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Moll, Eugene; Scott ,Lindsay: Trees and Shrubs of the Cape Peninsula Taylor, Ricky; De La Harpe, Roger: Great Game Parks of Africa: St Lucia Wetlands Park Hadfield, Nicola ; Botha, Lien (photog): Nicola Hadfield's Beautiful Homes of South Africa
Kemp, Alan ; Finch-Davies, Claude Gibney (illus): The Birds of Southern Africa Passmore, N. I; Carruthers, V. C: South African Frogs South Africa's Big Game & Other Animals [With Two Maps]
Racster, Olga & Grove, Jessica: The Journal of Dr. James Barry Aucamp, Hennie: Bolder: Verspreide Prosatekste deur: Elise Muller; Karel Schoeman; WD Beukes; Pirow Bekker; Etienne Leroux; Bartho Smit; Breyten Breytenbach; Berta Smit; PJ Philander; Andre P Brink; Elsa Joubert; Freda Linde; Collie von Molendorff and Ina Rousseau Marshall, H.; Mommsen, B: Field Guide to the West Coast (Environmental resource guides)
Adamson, R S and Salter, T M (eds): Flora of the Cape Peninsula Walker, Clive: Walk through the wilderness Tyson, Harvey: Editors under Fire
Pelzer, A N (Prof) (ed): Verwoerd aan die Woord : Toesprake 1948 - 1962 unknown: Southern African Wildlife: A guide to our mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, fishes, amphibians, invertebrates Cape Department Of Nature Conservation & Museum Services Report No. 36 1979-1980
Bulpin, T V ; Miller, Penny (illus): Discovering Southern Africa Rabinowitz, Alan: Jaguar: One Man's Struggle To Establish The World's First Jaguar Preserve Alexander, Peter: Workers, War and the Origins of Apartheid: Labour and Politics in South Africa, 1939-48
Eliovson, Sima: Little Umfaan ;The story of a road Neame, L. E: South African Politicians Gosnell, Peter J: BIG BEND.; A history of the Swaziland Bushveld
Zoologica Africana Volume 12 Number 2 Adams, Wendy (ed): Houses For Africa: An Aspirational Source Book For Building and FInishing Your Home "Mac" (Howard Wood MacKinney): Cartoons of the Great War 1914-1916
"Mac" (Herbert Wood MacKinney): Cartoons of the Great War 1916-1917 Kemp, A. C: The biography of Claude Gibney Finch-Davies, 1875-1920: Observer, student and highly skilled illustrator of Southern African birds Scarry, Richard: Babykins and His Family
Zieser, Benno: In Their Shallow Graves Tonder, Izak W van: Oom Izak van Kaapstad Kyk Terug Evangelides, Gary ; Strydom, Andre ; Wilken, Peter ; Linstrom, Tania: SABTC : South African Bull Terrier Yearbook 2011
Eloff, Zakkie ; Hart, Sue (text): DRAWN FROM LIFE, A PORTFOLIO OF WILDLIFE DRAWINGS Cordingley, Major General Patrick: In the Eye of the Storm : Commanding the Desert Rats in the Gulf War Deane, Dee Shirley: Black South Africans: A Who's Who : 57 profiles of Natal's leading blacks
Ryall, Richie: A Brush With Cricket : Richie Ryall Benefit Year July 1991 - July 1992 Reynolds, Mrs Fred: The Making of Michael Through the Periscope : South African Submarines: The First Thirty Years - Reflections Past and Present
Heese, J De V: Van Penkop tot Hoofleier - 'n Kort Lewenskets van wyle Dr N J van der Merwe In lewe Hoofleier van Die Voortrekkers McDonald, Donald (compiler and essay): Surgeons Twoe and a Barber - being some account of the life and work of the Indian Medical Service (1600 - 1947) Nienaber, PJ Dr: Ds S. J. du Toit, Die eensame Ismael: n beskouing oor sy letterkindige werk
