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COUHAT, Jean Labayle [Ed.]: Combat Fleets of the World 1982/83. Their Ships, Aircraft, and Armament.English-language edition prepared by A.D. Baker III
COULING, Samuel: The Encyclopaedia Sinica
COUPER, Catharine M. A: Visits to Beechwood Farm: Or, Country Pleasures, and Hints for Happiness, Addressed to the Young. Illustrated by John Absolon
COURTIVRON, Ludovic, Antoine, Marie, Vicomte de: De La Natation et De Son Application a L'Art De La Guerre
COURTNEY, W. P. [JOHNSON, Samuel. ]: Oxford Historical and Literary Studies. Issued under the direction of C. H. Firth and Walter Raleigh Professors of Modern History and English Literature in the University of Oxford. Volume 4. Bibliography of Johnson. Revised and seen through the press by David Nichol Smith
COWARD, Noel: To-Night at 8.30. Plays in 3 volumes. Volume I: We Were Dancing; The Astonished Heart; "Red Peppers"., Volume II: Hands Across The Sea; Fumed Oak; Shadow Play., Volume III: Ways and Means; Still Life; Family Album
COWLAND, W.S. (Editor): Some Account of the 10th and 12th Battalions, The Hampshire Regiment, 1914-1918
COWPER, Colonel L.I. [Ed.]: The King's Own. The Story of a Royal Regiment. Volume I: 1680-1814. Volume II: 1814-1914
COWPER, William: The Poetical Works of...With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes. The Text Edited by Charles Cowden Clarke. In Two Volumes
CRAGG, Kenneth: Returning to Mount Hira'. Islam in Contemporary Terms
CRAIGIE, Dorothy: Summersalts Circus
CRANE, Walter: An Artist's Reminiscences
CRAWLEY, Ernest: The Mystic Rose. A Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in its Bearing on Marriage. A New Edition Revised and Greatly Enlarged by Theodore Besterman. In Two Volumes
CREASEY, John: The Unbegotten. The 30th Story of Dr. Palfrey
[CREASEY, John]. ASHE, Gordon: The Dark Circle
[CREASEY, John], DEANE, Norman: Intent to Murder
CRISP, A.H: Anorexia Nervosa: Let Me Be
CRISP, Frederick Arthur: Visitation of England and Wales. Volume 12. Edited by..
CRISP, Frederick Arthur: Visitation of England and Wales. Edited by Crisp. Volume 12. (SIGNED)
CRISPIN, Edmund: Buried For Pleasure. A Detective Story
CRITCHLEY, MacDonald, M.D. (NOTABLE BRITISH TRIALS): The Trial of August Sangret
CROFT-COOKE, Rupert: The Moon in My Pocket. Life with the Romanies
CROFTS, Freeman Wills: Sir John Magill's Last Journey
CROKER Richard. Captain in the Late 99th Regiment of Foot: Travels Through Several Provinces of Spain and Portugal &c
CROMWELL, Paul F. J. R. edited by: Jails and Justice. by... In collaboration with Joseph H.Schryver, with a foreword by U.S. District Judge John H. Wood. JR
CRONIN, A.J: Three Loves
[CROQUET] ALEXANDER, V. C: The Magic Croquet Set. Young Folks' Stories No. 35
CROSBY, T: Key to Francis Walkingames's Tutor's Assistant: Containing the Solutions of the Questions in that work; With the References as they stand in the Last Edition thereof printed by T. Wilson and Sons. To Which are Added, Some Useful Rules
CROSS, Amanda: In The Last Analysis
CROSSLEY-HOLLAND, Kevin: The Dark Horseman. (SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY). and other British and Irish Folk Tales. Chapter headings by Peter Melnyczuk
CRUDEN, Alexander: A Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. A Dictionary and Alphabetical Index to the Bible, in two parts. To which is added A Concordance to the Apocrypha with a compendium of the Bible, and a brief account of its history and excellency. With a Sketch of the Life and Character of the Author by William Youngman
CULLEN, Gulielmo. M.D: Synopsis Nosologiae Methodiciae Exhibens Systema Nosologicum. Editio Nova, In Concinniorem Compressiorem Formam Redacta. In Usum Tironum. Together with Nosology or Diseases arranged in their Classes, Orders, Genera and Species, Accurately Defined. Translated from the Latin of William Cullen. In One Volume
CULLINGFORD, Guy: Framed For Hanging
CULLINGFORD, Guy: A Touch of Drama
CUMING, E. D. (Rhymes by...) SHEPHERD, J.A. (Illustrated by...): The Three Jovial Puppies. Rhymes by E.D. Cuming
CUMMING, Rev. John: Apocalyptic Sketches; Or Lectures on the Book of Revelation. Delivered in the Large Room, Exeter Hall, in 1847-48
(CUNARD). The Ship Builder and Marine Engine Builder: The Mauretania. Cunard White Star Liner. Souvenir Number
CUNDALL, Frank: Historic Jamaica
