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Genugtig 2006 Mackenzie, Compton: Sinister Street The Second Volume Kelly, John M: Surf and Sea
The Salvation Army Year Book 1974 The Salvation Army Year Book 1971 Songs for Officers' Councils Johannesburg May 1952
Songs for Officers' Councils Johannesburg May 1951 International Company Orders for Young People 1935 Parker, A. C: W.P. CRICKET 100- NOT OUT
Whistler, Charles W: Havelok The Dane; A Legend of Old Grimsby & Lincoln Malatji, Reneilwe: Love Interrupted Langenhoven, C. J: Twee Novelles: Mofen Sy Mense/Donker Spore
Batts, Rev. H. J: History of the Baptist Church In South Africa Quest, John: The Golden Rhinoceros Langenhoven, C. J: Versamelde Werke Deel X Only
Schoeman,P. J: Die Jagterprins en ander Jagverhale Branch, Margo: Explore The Cape Flora & Its Animals Parktown Westcliff Heritage - collection of 16 publications
Wolhuter, Harry ; Astley-Maberly, C T (illus): Memories of a Game-Ranger Khul, Djwhal ; A Student (compiler): Ponder on this From the Writings of the Tibetan Teacher (Djwhal Khul) Tingley, Katherine: The Voice of the Soul
Kestell, Rev J D and Velden, D E van ; Velden, D E van (trans): The Peace Negotiations - Between the Governments of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State, and the Representatives of the British Government, which terminated in the Peace concluded at Vereeniging on the 31st May, 1902 Grove, I J (Ed-in-Chief): Konservatorium 1905 - 2005 : Die Departement Musiek en die Konservatorium aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch by geleentheid van die Eeufees 1905-2005 Hutton, Douglas: A Roving Scot
Booyens, B: Solomon Caesar Malan : Aquarelles / Akwarelle - Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch Maclean, Charles Rawden: Natal Papers John Ross (Killie Campbell Africana Library Publications) Matthews, James: Poisoned Wells & Other Delights; A collection of feelings
Strydom, C J Scheepers: Bellville - Wordingsjare van 'n Stad : Growth of a City Faulkner, William ; Hughes, Richard (intro): The Mosquitoes Caldwell, Taylor: Dynasty of Death
Rosenthal, Eric: Girders on the Veld: Structural Steel and Its Story in South Africa Theal, George McCall: Ethnography and Condition of South Africa before AD 1505 - being a description of the inhabitants of the country south of the Zambesi and Kunene rivers in AD 1505 together with all that can be learned from ancient books and modern research of the condition of South Africa from the earliest time until its discovery by Europeans Bosman, Herman Charles ; Abrahams, Lionel (Ed): The Earth is Waiting
Strydom, Barend: Barend Strydom Die Wit Wolf - 'n Belydenis Rey, P de la: Manne en Motors - die verhaal van ons motorsport Macdonald, Tom: Ouma Smuts - The First Lady of South Africa : The authentic story of a rare, simple woman, Mrs Jan Christian Smuts, wife of Field Marshal The Rt Hon JC Smuts, CH KC Prime Minister of South Africa
Niekerk, Dolf van: Brandoffer Mkhondo, Rich: Reporting South Africa Kock, E Plewman de: Various Outspans - Incidents in the life of an Early Settler in Southern Rhodesia
Krog, Antjie: Jersusalemgangers Ajar, Emile ; Manheim, Ralph (trans): Momo Bosman,, D J: The Cosmic Drama
Willcox, A. R: Rock paintings of the Drakensberg, Natal Tatlow, A H (Ed): Natal Province - descriptive guide and official hand-book Barrow, Edwin P: Fireside Fables
Beet, George: The Grand Old Days of the Diamond Fields - Memories of Past Times with the Diggers of Diamondia Giliomee, Hermann: Die Kaap tydens die Eerste Britse Bewind 1795-1803 Jaarsveld, F A van: Die Afrikaners Se Groot Trek Na die Stede: En ander opstelle
The Journal of the Mountain Club of South Africa 1958 Botha, Dr. C. Graham & Beyers, Dr. Coenraad[editors]: Archives Year Book for South African History Fifth Year- Part 2 Macintosh, E. K: Gesteentes Minerale en Edelstene van Suider-Afrika
Samuelson, L H: Zululand; Its Traditions , Legends, Customs and Folk-lore Hathorn, Peter: Joseph Henderson Being A Record Of Some Episodes In The Life Of The Founder Of A Family In Natal & Of His Wife & Their Children Visser, A G: Die Purper Iris en Ander Nagelate Gedigte
Schoeman, P J: Fanie Word Grootwildjagter Breytenbach, Jan J: Hagar Post, Jan J van der ; Krige, Francois: Agarob - Kind van die Duine - met tekeninge uit die sketsboek van Francois Krige
Vries, Abraham H de: Twee maal om die Son McDonald, Ds R D ; Kritzinger, Generaal P H: In Die Skaduwee Van Die Dood Blumer, Pffarer Wilhelm J L (Ed): Funffundsiebzig Jahre Pflanzgarten im Dunensand Philippi-Vlakte am Kap / Vyf-en-sewentig jare 'n Tuin in die Duinesand Philippi, Kaapse Vlakte
Schoeman, P J: Spore wat nie toewaai nie Hoogenhout, C P ; Nienaber, P J (introduction): Josef en Catharina Niemeyer, S: Ogus - Die storie van 'n mak Bobbejan
Rosenthal, Eric: On 'Change Through the Years - a history of share dealing in South Africa Van Rooyen, Engela: Seisoene (Afrikaans Edition) Van Der Merwe, Andre Le R: Die Wit Horison; Antarktiese Dagboekverhaal Desember 1959- Januarie 1961
FitzPatrick, J. Percy: Through Mashonaland with Pick and Pen Birdstone, Alabama: Queer Free Rabie, Jan: Die Evolusie Van Nasionalisme; Beskouings oor die krisis van nasionalisme in die huidige oorgangstydperk tot 'n wereldstaat
Uys, Sannie: Vroue Knowling, R J ; Denney, James ; Findlay, G G: The Expositor's Greek Testament - Volume II: The Acts of the Apostles, St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, St Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians Thomson, Ron: Mahohboh: Elephants and Elephant Hunting in South Central Africa
Breytenbach, Col. Jan: They Live By The Sword - 21 'Buffalo' Battalion - South Africa's Foreign Legion Feinstein, Andrew: After the Party Trapido, Barbara: Brother of the More Famous Jack
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