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JOSEPH PENNELL: Pictures of War Work in England. Over fifty full-page reproductions of his drawings and lithographs of munitions works. With an introduction by H.G.Wells MARY SHELLEY: Proserpine & Midas. Two Unpublished Mythological Dramas. Edited with a lengthy introduction by A.Koszul JULIA REEVE WOOD. Gwen Raverat: Bestowal. A poem. With a frontispiece engraving ('The Travellers') by Gwendolen Raverat
ERIC GILL. Joseph Thorp: Eric Gill. With a critical monograph by Charles Marriott and 38 full- page plates of reproductions of drawings and carvings HERBERT READ: Julien Benda and the New Humanism. (INSCRIBED) HUGH DE SELINCOURT: The Game of the Season. Stories
SAMUEL JOHNSON. R.W.Chapman: contributes 'Johnsonian Bibliography 1750-1765' to the sixteenth issue of the quarterly publication 'The Colophon' ANONYMOUS, (Great War): The Absolute Truth. Thirty photographs (many "U.S.Official") EDWARD JOHNSTON. Sydney Cockerell: Edward Johnston. A Tribute. One of six short papers read at a Memorial Meeting convened by The Society of Scribes and Illuminators
RAMPANT LIONS PRESS: The First 10. Some Ground Covered by Will Carter 1949-58. A well-illustrated catalogue of the first decade RUSSELL HOBAN: The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz. A novel GEORGE DARLEY: Sylvia, or The May Queen. A Lyrical Drama. With a lengthy biographical sketch John H.Ingram
ARTHUR WAUGH. (Rupert Brooke interest): Tradition and Change. Studies in Contemporary Literature LEIGH HUNT: Prefaces by Leigh Hunt, Mainly to his Periodicals. Edited by R.Brimley Johnson MALCOLM EASTON: Artists and Writers in Paris. The Bohemian Idea, 1803-1867. With illustrations
JOHN BETJEMAN. Iris Tree: The Marsh Picnic. A poem. With an introduction by John Betjeman VIRGIL THOMSON: Virgil Thomson. Memoirs ROBERT GRAVES: Poems. Abridged for Dolls and Princes
SEBASTIAN FAULKS: La Guerra di Charlotte. [Charlotte Gray]. Translated into Italian by Lidia Perria FORD MADOX FORD: Hans Holbein the Younger. A Critical Monograph. With illustrations JANKO LAVRIN: Ibsen and his Creation. A Psycho-Critical Study
BERNARD MUDDIMAN. (Aubrey Beardsley interest): The Men of the Nineties. [Being a Note on some of the Writers of that Period] CLIFFORD BAX: Old King Cole. A play J.R.ACKERLEY. A.Y.Campbell, Edward Davison & Frank Kendon: Poems by Four Authors
KEVIN BROWNLOW: 9 Dalmuir West. [cover-title]. With photographs by Kevin Brownlow, Prince Marshall & Dennis Gill. (Published in association with the Kevin Brownlow documentary) M.YEULETT: The Graven Image. West African Stories HERBERT READ: The Philosophy of Anarchism
HERBERT READ: A World Within a War. Poems GEORGE WOODCOCK. Wilfred Lang: Imagine the South. Poems. With a cover-design and illustrations by Wilfred Lang EDMUND WILSON: I Thought of Daisy. A novel
HERBERT READ: Moon's Farm and Poems Mostly Elegiac MARY MCCARTHY: A Charmed Life. A novel GLADYS TAYLOR: Saints and their Flowers
KINGSLEY AMIS: A Case of Samples. Poems 1946-1956 JOSEPH CONRAD: Letters to William Blackwood and David S.Meldrum. Edited by William Blackburn HERBERT READ: Lord Byron at the Opera. A play for broadcasting
DANNIE ABSE: Three Questor Plays. (SIGNED) PAUL THEROUX: The Family Arsenal. A novel WILLIAM FRITH. Aubrey Noakes: William Frith. Extraordinary Victorian Painter. A biographical & critical essay. With numerous illustrations and plates, some in colour