CUNNINGHAM, Sir Henry Stewart: Lord Bowen. A Biographical Sketch
CURDT-CHRISTIANSEN, Xiao Lan and WENINGER, Csilla (Eds): Language, Ideology and Education. The Politics of textbooks in Language Education. Routledge Research in Language Education
CURLING, Jonathan: Janus Weathercock. The Life of Thomas Griffiths Wainewright. 1794-1847
CURTISS, Ursula: Child's Play
CURTISS, Ursula: The Deadly Climate
CURTISS, Ursula: Death Of A Crow
CURTISS, Ursula: Dig A Little Deeper
CURTISS, Ursula: The Hollow House
CURTISS, Ursula: The Menace Within
CURTISS, Ursula: So Dies The Dreamer
CURTISS, Ursula: Voice Out of Darkness
CUSHING, Peter: Past Forgetting. Memoirs of the Hammer Years
CUSSANS, John E: The Grammar of Heraldry: A Description of all the Principal Charges used in Armory, The signification of Heraldic terms, and the rules to be observed in Blazoning and Marshalling; together with the Armorial Bearings of all the Landed Gentry in England prior to the Sixteenth Century
CUST. Commander Sir Charles Leopold: Naval Battles. from the collection of Prints formed and owned by ... The Chronological Arrangement of the Prints with Descriptive and Historical Notes by Harry Parker and an Introduction by Commander Charles Napier Robinson
CUTHELL, Edith E., FLETCHER, Evelyn., STEELE, Marshall., DANIELS, Arthur J., etc: My Wild Animal Book. With Stories by..
D. MASON & SONS LTD. Trade Catalogue: Trade Catalogue of D. Mason & Sons Ltd. Birmingham. Government Contractors, Carriers, &c. Manufacturers of Leather, Saddlery, Harness, Whips, Travelling and Sporting Appointments. Saddlers' Ironmongery, Saddletrees, Millbanding, &c., &c
D'ALTON, The Rev. E.A: History of Ireland. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day
D'ALVIELLA, Le Comte Goblet: Sahara et Laponie. 1. Un Mois au Sud de L'Atlas. II. Un Voyage au Cap Nord. Ouvrage Enrichi de Dix-Huit Gravures
D'ARBLAY, Madame [Fanny Burney]: Diary and Letters. Edited by Her Niece. A New Edition. In Seven Volumes
d'AUVERGNE, Edmund B: The Prodigious Marshal. Being the life and extraordinary adventures of Maurice of Saxe, Marshal of France, son of the King of Poland, conqueror of the English, pretender to the Dukedom of Kurland, and universal lover
D'ENSINGÈ, Jean: Wood Nuts from A Fairy Hazel Bush, Cracked for Little People
DAHL, Roald. WALT DISNEY: The Gremlins. From the Walt Disney Production. A Royal Airforce Story by Flight Lieutenant Roald Dahl. WITH APPROPRIATE SIGNED LETTER FROM DAHL
(DAHL, Roald). WOOD, David: The BFG. Theatre Programme. James Woods & Justin Savage for Clarion Productions & Robert Cogo-Fawcett for Lyric Hammersmith Productions by arrangement with Theatre Royal Presentations Plc Present The BFG. (Big Friendly Giant) by Roald Dahl. Adapted and Directed by David Wood
DAILY, Starr: Love Can Open Prison Doors
DALY, Kathleen N: Jingle Bells. Based on the Traditional Christmas Carol. Pictures by J. P. Miller
DALZIEL, Hugh: The Greyhound. Its History, Points, Breeding, Rearing, Training, and Running
DALZIEL, The Brothers. DULCKEN, H. W: Dalziels' Illustrated Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The Text Revised and Emendated Throughout by Dulcken. With Upwards of Two Hundred Illustrations by Eminent Artists. Engraved by The Brothers Dalziel. With an Original Frontispiece Designed and Painted by James Douglas
DAMHOVDER, Ioost de: Practycke in 'Civile Saeckery. Seer nut / profijtelijck ende nodigh Allen Schouten, Borghemeesteren. Magistraten ende andere Rechteven
[DANTE]. TOYNBEE, Paget: A Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante
DARLEY, George: The Complete Poetical Works of George Darley. Now First Collected. Reprinted from the Rare Original Editions in the Possession of the Darley Family and Edited with an Introduction by Ramsay Coles. The Muses Library
DARTON, F. J. Harvey: Dickens. Positively the First Appearance. A Centenary Review with a Bibliography of Sketches by Boz
DARWIN, Bernard: Second Shots. Casual Talks About Golf
DARWIN, Bernard. Intorduced by..: The Golfer's Manual. Being an Historic and Descriptive Account of the National Game of Scotland by 'A Keen Hand' Originally Published in 1857 and Now Reprinted with an Introduction by Bernard Darwin
DARWIN, Charles: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
DARWIN, Charles: The Descent of Man. And Selection In Relation to Sex. With Illustrations
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