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Schoeman, B. M: Die Broederbond in die Afrikaner-Politiek Savory, Phyllis: Swazi Fireside Tales. Illustrated by Jullian Hulme Barrow, A. H: Fifty Years in Western Africa: Being a Record of the Work of the West Indian Church on the Banks of the Rio Pongo
[His Majesty's Stationery Office]: Papers Relating to the Administration of Martial Law in South Africa AND Papers Relating to the Administration of Martial Law in South Africa. In Continuation of [Cd. 981.] South Africa: Review of Proceedings at the United Nations in 1973 on Questions Affecting South Africa Nebel, Heinrich C: Die Transvaalsphinx: Bilder aus dem südafrikanischen Leben von Heinrich C. Nebel
Schoeman, Johan: Hear the Other Side: The Afrikaner Side and the German Side Hauptfleisch, Temple, with Wilma Viljoen and Céleste van Greunen (compilers): Athol Fugard: A Source Guide Hahn, T. H: An Index of the Grey Collection in the South African Public Library
Goy, Mathilde (Keck): Alleen in Afrika, of Zeven Jaren aan de Zambezi. Vertaald uit het Engelsch Oberholster, A. G: Die Mynwerkerstaking, Witwatersrand, 1922 De Villiers, J: Die Cape Regiment 1806-1817, 'n Koloniale Regiment in Britse Diens
Ohlrich, Walt, and Jeff Ethell: The Incredible T-6 Pilot Maker Smith, J. L. B: Ou Vierpoot: die verhaal van die selakant Bottomley, John: Public Policy and White Rural Poverty in South Africa, 1881-1924
Cahn, Joseph M: The Teenie Weenies Book. The Life and Art of William Donahey Skinner, J. D., and R. H. N. Smithers: The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion Scott-Shaw, Rob: Rare and Threatened Plants of KwaZulu-Natal and neighbouring regions. A plant Red Data Book
Goetzsche, Eric: A Bold Hand. The Story of Goodrickes 1849-1974 Clapham, Christopher, Greg Mills and others: Regional Integration in Southern Africa: Comparative International Perspectives Harley, Anne, and Romy Fotheringham: AFRA: 20 years in the land rights struggle 1979-1999
Lewsen, Phyllis (editor): Selections from the Correspondence of J. X. Merriman Adderley, Sir C[harles] B[owyer]: Review of "The Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration," by Earl Grey, 1853; and of Subsequent Colonial History McKittrick, Meredith: To Dwell Secure. Generation, Christianity, and Colonialism in Ovamboland
Burgess, J. T: Angling and How to Angle. A Practical Guide to Bait-fishing, Trolling, Spinning and Fly-fishing Bickerdyke, John, and others: The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes. Sea Fishing Cholmondeley-Pennell, H., and others: The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes. Fishing. Pike and Other Coarse Fish
Peek, Hedley (editor): The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes. Poetry of Sport Mitford, A. B: Wanderings in Japan Longworth, F.A: Walmer. From Waterloo to Water Loos
Williamson, James A: The Cabot Voyages and Bristol Discovery Under Henry VII with, The Cartography of the Voyages, by R. A. Skelton Taylor, E. G. R. (editor): A Regiment for the Sea, and other writings on navigation by William Bourne of Gravesend, a gunner Vietzen, Sylvia: A History of Education for European Girls in Natal With Particular Reference to the Establishment of Some Leading Schools 1837-1902
Hutchinson, Lucy: Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson. Governor of Nottingham Castle and Town, representative of the county of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the town of Nottingham in the first parliament of Charles II, etc Robinson, Sir John: A Life Time in South Africa. Being the Recollections of the First Premier of Natal Sherry, S.P: The Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.)
Allen, Vivien: Kruger's Pretoria. Buildings and personalities of the city in the nineteenth century. With drawings by Hannes Meiring Bidwell, Shelford, and Dominick Graham: Fire-Power. British Army Weapons and Theories of War 1904-1945 Wilkinson, Henry Spenser (and others): War Facts & Figures. An Encyclopaedia of Useful Information with Maps and a Gazetteer
Kaye, John William: Lives of Indian Officers Illustrative of the Civil and Military Service of India [Harrison, Mrs J. W.]: A. M. Mackay, Pioneer Missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Uganda Rauh, Werner: Bromeliads for Home, Garden and Greenhouse
Forbes, Archibald: The "Black Watch". The Record of an Historic Regiment Jeannerat, Pierre: Flying to 3000 B.C Bayliss, E.P. , and J.S. Cumpston: Handbook and Index to accompany a Map of Antarctica Produced by the Department of the Interior, 1939
Potgieter, Herman (photographer) and Guy Butler (text): South Africa. Landshapes. Landscapes. Manscapes Norwich, John Julius (foreword): The World Atlas of Architecture Woolfenden, Glen E., and John W. Fitzpatrick: The Florida Scrub Jay. Demography of a Cooperative-breeding Bird
Von Sydow, Eckart: Die kunst der Naturvölker und der Vorzeit Oswald, Felix: Alone in the Sleeping-Sickness Country Van Dis, Adriaan and others: Die vrijheid verteld. Verhalen en gedichten voor Amnesty International
Peters, James A: Dictionary of Herpetology. A Brief and Meaningful Definition of Words and Terms Used in Herpetology Bücherl, W., and others (editors): Venomous Animals and Their Venoms. Volumes I and II: Venomous Vertebrates Smith, Malcolm: Monograph of the Sea-Snakes (Hydrophiidae)
Levaillant, François (Le Vaillant): Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux d'Afrique Prestwich, Arthur A: Relevé des Psittacidés élevés en France Walmsley, R. G: Winged Company. Studies in Bird-watching
van Someren, V. G. L: Days with Birds. Studies of Habits of some East African Species Lamsa, George M. (translator): The Four Gospels according to the Eastern Version. Translated from the Aramaic Anonymous: An Etymological Vocabulary of the New Testament Scriptures
Cursons, William E: Joseph Doke. The Missionary-Hearted Lamberti, E. E: The Family Influence. Achievements of the Lamberti and Risi Families Moore, C. (translator): Essays on Physiognomy, calculated to extend The Knowledge and the Love of Mankind
Anonymous: The Arabian Nights Entertainments: Consisting of One Thousand and One Stories. In Three Volumes Smith, Ken and F J Nöthling: North of the Limpopo. Africa since 1800 Thackeray, W. M: The Virginians. A Tale of the Last Century
Christidis, Leslie and Walter E. Boles: The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories Lansdowne, J.F. (illustrator) and John A. Livingston (author): Birds of the Northern Forest Wingfield, John, and John Coulson (editors): Acta XXI Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici. Vienna, Austria 20-25 August 1994. Plenary Papers and Reports
Lansdowne, J.F. (illustrator) and John A. Livingston (author): Birds of the Eastern Forest: 1 Farkas, T: Bird Communities of the False Upper Karoo Skutch, Alexander F: Parent Birds and Their Young
Keast, A., with R. L. Crocker and C. S. Christian (editors): Biogeography and Ecology in Australia Maitland, Sir Frederick: The Surrender of Napoleon Adams, (Rev.) H.C: Perils in the Transvaal. A Tale of the Zulu and First Boer War
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