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Chetwood, Doreen: Jordans Country Recipes
Twenty-Seventh Annual Primary School Sports Caledonian Grounds 14th May 1947
Bee, A.G: Keeper of the Highway : The Story of Samuel Cowley
Schroeder, Gerald L: Genesis and the Big Bang: The Discovery of Harmony Between Modern Science and the Bible
N Boekie Vir Piet
South Africa 1976: Official Yearbook of the Republic of South Africa
Department Of Public Health Union Of South Africa: Care of the Teeth & Prevention of Dental Disease in Children
Sunward Park High school 1990
Know Your Water Birds : A Pocket Guide to the Habits and Distribution of Your Water Birds.[River & Estuary Birds - Coastal Birds]
Reeman, Douglas: The Deep Silence
Modler, Heinz T & van Rensburg, Eugene: Essays in Time
Yorke, Curtis: The Wild Ruthvens
Carr, Norman: Kakuli
Gage, Jack: Greek Adventure
Staub France: Birds of the Mascarenes and Saint Brandon
Ramdas, Sri Swami: Guru's Grace ( Autobiography of Mother Krishnabai )
Shuenyane, Morakile (Editor): South Africa Fifty Years in Total. 1954-2004
Lewis, David: Thieves at the Dinner Table
The Johannesburg Hospital 1890-1965
Learmont, Tom: Light Across Time
Ardler, H.W: South African Field Trial Club: The Judging Of Field Trial Dogs
Jokai, Maurus: The Lion of Janina
Race Relations Journal Vol. XXVI No.3 July-September 1959
Bannister, John: A Glossary of Cornish Names, Ancient and Modern, Local, Family, Personal, &c : 20,000 Celtic and Other Names, Now or Formerly in Use in Cornwall with derivations and significations, for the most part conjectural, suggestive and tentative of many, and lists of unexplained names about which information is solicited
Baker, Samuel W: The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon
Korse Vulsels Is Heerlike Terte
Maasdorp, A.F.S: The Institutes of Cape Law : being a compendium of the common law, decided cases, and statute law of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope. Book 1: the law of persons ; Book 2: the law of things
Nichols, Brad: Best Gay Love Stories: New York City
Hall, Lynn Bedford: Fig Jam and Foxtrot: Tales of life, love and food in the Karoo
Bruyn, Annaline de: Kosmos-Skyfies
Outpost - Stories of the Rhodesian Police
Jameson, K. ; Ashburner, D: South African W.A.A.F
O'Donnell, Peter: Dead Man's Handle
Rees, Karin: Antenatal - Yoga
Hendriks, R: Die Vlug Voor Die Skavot
Litchfield, Eric ; Wright, Billy (Foreword): Eric Litchfield's Book of Soccer
Research Staff South African Institute of Race Relations: Race Relations Survey 1987/88
Baskerville, Beatrice: What Next O Duce?
Yell, Nicholas: Karoo Tales and Images
Forester, C S: Plain Murder
Harthan, John P: History of the Illustrated Book: The Western Tradition
Spilhaus, M. Whiting: The First South Africans
Edib - the famous Vegetable Oil : Cooking Secrets
Birrell, Harry ; Axe, John (Editor): Evergreen : the History of the Diocesan School for Girls, Grahamstown 1874-1999
Viljoen, P.J: Ek Kyk Terug
Grobler, Imogen: The Development of a Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale for Social Work Supervisors - A Pilot Study : A Research Report Submitted to the Faculty of Business Administration University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg for the Degree of Master of Business Administration
Profiles of the Informal Settlements within Johannesburg Metropole - August 2005
Morris, Jane [Editor]: Short Writings from Bulawayo III
Eshmade, E. ; Trehaeven, R. ; Runciman, M. (Compilers): East Cape Branch Genealogical Society of South Africa, Notes for Novice Researchers
Koorts, Johannes Marthinus Jacob: Beginsels van Gereformeerde kerkbou (Dutch Edition)
Unstead, Prof J F ; Taylor, E G R: Philips' Series of Comparative Wall Atlases : United States : 1. Relief of Land and Communications ; 2. Political and Economic ; 3. Cliimate - Summer Condiitons ; 4. Climate - Winter Conditions ; 5. Temperature ; 6. Natural Vegetation ; 7. Density of Population ; 8. NE United States - Commercial Development
Liepa, Liana: Latvian Figurative Painting from the Collection of Genady Perepjolkin
Seale, Rodney: Help my .asb!
Kingsley, Henry: Tales of Old Travel
Kenchington, F. E: The Commoners' New Forest
Josephus, Flavius ; Whiston, William (trans): The Antiquities of The Jews
Het Nieuwe Testament, of alle boeken des nieuwen verbonds onzes Heeren Jezus Christus door last van de hoog-mog. heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en volgens het besluit van de synode nationaal, gehouden te Dordrecht in de Jaren 1618 en 1619 uit de oorsponklijke Griekse taak in onze Nederlansche getrouwelijk overgezet. Met nieuwe bijgevoegde verklaringen op de duistere plaatsen en aanteekeningen van de gelijkluidende teksten
Blyton, Enid: Knikkie se Avontuur
van Pletzen, Johan: Ma, se vier Sussie
Heunis, J. C: The Coventry four
Venter, C: Die Dagboek van Krygsgevangene : Stephanus Francois Hugo
Letters to Sir Peregrine Maitland KCB Governor of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, on The Present Kafir War, by Aug. Jos. Trancred, DD (The State Library / Die Staatsbiblioteek Pretoria Reprints / Herdrukke No 45)
Steytler, A: Gelegenheidspreeken, Toespraken, Brieven en Lezingen
Kommandement O.P: Kommandement O.P
Hart, Peter: St Paul's Church Port Elizabeth : A History to Mark the Silver Jubilee of the New Church, 1985
Strydom, C. J. Scheepers (Dr): Black and White Africans: A factual account of South African Race Policies in the Verwoerd Era
Bobo, Gcobani; Jack, Elvis: The Rise of the Dagger: What Happens in a Rugby Story When Life Interrupts?
Jacobs, J F: Vaalpens en Blikoor
A Tribute to the King of Rock Elvis
Tarr, Herbert: Heaven Help Us
Von Benecke, Evans: Storms oor die Laeveld
Stone, Tone: Images Vol 14
Coles, R.N: Dynamic Chess
Smuts, A J: Praktiese Teologie in Suid-Afrika Perspektiewe op Pastoraat
Jenkins, David & Stebbing, Dorothy: They Led the Way
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