualties
Matlwa, Kopano: Coconut
Rosteutscher, J. H. W: The Significance of Art in Our Time
Sachs, Albie: Advancing Human Rights in South Africa (Contemporary South African Debates)
de Waal, Shaun: Not the Movie of the Week
Buthelezi, Bheki: iHlalanyathi - the Red Billed Oxpecker story of a Field Ranger in Zululand
Watling, Lewis: A Touch of Madness
Smith, Alex: Algeria's Way
Kangira, Jairos & Salazar, Philippe-Joseph (eds): Gender Rhetoric: North-South
Swart, Jill M: Malunde: The Street Children of Hillbrow
Cronin, Jeremy: Inside and Out
Roget, Peter Mark (enlarged and improved by Roget, John Lewis): Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases
Vyver, Marita Van Der: Just Dessert, Dear
Glazier, Jeff: Tales from Three Chameleons - selected Short Stories
Popke, Kurt: Lethal Cure
Parry, David: Life's Journeys - A Time to Remember
Clarke, James: The Star: An extraordinary 20th century
Crompton-Lomax, Elizabeth: The South African Menu and Kitchen Dictionary
Paul Weinberg: Moving Spirit: Spirituality in Southern Africa
Bosman, Prof. Dr. D.B.; Merwe, Prof. I.W. van der; Hiemstra, L.W: Tweetalige Woordeboek - two volumes
Vondel, Joost van den; Diferee, Hendr. C (ed): De Volledige Werken van Joost van den Vondel - 2 volumes
Landsman, Anne: The Devil's Chimney: A Novel
Fritz, Willem: Fast Forward from Schoonwater
Hadley, Samuel H: Down in Water Street - a Story of Sixteen Years Life and Work in Water Street Mission
Parker A C: W.P. CRICKET 100 NOT OUT
Roberts, Margaret: Cooks with Herbs and Spices
Salomon, Sidney: The Jews of Britain - the Truth
Ndereyimana, Joseph: Walk this way: The journey of a Rwandan refugee
Shrock, Rabbi Dr. A. T: Rabbi Jonah ben Abraham of Gerona - his Life and Ethical Works
Bender-Brink, Anna: Geleentheidsmusiek in Suid-Afrika 1786-1896 (Brosjure 11)
Rencken, C R E: Die Uniegebou die eerste 75 jaar
Publicity Committee, Tygerberg Hospital: Tygerberg Hospital 1956 - 1976
Payne, A.I.L. & Crawford, R.J.M. (eds); Dalsen, A.P. van (illust): Oceans of Life off Southern Africa
Kirkby, Howard; Kirkby, Joyce: Still Upon a Frontier: A history of Kingswood College, 1892-1993
Oosthuizen, S. P. R. (compiler): Register van die Provinsiale Raad van die Oranje-Vrystaat 1911 - 1986
Benjamin, Arnold: The Alternative Mandela Album: A lighter look at some weighty events
Cundill, Liam: White Quill, The
Homdrom, Theodore: Mission Memories II: In Apartheid South Africa
Eisenblatt, Rabbi Shmuel D.; Nahmoud, N.C. (trans.): Fulfillment in Marriage - Man's Volume
Laurie, K.W.J. (compiler): Register of St Andrew's College, Grahamstown. From 1855 to 1927
Matfield, Victor; Borchardt, De Jongh: Victor: My Reis
Rieck, Arnold: Poems to Honour the Renowned and other illustrated Poems
Kruger, J.S: Buddhism from the Buddha to Asoka: Circumstances, Events, Practices, Teachings (Manualia didactica)
Mustarde, J. C: The Sun Stood Still
Bower, Colin: The Song of the Leiwater
Stephen Francis; Rico: Madam & Eve: The Maidtrix
Guigne, Francis de: Poems - First Series
Mzamo,Zanozuko: A Year Of Staying Possitive
Treger Anne: Maternity Nurse
Mongie, Mel: Patricia's Place
Bomans, Godfried (Dore, Gustave (illus)): De wonderbaarlijke avonturen van Baron von Munchhausen met prenten van Gustave Dore
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