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Johannesburg Art Gallery [Editor]: Art and Ambiguity: Perspectives on the Brenthurst Collection of Southern African art Coetzee, Nicolaas Abraham: Die Stamouers Coetzee en nageslagte: Herdenkingsuitgawe 300 jaar in Suider-Afrika : met enkele familieregisters en persoonlike inligting (Afrikaans Edition) Venter, Al J: How South Africa Built Six Atom Bombs and then Abandoned its Nuclear Weapons Program
Rossiter, Jack: "You'll Never Make it" : The Escape Diary of Pte. Jack Rossiter August-September 1943 Borcherds, Petrus Borchardus: An Auto-Biographical Memoir of Petrus Borchardus Borcherds, Esq.,late Civil Commissioner of Cape Division and Resident Magistrate for Cape Town and District Thereof, and Cape District Hirschowitz, Sam and Eber, Neville: You too can Play Bridge Well
Lawrence, Hilda: Duet of Death Kerr, A J: The Law of Agency, Harvie, Chris: Do NOT Take Thid Road
Landman, J.P; Nel, Philip; Van Niekerk, Anton: Wat kom na Apartheid? Jong Afrikaners aan die Woord Smith, Mervyn; Kalfas, Christy: Safely Out on a Limb Finney, Charles G: Krag uit die Hoogte
Wiener, Mandy and Bateman, Barry: Behind the Door Retief, Dan: The Springboks and the Holy Grail Webb, John: The Zanzi Bar;Africa Through the Lens: Photographing Africa
Cliff, Gareth: Cliffhanger Ball, Kenneth: Land Rover 1, 2, 1948-61 Autobook : Workshop Manual for Land-Rover 1 1595 cc Petrol Engine 19418-51 , Land-Rover 1 1997 cc Petrol Engine 1952-58, Land-Rover 1 2052 cc Diesel Engine 1957-58, Land-Rover 2 2052 cc Diesel Engine 1959-61 Huebner, Louise: Witchcraft for All
Alegi, Peter: African Soccerscapes: How A Continent Changed the World's Game Shih, Ching Hai Wu Shang: The Key of Immediate Enlightenment 1 Mead, Colin; Mead, Colin [Photographer]: Naked Wilderness
Barlow, Bob (Ed): Model Railway Journal - No 75 Barlow, Bob (Ed): Model Railway Journal - No 82 Nel, Edwin: The Magic of Quantum Living
Farquarson, Andy (Ed): Modelling Railways Illustrated Vol 1 No 5 - May-June 1994 Jurgens, Richard: The Many Houses of Exile Ferguson, Alex: Light in the North: Seven Years with Aberdeen
Hamilton, William: Modern Poems Devitt, Napier: Celebrated South African Crimes Hansel and Gretel and other stories by the brothers Grimm
Laubscher, Lappe ; Nieman, Gideon (compilers and editors): The Carolin Papers - A Diary of the 1906/07 Springbok tour Woods, Sara: Malice Domestic Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe
Morris, Michael ; Krige, Bill ; Koppehel, Charmaine ; Penstone, Kim ; Witepski, Lisa ; Chenne, Samantha du: From Groot Constantia to Google : 1685 to 2010 - A colourful history of brands and branding in South Africa Johnson, Julian: Die Weg van die Meesters Nicol, Mike: DIeners & Donners
Delchambre, Patrice: Zimbabwe : A Passion Shared Clarke, Elizabeth;Strachan, Kathryn: Everybody's Business: The Enlightening Truth about AIDS Hofmeyr, Steve: Laaste dans, Drienie
Pretorius, J. Celestine: Pretoria Se Pionierhuis: Sy tyd en sy mense Niehaus, Carmen: Bakboek Wenresepte (Huisgenoot) Binckes, Robin: The Great Trek uncut - Escape from British Rule : The Boer Exodus from the Cape Colony, 1836
Bilchik, Nadia : Milner, Lori: Own Your Space Vinnig, Lekker, Goedkoop : Recipes for Working Girls Wesley His Own Biographer. Selections from the Journals of the Rev John Wesley AM, sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford
Lake, Stuart: HeCarried a Six - Shooter : The Biography of Wyatt Earp Priester, Jak de: Heuning in die Mond du Plessis, Arina; Howells, Wilma: Onthaal (Afrikaans Edition)
Frodsham, Stanley Howard: Smith Wigglesworth : Apostle of Faith Ein Staat im Werden : Entwicklung in der Transkei Campbell, Carol: Karretjiemense
Hare, Paul: Angola's Last Best Chance for Peace: An Insider's Account of the Peace Process Botes, Annelie: Thula-thula (Afrikaanse uitgawe) (Afrikaans Edition) Barnard, Chris: Oulap Se Blou
van Tonder, Jan: Roepman (Afrikaans Edition) Spitta, Molly : Ille, Stefan: The Croc! An Okavango Adventure Spitta, Molly; Ille, Stafan: The Croc! An Okavango Adventure
Crocker, Gareth: Ka-Boom! Lanzmann, Jacques ; Ripert, Pierre: Cent ans de pret-a-porter - Weill, Paris April, Kurt; Cradock, Joanne: E-business: Redefining the corporate landscape
Lockhart, Alison; Dicey, Lynette (editors): Top ICTe Companies in South Africa: Information, Communication Technology and Electronics van Zyl, Cecilia [Editor]; Botha, Ziets [Editor]; Skerritt, Peter [Editor]; Goodspeed, Ingrid [Editor];: Understanding South African Financial Markets Hamilton, Murray: An Eye for a Tooth
Franz, G H: Moloisi die Wyse Heath, Duane : Heath, Warren: Bokke se Kombuis : Vier die liefde vir kos, familie en rugby Biller, Hilary: Fuss-free Braais
Sinclair, Ian; Davidson, I: Suider-Afrikaanse Voels: 'n Fotografiese Gids (Photographic Guides) (Afrikaans Edition) Black, Gavin: A Path for Serpents Kassabgi, Georges: The Starting Note
de Wet, Prof dr J I ; Roux, Dr L M le: Bybelse Geskiedenis vir die Kategese Pont, Prof dr A D: 'n Oorsig van die Algemene Kerkgeskiedenis en die Geskiedenis van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika Nienaber, P. J: Totius-Digter en Profeet
Mutwa, credo: My People Sister Warriors: Battles fought , one by one, Women who conquer like none Oblet, Vincent & Lamare, Alain: Carnets D'Afrique; 10,000 km Across The Skies Of West Africa
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