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Fransen (Hans) & Cook (Mary): THE OLD HOUSES OF THE CAPE Headrick (Daniel R.): THE TOOLS OF EMPIRE, Technology and European Imperialism of the Nineteenth Century Campbell (Roy): THE WAYZGOOSE!
Wallis (J.P.R.): THOMAS BAINES OF KING'S LYNN, Explorer and Artist, 1820-1875 Mitford (Bertram): THROUGH THE ZULU COUNTRY, Its Battlefields and its People Paton (Alan): TOO LATE THE PHALAROPE
Kolstee (H.J.): TRANSVAAL ALBUM, Bevattende een overzicht der geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika tot den tegenwoordigen tijd Campbell (J.): TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA, Undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society; being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country Barrow (John): TRAVELS INTO THE INTERIOR OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, in which are described the character and the condition of the Dutch Colonists of the Cape of Good Hope, and of the several tribes of natives beyond its limits: The natural history of such subjects as occurred in the animal, mineral, and vegetable kingdoms; and the geography of the southern extremity of Africa. Comprehending also a topographical and statistical sketch of the Cape Colony: with an inquiry into its importance as a naval and military station; as a commercial emporium; and as a territorial possession
Damberger (C.F.): TRAVELS THROUGH THE INTERIOR OF AFRICA, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco; in Caffraria, the Kingdom of Mataman, Angola, Massi, Monoemugi, Muschako, Bahahara, Wangara, Haoussa, Etc, Etc., and thence through the Desert of Sahara and the north of Barbary to Morocco, between the years 1781 and 1797 M'Nab (William R.): TREATISE ON THE PROPAGATION, CULTIVATION AND GENERAL TREATMENT OF CAPE HEATHS, In a Climate Where they Require Protection During the Winter Months German East Africa: TREATMENT BY THE GERMANS OF BRITISH PRISONERS AND NATIVES IN GERMAN EAST AFRICA, Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. September 1917. [Cd. 8689.]
Henkel (C. C.): TREE PLANTING FOR ORNAMENTAL AND ECONOMIC PURPOSES, in the Transkeian Territories, South Africa. By Caesar C. Henkel, Conservator of Forests Palmer (Eve) & Pitman (Norah): TREES OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Tyrrell (B.): TRIBAL PEOPLES OF SOUTHERN AFRICA
Bergh (J.S.) & Bergh (A.P.): TRIBES & KINGDOMS Breutz (P.L.): TRIBES OF THE DISTRICTS OF KURUMAN AND POSTMASBURG Breutz (P.L.): TRIBES OF THE MAFEKING DISTRICT, Department of Native Affairs, Ethnological Publications No. 32
Breutz (P.L.): TRIBES OF THE VRYBURG DISTRICT, Department of Bantu Adminstration and Development, Ethnological Publications No. 46 Breuil (Abbé Henri): TSISAB RAVINE AND OTHER BRANDBERG SITES, with the collaboration of Mary E. Boyle, F.S.A. (Scot.), L.H., Dr. E.R. Scherz and R.G. Strey Baxter (Ahntony): TWO FOOT GAUGE, BEIRA RAILWAY 1890-1900
Du Moulin (Lt.-Col. L.E.): TWO YEARS ON TREK, Being some account of the Royal Sussex Regiment in South Africa, by the late Lt.-Colonel du Moulin Johnston (R.E.): ULUNDI TO DELVILLE WOOD, the life story of Major-General Sir Henry Timson Lukin, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Chevalier Legion d'Honneur, Order of the Nile James (F.L.): UNKNOWN HORN OF AFRICA, An Exploration from Berbera to the Leopard River
Hobson (N.K.) et al: VELD PLANTS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Baines (Thomas): VICTORIA FALLS ZAMBESI RIVER, Sketched on the Spot by Thomas Baines, F.R.G.S., (During the Journey of J. Chapman & T. Baines), 11 Views of the Victoria Falls, the Zambesi River and the Gorges, with descriptive text by the artist Orpen (N.): VICTORY IN ITALY
[Appleton (Capt. F.M.) Compiler]: VOLUNTEER SERVICE COMPANY, (1st South Lancashire Regiment) in South Africa during the Boer War. January, 1900 - July 1901. With some particulars concerning the Third Contingent Renshaw (R.): VOYAGE TO THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, the Indian Ocean, and up the Red Sea, with Travels into Egypt, through the desert, etc., giving an account of the cities of Grand Cairo and Alexandria. The whole interspersed with moral and religious Ogden (H.J.): WAR AGAINST THE DUTCH REPUBLICS IN SOUTH AFRICA, Its Origin, Progress and Results, Annotated With Extracts from Books, Newspapers, Pamphlets, and Speeches by Members of Parliament and other Leaders of Public Opinion
