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ROCHE, Richard: Here's Their Memory. A Tribute To The Fallen Of Republican Wexford
ROCK, Paul: After Homicide. Practical and Political Responses to Bereavement
RODRIGUES, Louis, translated by: The Battles of Maldon and Brunanburh. Illustrated in the old Anglo-Saxon style by Gavin Rodrigues
[ROGERS, James Edwin Thorold]: Bible Folk-Lore. A Study in Comparative Mythology
ROGERS, Samuel: The Poetical Works of Samuel Rogers
ROGERS, W.C: Historic Swansea. Being the first part of William Cyril Roger's Swansea and Glamorgan Calendar. Edited by Bernard Morris
ROGERSON, Sidney & Charles TUNNICLIFFE: Both Sides of the Road. A Book About Farming
ROHDE, Michael. Edited by..: Prussian Gardens in Europe. 300 Years of Garden History. Published by the Prussian Places and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg in Association with ICOMOS/IFLA..
ROITER, Fulvio: Chianti Classico. The Land of the Gallo Nero. Texts by Enrico Bosi and Cesare Pillon. Translated by James M. Johnson
ROLFE, Fr. (Frederick, Baron Corvo): Don Tarquinio. A Kataleptic Phantasmatic Romance
ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. December 1954
ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. January 1957
ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. July 1955
ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. July 1956
ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Oil Engines. Service Bulletins
ROLLS-ROYCE. HARPER, Harry: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. June 1954
ROLLS-ROYCE. WISDOM, Thomas H: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. January 1956
ROMANES, George John: Essays. Edited by C. Lloyd Morgan
RONCAGLIOLO. Santiago: Red April. Translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman
ROOSEBOOM, Maria: Microscopium
ROPER, Harry. (Edited by): National Union of Teacher's Conference Souvenir 1937. Portsmouth. Presented to the Delegates and Officers with the Compliments of the Publishers
ROSCOE, Thomas. ROBERTS, David. Illustrated by...: The Tourist in Spain. Andalusia. Illustrated from Drawings by David Roberts. The Jennings Landscape Annual or Tourist in Spain for 1836
ROSE, The Rev. Henry John and BURGON, The Rev. John William: Scripture Prints: Intended Chiefly For Distribution Among The Poor. With Illustrative Letter-Press. Edited by..
ROSENBERG, Charles E: The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau. Psychiatry and Law in the Gilded Age
ROSENZWEIG, Alexander: The Jewish Memorial Council. SIGNED BY AUTHOR A History 1919-1999
ROSS, Anne. Roger GARLAND (Illustrated by...): Druids, Gods & Heroes from Celtic Mythology. Line Drawings by John Sibbick
ROSS, J. E: Radical Adventurer. The Diaries of Robert Morris 1772-1774. Edited with an Introduction by...
ROSS-OF-BLADENSBURG, Late Coldstream Guards: A History of the Coldstream Guards from 1815-1895. Illustrated by Lieut. Nevile R. Wilkinson
ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel: The Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Edited with Preface and Notes by William M. Rossetti. Revised and Enlarged Edition
ROSSETTI, William Michael: Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and Writer. Notes by William Michael Rossetti, Including A Prose Paraphrase of the House of Life
ROSSI, Filippo: Italian Jeweled Arts
ROSTEN, Leo: Dear "Herm" - With a Cast of Dozens
ROUGHEAD, William: Reprobates Reviewed
ROUGHEAD, William: The Riddle of the Ruthvens and Other Studies. (SIGNED)
ROURE, Georges: Faune et Chasse en Afrique Occidentale Française. Guide du Tourisme de la Nature Vivante. Croquis de Lucien Blancou
ROUVEYRE, Edouard: Comment Discerner Les Styles. Le Style Empire XIXe Siecle - 1804 à 1814. Trois Cents Reproductions Documentaires. Aigles, Ajours geometriques, Attributs et Symboles, Colliers d'Oves, Cols de Cygnes, Couronnes, Corniches, Groupes, Moulures, Vases, Victoires ailees, etc
ROWAN, Richard W: The Spy Menace. An Exposure of International Espionage
ROWLAND, Benjamin: The Art and Architecture of India. Buddhist, Hindu, Jain
ROWLEY, Trevor (Ed.): Anglo-Saxon Settlement and Landscape. Papers presented to a Symposium, Oxford 1973. British Archaeological Reports 6-8
ROY, Dilip Kumar: Six Illuminates of Modern India. Foreword by H. V. Kamath
ROY, J: The History of Canada. For the Use of Schools and Families
ROYAL COMMISSION: Royal Commission on the Police 1960. Interim Report Presented to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty November 1960
ROYER-COLLARD, F.B: Skeleton Clocks
RUBENS, Bernice: I Sent a Letter to My Love. (SIGNED)
RUCELLAI, Giovanni: La Coltivazione di Luigi Alamanni e L'Api
RUNCIMAN, David: Pluralism and the personality of the state
RUSHTON, John: A History of Ryedale. North Yorkshire
RUSKIN, John: Sesame and Lilies. Two Lectures by .....