Reitz, Dr Hjalmar ; Oost, Harm (Editors): Die Nasionale Boek - 'n Geskiedenis van die onstaan en groei van die Nasionale Party van Suid-Afrika en wat die bereik het, tesaam met belangwekkende Artiekels in verband daarmee. Verder kort Lewensbeskrywings van sy Stigsters, Leiers en baie van sy Ondersteuners in al die dele van die Unie Meinhof, Carl ; Warmelo, N J van (trans): Introduction to the Phonology of the Bantu Languages Davies, Marjorie Dick (compiler): Twin Trails: The Story of the Fynn and Southey families
Mowat, R B & Davies, J D Griffith: A Chronicle of Kingship 1066 - 1937 Rickards, James: Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis Cubitt, Gerald: Namibia The Untamed Land
Rourke, J P: Taxonomic Studies on Leucospermum R. Br. : Journal of South African Botany Supplementary Volume No. 8 Strutt, Daphne H: Clothing Fashions in South Africa 1652- 1900; An illustrated history of styles and materials for men, women and children including footwear, hairdressing, accessories and jewellery Thompson, Humphrey: Distant Horizons; An autobiography of one man's forty years of missionary service in and around Kuruman, South Africa
Van Wyk, Chris: Now Listen Here: The Life and Times of Bill Jardine Rattray, Gillian: The Springing of the Year; A South African Diary Langenhoven, C. J: Versamelde Werke (Deel 3)
Biden, C. Leo: Sea - Angling Fishes of the Cape (South Africa); A natural history of some of the principal fishes caught by sea anglers and professional fisherman in Cape waters Forbes, Rosita: From Red Sea to Blue Nile - Abyssinian Adventures Crabb, George: English Synonyms Explained in alphabetical order with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers
Hughes, John; Gordon, Alex (ed): Yogi Bare: The Life and Times of a Celtic Legend John Hughes Pama, C: Simbole Van Die Unie Slomowitz, Ilana: Touching the Earth; A glimpse into Granna's soul
Dalton , Clive: Malay Canoe Merriweather, A. M: Desert Harvest Nicol, Mike: Payback; Revenge is never enough
Lessing, Doris: To Room Nineteen ; Collected Stories volume 1 Pinnock, Patricia Schonstein and Donald: Ouma's Autumn Golakai, HJ: The Lazarus Effect
Maasdorp, Gavin; Humphreys, A.S.B. (ed): From Shantytown to Township: An Economic Study of African Poverty and Rehousing in a South African City Young, Brigadier Peter (ED): "The Big Push" Carnage on the Somme (History of the First World War) Funk, Isaac K (Ed-in-Chief): A Standard Dictionary of the English Language upon original plans designed to give, in complete and accurate statement, in the light of the most recent advances in Knowledge, and in the Readiest Form for Popular Use, the Orthography, Pronunciation, Meaning, and Etymology of All the Words and the Meaning of Idiomatic Phrases in the Speech and Literature of the English-Speaking Peoples - Also Abridged Cyclopedia with Atlas of the World : Two Volumes
Service des Bateaux Cook sur le Nil Saison 1913-1914 - Programme des arrangements pour la visite de l'Egypte, du Nil, du Soudan etc. avec cartes, illustrations et plans des Bateaux a Vapeur Touristes de 1re Classe Reader's Digest 40 Years in South Africa 1948 - 1988 Mathews, Johnny Dewe: Johnny Dewe Mathews recent works 7 June- 23 June 2006
Tracey, Peggy: The lost valley Harpur, C. A. L & Kirsten, L. R. [ed]: Mindscapes; A South African Anthology Of Poetry & Prose Derricourt, Robin; Saunders, Christopher: Beyond the Cape Frontier: Studies in the History of Transkei and Ciskei
Scholtz, J du P: DC Boonzaier en Pieter Wenning, Verslag van 'n Vriendskap Keyter, Suzaan (compiler): Theatre on the Bay : The First 25 Years Nathan, Manfred: The Huguenots in South Africa
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