Royal Tour 1947: VISIT TO RHODESIA OF THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN AND THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCESS ELIZABETH AND THE PRINCESS MARGARET, The Rhodesia Railways, Limited. Transportation Department Special Notice No. 552, Chief Superintendent's Office, Transportation Department, Bulawayo, 22nd March, 1947. With, TIME TABLE FOR ROYAL TRAIN Chesson (F.W.): WAR IN ZULULAND: A BRIEF REVIEW OF SIR BARTLE FRERE'S POLICY, Drawn from Official Documents Morris (D.R.): WASHING OF THE SPEARS, A History of the Rise of the Zulu Nation under Shaka and Its Fall in the Zulu War of 1879
Rudolf von Ems: WELTCHRONIK. DER STRICKER: KARL DER GROSSE, The favourite book of the Middle Ages Cape Town: WHILE THE STEAMER WAITS, Brief Routes and Tours, Showing the Main Features of the City and Suburbs. Bulletin 119 Krikler (Jeremy): WHITE RISING, The 1922 Insurrection and Racial Killing in South Africa
[Gastrow (Shelagh)]: WHO'S WHO IN SOUTH AFRICAN POLITICS, Numbers 1-4 [Orffer (C.J.) Editor]: WINE GRAPE CULTIVARS IN SOUTH AFRICA Delpierre (G.R.) & Du Plessis (N.M.): WINTER-GROWING GLADIOLI OF SOUTH AFRICA, A pictorial record with descriptions
Courtenay (Colonel Arthur Henry): WITH THE 4TH BATTALION THE CAMERONIANS (SCOTTISH RIFLES) IN SOUTH AFRICA, 1900 - 1901 Hammond (Mrs J.H.): WOMAN'S PART IN A REVOLUTION Goldblatt (P.): WOODY IRIDACEAE, Nivenia, Klattia & Witsenia, Systematics, Biology & Evolution, watercolors by Fay Anderson, line drawings by Margo Branch
[Tremayne (J.H.)]: XIII. HUSSARS, South African War. October, 1899 - October, 1902 [Livingstone (David)]: ZAMBESI EXPEDITION OF DAVID LIVINGSTONE, 1858-1863, Edited by J.P.R. Wallis [Wallis (J.P.R.) Editor]: ZAMBESI JOURNAL OF JAMES STEWART
St Aubyn (E.): "LIFE ON A SOUTH AFRICAN FARM." (THE BACK VELD), By Elizabeth St Aubyn, author of "The Silent Shore" (an anthology), "Life on the Veld." Practical Essays." "Shorth South African Stories," Etc Pearson (C. Arthur, Limited): "PEARSON'S WEEKLY" MAP OF THE TRANSVAAL AND ORANGE FREE STATE, With Historical and Geographical Notes and Inset Maps shewing British Possessions in Africa, Cape to Cairo Railway, Steamship Tracks, and Geographical Positions of the Boer States in Relation to Briti [Butler (Guy) Editor]: 1820 SETTLERS, An Illustrated Commentary
Lindley (Captain A.F.): ADAMANTIA, THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SOUTH AFRICA DIAMOND FIELDS, or, a vindication of the right of the Orange Free State to that territory, and an analysis of British diplomacy and aggression which has resulted in the illegal seizure by the Governor of the Cape of Mutwa (V. Credo): AFRICA IS MY WITNESS Brentjes (Burchard): AFRICAN ROCK ART, Translated by Anthony Dent
Smith (Anna H.): AFRICANA BYWAYS [Smith (Anna H.) Editor]: AFRICANA CURIOSITIES Kennedy (R.F.): AFRICANA REPOSITORY, notes for a series of lectures given to the Hillbrow study centre from March to May, 1964
Davenport (T.R.H.): AFRIKANER BOND, The History of a South African Political Party, 1880-1911 Proverbs: AMAZWI AHLAKANIPILEYO, The book of Proverbs translated into Zulu [Wessels (A.)]: ANGLO-BOER WAR DIARY OF HERBERT GWYNNE HOWELL, With introduction, editing of the text and historical notes by André Wessels
Godfrey (Denis): ANTIQUES AND BYGONES Hockey (P.A.R.), Underhill (L.G.), Neatherway(M.) & Ryan (P.G.): ATLAS OF THE BIRDS OF THE SOUTHWESTERN CAPE ["Oriel" (John Sandes)]: BALLADS OF BATTLE
Hewat (Matthew L.) M.D: BANTU FOLK LORE, (Medical and General) Levinsohn (Rhoda): BASKETRY. A RENAISSANCE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA, Collectors Edition Pemberton (W. Baring): BATTLES OF THE BOER WAR
Wegner (R.): BERGDAMARA, In Deutsch-Sud-West-Afrika und die Arbeit der Rheinischen Mission an ihnen. Unter Benutzung der Aufzeichnungen des Miss. H. Reichmann, von Miss.- Insp. P. Wegner [Gibson (C.B.)]: BEYOND THE ORANGE RIVER, or, Scenes in Southern Africa, by the author of "The Last Earl of Desmond" [Ogilvie (J.H.) Compiler]: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LE VAILLANT'S VOYAGES AND OISEAUX D'AFRIQUE
Russel (Alec): BIG MEN, LITTLE PEOPLE, Encounters in Africa Afrika (Tatumkhulu): BITTER EDEN Segal (Ronald): BLACK DIASPORA
Gordimer (Nadine): BLACK INTERPRETERS, Notes on African Writing Siege of Ladysmith: BOMBSHELL POEMS, Grave and Humorous. Printed at Ladysmith During the Memorable Siege, 1899-1900 Broomhead (Frank): BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS OF ORLANDO JEWITT
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