JOHN BETJEMAN. Andrew Wheatcroft: The Tennyson Album. A Biography in Original Photographs. With an introduction by John Betjeman ANTHOLOGY. David Edgar, Trevor Griffiths, David Hare, Julian Mitchell, Peter Prince, Howard Schuman & Hugh Whitemore: Ah! Mischief. The Writer and Television. Edited by Frank Pike TONY HARRISON: Dramatic Verse 1973-1985
SAMUEL JOHNSON. Rev.J.F.Russell: The Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson. With frontispiece and decorations HENRY THOMAS BUCKLE: Essays. With a biographical sketch of the author SAMUEL JOHNSON. Alexander Main: Life and Conversations of Dr.Samuel Johnson. (Founded chiefly upon Boswell). With a preface by George Henry Lewes
HENRY D.THOREAU: Summer. Edited from his Journals by H.G.O.Blake. Frontispiece folding map of Concord WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY: Sultan Stork and Other Stories and Sketches. Now First Collected. [Edited] with a bibliography of Thackeray, revised and considerably enlarged [by R.H.Shepherd] JOHN TODHUNTER: A Riverside Walk. An Easy-Going Essay by a Peripatetic Philosopher. (SIGNED)
W.M.ROSSETTI: Ruskin. Rossetti. PreRaphaelitism. Papers 1854 to 1862. Edited with notes by W.M.Rossetti SAMUEL JOHNSON. Percy H.Houston: Doctor Johnson. A Study in Eighteenth Century Humanism MAURICE WILLSON DISHER: Clown. [A novel]
LEWIS CARROLL: Novelty and Romancement. A story originally printed in 'The Train' in 1856 and hitherto unpublished in bookform. With an introduction by Randolph Edgar SAMUEL JOHNSON. Robert Bracey: Eighteenth Century Studies and Other Papers. With a Foreword by The Bishop of Clifton HENRY JAMES. Van Wyck Brooks: The Pilgrimage of Henry James
ANTHONY POWELL: Mr.Zouche: Superman J.MILLS WHITHAM: Swings and Roundabouts. A novel LAURENCE WHISTLER. Rex Whistler: The Emperor Heart. Poems. With illustrations by Rex Whistler
ANDREW YOUNG: Nicodemus. A Mystery [play]. (INSCRIBED). With music by Imogen Holst F.D.OMMANNEY: South Latitude. (SIGNED) COMPTON MACKENZIE: Prince Charlie. (INSCRIBED)
KING GEORGE V: The King Inspects Troops at Aldershot, 1917 (A photograph album). Seven photographs, 8.5 x 6.5" JEAN ALAZARD: The Florentine Portrait. Translated from the French by Barbara Whelpton. With 32 pages of plates MAURICE WILLSON DISHER: The Last Romantic. The Authorised Biography of Sir John Martin-Harvey. With a foreword by D.L.Murray
MAURICE WILLSON DISHER: Mad Genius. A Biography of Edmund Kean, with particular reference to the women who made and unmade him. (WITH ALS) ARNOLD FLEMING: The Medieval Scots Scholar in France SAMUEL JOHNSON, A.Bosker: Literary Criticism in the Age of Johnson
DAVID GARNETT: A Shot in the Dark. A novel TOM HOPKINSON: In the Fiery Continent. (Memoirs by the celebrated editor of "Picture Post", mostly centred around his somewhat stormy years on the African picture paper "Drum") OSCAR LEWIS: The Children of Sanchez. Autobiography of a Mexican Family
ANDREW YOUNG: The Poet and the Landscape. (The English pastoral poets and their setting) SAMUEL JOHNSON. W.B.C.Watkins: Johnson and English Poetry before 1660 SAMUEL JOHNSON, Donald & Mary Hyde: Eighteenh-Century Studies in Honor of Donald F.Hyde. Edited by W.H.Bond
NANCY MITFORD. Harold Acton: Nancy Mitford. A Memoir by Harold Acton (largely based upon her letters to the author). With illustrations EDITH PARGETER: The Marriage of Meggotta EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Edward Booth-Clibborn: My Father and Edward Ardizzone. A Lasting Friendship. A series of over thirty original Christmas cards designed and sent by Edward Ardizzone to Augustine Booth, reproduced in two colours
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