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Seely, Mary: The Namib: Natural history of an ancient desert Bierman, Ettie: Paul of Paula (Afrikaans Edition) Schoeman, Amy: Notes on Nature
Melber, Henning: Our Namibia- A Social Studies Text-book Rogers, Mirabel: The Black Sash : South Africa's Fight for Dempcracy South African Heritage : from Van Riebeek to Nineteenth - Century Times
Groot Constantia - SA Wine Museum / SA Wynmuseum Hills, Amy: Seven Orphans- Book ll Rainbow, Robin (Ed): Mulanje Mountain Club Silver Jubilee Journal
Crocker, Chester A: High Noon in Southern Africa Mangope, Lukas: A place for all The New Zealand Railway Observer Summer 1969-70 Volume 26 No. 4
Schneider, Ilme: Waterberg Plateau Park (A Shell guide) Jaffer, Zubeida: Africa; The Untold Story- Rwanda after 18 years Phillips, Ray E: The Bantu In The City; A Study of Cultural Adjustment on the Witwatersrand
Duckitt, Hildagonda J: 650 Cookery Recipes Barnaard, Christiaan and Pepper, Curtis Bill: Christiaan Barnard - One Life Tatz, C.M: Shadow and Substance in South Africa
McElroy, Joseph: A Smugglers Bible Agutter, Jenny: Snap : Observations of Los Angeles and London Kaplan, Mendel and Robertson, Marian: Founders and Followers: Johannesburg Jewry, 1887-1915
Grey, Julia: Capetown: an illustrated poem African Safari Photographic Journal Henkel, J S: A Field Book of the Woody Plants of Natal and Zululand being a Key for the identification of Woody Plants based on leaf characters
Johnson, Jill: Soweto Speaks Podmore, Frank: Apparitions and Thought-Transference : an examination of the evidence for telepathy Kerr RN (Retired), Commander C L: All In the Day's Work
Elmslie, W A L: Studies in Life from Jewish Proverbs Faure, Stephanie: Elokusie Makewell, Raymond: Economic Wisdom : Economic References from Scriptural, Philosophical and Classical Sources
Hemmings, F.M.M: The Institute of Bankers in South Africa : Financial Method for Bankers Du Toit, H G A: Vier Eeue van Troos Peacock, Tim et al: Dialogue 1974
De Heer, Joh: Hoe Kom Ik tot Bekeering Hattingh, J F J: Standaarde met betrekking tot Ongehude Moeder - en Aanneminsorg Blyton, Enid: Third Brer Rabbit Book
Margolius, Marcia: South African Decor & Design 2006 9th edition Grobbelaar, Pieter W: Born is the King : Christmas Far Over the Seas Dixon, Franklin W: The Mystery of the Aztec Warrior
Serebro, Harold: Stress Spasm and You Kipling, Rudyard: The Irish Guards in the Great War Volume II Merriman, Henry Seton: Flotsam The Story of a Life
Berends, I et al: Botshol in Beeld The National Council of Chartered Accountants (S A) The Valuation of Shares in Companies and of Other Business Interests - bilingual Slabber, Letitia: On the Death of My Child
Grove, A P & Botha, Elize: Handleiding By Die Studie Van Die Letterkunde Coetzee, J V: Neo-Calvinisme Verbastering of Regte Ontwikkeling Fraser, F J M: Die Jong Hart
Brockett, Eleanor: Persian Fairy Tales Alston, Madeline: Sunbirds and Jacarandas : A Bird-lover in Rhodesia Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Tanar of Pellucider
Clay, Paddi: Hillbrow White, Steve [Editor]: Dinosaur Art: The World's Greatest Paleoart The Wildflower Resource: Commerce, Conservation and Research - Houw Hoek Inn 4 October 1988 : Programme / Program 4 Oktober 1988 Houw Hoek Inn - Die Veldblomhulpbron: Handel, Bewaring en Narvorsing. Mini-Symposium on the Wildflower Resource organised by the The Working Group on Commercial Wildflower Resources / Mini-Symposium oor die Veldblomhulpbron gere??l deur Die Werkgroep vir Kommersi??le Veldblomhulpbronne
Shell, Robert ; Hummel, Chris ; Lubbe, Henri?tte ; Redlinghuis, Aubrey C et al: Kronos: Journal of Cape History / Tydskrif vir Kaaplandse Geskiedenis No. 18 October/ Oktober 1991 Gurney, John: Bruegel (Masters in Colour series) Reynardson, H. Birch: High Street Africa
Histoire de Napol??on et de la Grande-Arm??e pendant l'ann??e 1812, par M.le G??n??ral Comte De S??gur - tome second Peck, Winifred: Home for the Holidays Douglas, Rev. W. M: Andrew Murray & His Message
Bold, J.D: Fanagalo Dictionary (Kitchen Kafir) Olivier, Cecilia: Albino - die wit blesbokkie Hey, Douglas: Water - Source of Life
Levin, Shmarya: Youth in Revolt Reader's Digest; Reynierse, Cecile: South Africa Multi-Language Dictionary and Phrase book Hammond, Les; Yeld, John: Cape Town Images: A Collection of Photographic Highlights from The Argus
Mars; Hockly, H E: The Law of Insolvency Ross, Geo (compiler): The African Court Calendar for MDCCCVIII - Under the sanction of Government / De Africaansche Staats Almanak, voor het jaar MDCCCVIII - onder approbatie van het gouvernement (Willem Hiddingh Reprint Series / Herdruk-reeks No. 6) Mbatha, Azaria ; Addleston, Jill ; Danilowitz, Brenda ; Hobbs, Philippa ; Leeb-Du Toit, Juliette ; Loder, Robert ; Rankin, Elizabeth ; Stewart, Dianne ; West, Gerald ; Winters, Yvonne Elizabeth: Azaria Mbatha: Retrospective exhibition
Kirchhoffs : Fifty-Seventh Annual Catalogue Eichbaum, Julius (Ed): Scenaria : A Special Commemorative Issue for the Final Production at His Majesty's Theatre : Brickhill-Burke's 'Hello Dolly!' (Programme included) Graham, Gordon M: All Our Yesterdays, 1890-1970: A Pictorial Review of Rhodesia's Story from the best of Illustrated Life Rhodesia
Bell, W H Somerset: Bygone Days - Being Reminiscences of Pioneer Life in The Cape Colony and the Transvaal, with Some Account of the Jameson Raid and its Consequences Sachs, Prof Dr Karl: Sachs Villatte encylop??disches W??rterbuch der franz??sischen & deutschen Sprache. Mit Augabe der Aussprache nach dem phonetischen System der Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt Theil II - deutsche-franz??sisch. Kleine Ausgabe Royle, Charles: The Egyptian Campaigns, 1882 to 1885, and the Events Which Led to Them : 2 Volumes
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