RUSKIN, John. TURNER, J. M. W: The Harbours of England. Engraved by Thomas Lupton from Original Drawings made Expressively for the Work by J. M. W. Turner. With Illustrative Text by Ruskin
RUSSELL, Andy: The Rockies. (SIGNED)
RUSSELL, Iain P: Hunt and be Damned
RUSSELL, Maurice: Told To Burmese Children
RUST, Brian & FORBES, Sandy: British Dance Bands on Record 1911 to 1945
RUSTAVELI, Shota: The Knight in the Panther's Skin. Translated from the Georgian by Venera Urushadze
RUTHVEN, Malise: Freya Stark in Southern Arabia
RYAN, John: The Bells of Rye
RYAN, John: Signed Drawing of Captain Pugwash. Mounted and Framed
SADLER, Michael E: Report on Secondary and Higher Education in Essex. By..
SAFRIAN, Hans: Eichmann's Men
SALETORE, B.A: Mediaeval Jainism With special reference to the Vijayanagara Empire
SALT, Major A. E. W: The Borough and Honour of Weobley
SALTER, S. James A: Dental Pathology and Surgery
SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to Birmingham and the surrounding waterways including the BCN, Birmingham & Fazeley Canal, Grand Union Canal, Rivers Avon & Severn, Gloucester & Sharpness Canal, Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal and the Worcester & Birmingham Canal
SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to the Four Counties and Cheshire Rings plus the Caldon, Llangollen, Montgomery and Upper Peak Forest Canals, the River Weaver, the Runcorn Arm, the Shropshire Union Canal to Ellesmere Port, and the Trent & Mersey Canal from Fradley
SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to The Grand Union Canal plus the Regents Canal and the Lee & Stort Navigations
SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to The Non Tidal River Thames plus The River Wey, and The Basingstoke, Kennet & Avon and South Oxford Canals
SAMPSON, Carole: The First Mate Guide to The Trent & Mersey Canal
SAMUEL, Raphael: Island Stories. Unravelling Britain. Theatre of Memory, Volume II
SANDERS. E.K: Fenelon. His Friends and His Enemies 1651-1715
SANDERS, E.K: S. Francois de Sales. 1567-1622
SANDERSON, Edgar/EDWARDS, Neville P: The Fight for the Flag in South Africa/The Story of China. A History of the War from the Boer Ultimatum to the Advance of Lord Roberts; with one hundred illustrations and maps/With a Description of the Events Relating to the Present Struggle; with over seventy illustrations and maps
(SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. Fine Binding.) AUSTEN-LEIGH, R. A: The Master Printers Annual & Typographical Year Book 1953. Edited by R. A. Austen-Leigh
SANSOM, Clive: In the Midst of Death. Poems. FIRST EDITION
SAPPER'S SON. (MCNEILE, Michael): Uncle James Pays a Visit
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