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[ROTHERAM, John]: The New Week's Preparation for a Worthy Receiving of the Lord's Supper as Recommended and Appointed By the Church of England Consisting of Meditations and Prayers for the Morning and Evening of every Day of the Week With Forms of Examination and Confession of Sins...Also Meditations to enable us to live well after receiving the Holy Sacrement. In Two Parts BOUND IN ONE
SEARLE, Ronald: Ah Yes, I Remember it Well... Paris 1961-1975
SMITH, Rev R. Skilbeck: A Subaltern in Macedonia and Judaea 1916-17
WELLCOME: Wellcome's Medical Diary and Visiting List. 1912
WILKINSON, Henry: Observations (Theoretical and Practical) on Muskets, Rifles and Projectiles. Together with a Treatise on the Elastic Concave Wadding
BONNEY, T.G: Volcanoes. Their Structure and Significance
BRYNNER, Rock: Yul. The Man Who Would Be King
COCTEAU, Jean. Adapted by Ronald Duncan: The Eagle Has Two Heads
CULPEPER, Nicholas: Culpeper's Complete Herbal, To Which is Added, Upwards of One Hundred Additional Herbs, With a Display of Their Medicinal and Occult Qualities; Physically applied to The Cure of All Disorders Incident to Mankind: To Which are Now First Annexed, The English Physician Enlarged, and Key to Physic...Forming a Complete Family which is added Upwards of Fifty Choice Receipts. A New Edition, With a List of the Principle Diseases to Which the Human Body is Liable and A General Index. Illustrated by Engravings of Numerous British Herbs and Plants, correctly coloured from Nature
DAVIES, Michael: Discovering Welsh Houses. A Guide to Eighteen Architectural Gems, based on the BBC television series
HALL, Catherine P. and RAVENSDALE, J.R: The West Fields Of Cambridge. Edited by..
(HARDY, Thomas). GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY: Wonderful Wessex. The Homeland of Thomas Hardy, William Barnes and John Lothrop Motley
HARLAND, John and WILKINSON, T.T: Lancashire Folk-Lore: Illustrative of the Beliefs and Practices, Local Customs and Usages of the People of the County Palatine. Compiled and Edited by..
HENDERSON, J. Welles and Rodney P. Carlisle: Marine Art & Antiques. Jack Tar. A Sailor's Life. 1750-1910
HULL, Alastair and Jose Luczyc-Wyhowska. Introduction by Nicholas Barnard: Kilim. The Complete Guide. History. Pattern. Technique. Identification
LEWIS, Hugh M: Aberdyfi Time and Tide. [SIGNED]
MARSHALL, Frances: The Happy Birthday Business
MEISSONIER, CALDERON, DULAC. et al: Toasts and Maxims. A Book Of Humour To Pass The Time. Collected From Various Sources. Illustrated by..
NEWMAN, John: North East and East Kent
O'FAOLAIN, Eileen: The Children of Crooked Castle. An Irish Fairy Story
OWEN-PAWSON, Jenny and MOULAND, Bill: Laurel Before Hardy
PEVSNER, Nikolaus: Bedfordshire and the County of Huntingdon and Peterborough
PEVSNER, Nikolaus: North-West and South Norfolk
PEVSNER, Nikolaus and HUBBARD, Edward: Cheshire
PRIDHAM, Major C.H.B: Lewis Gun Mechanism Made Easy. With Notes On The .300 American Lewis Gun
STURT, C: Report of the Cause between Charles Sturt, Esq, Plaintiff and the Marquis of Blandford, Defendant for Criminal Conversation with the Plaintiff's Wife; Tried in the Court of King's Bench On Wednesday, the 27th May 1801, before Lord Kenyon, and a Special Jury with a Preface and Appendix. FIRST EDITION
TOMASZEWSKI, Mieczyslaw. (Original Idea and Text by): Fryderyk Chopin. A Diary In Images. Choice of Illustrations and Commentary by Bozena Weber. Translated by Rosemary Hunt
WATKIN, Thomas Glyn (Editor): Y Cyfraniad Cymreig. Welsh Contributions to Legal Development
WILLIAMS-ELLIS, Clough. With a New Foreword by Jonathan Dimbleby. And an Epilogue by Patrick Abercrombie: England And The Octopus
WOOLF, Virginia: Night and Day
AXELORD,George: The Seven Year Itch. A Romantic comedy in three acts
BAILEY, Scott and Margaret: Buy an Antique Car. A Handbook for Those Interested in the World's Most Fascinating Hobby
DONALDSON, Julia. Illustrated by Nick SHARRETT: Wriggle and Roar. SIGNED BY BOTH AUTHOR AND ARTIST
HUNTER, Norman: Norman Hunter's Book Of Magic. With Illustrations by Jill McDonald
KERR, Judith: Mog and the V.E.T. SIGNED BY KERR
KERR, Judith: The Tiger Who Came to Tea. SIGNED BY KERR
LAUFE, Abe: Broadways Greatest Musicals
LORAYNE, Harry. Illustrations by Richard Kaufman: The Magic Book. The Complete Beginner's Guide To Anytime, Anywhere. Close-Up Magic
McGOUGH, Roger. Illustrated by Chris RIDDELL: Until I Met Dudley. How Everyday Things Really Work. SIGNED BY BOTH AUTHOR AND ARTIST
MARDO, Senor: Magic For Bartenders
MORRIS, Jackie: The Cat and the Fiddle. A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes. SIGNED BY JACKIE MORRIS WITH A HAND-DRAWN CAT ILLUSTRATION
OGDEN SMITHS: Mermaid Flies
RANSHAW, G.S: Radio, Television and Radar. (Boys' Book Series)
RIDDELL, Chris: The Emperor of Absurdia. SIGNED BY CHRIS RIDDELL
ROSEN, Michael. Illustrated by Nick SHARRATT: Dear Mother Goose. A Lift the Flap Book. SIGNED BY BOTH ROSEN AND SHARRATT
SASH, Cecily, edited by: Rachel Windham. A Life In Colour
WILSON, Jacqueline. Anne FINE and Michael MORPURGO: Three for Tea. Three Stories in One. Tasty Tales for You and Me. SIGNED BY ALL THREE AUTHORS
ADAMS, Len and Yvonne: Meissen Portrait Figures
ALCOCK, Pete: Social Policy in Britain
[ARGENTINA] BROWN, A. E. [ROBINSON, E. G.}: F.C.B.E. "Recnenerdos of the Argentino Republic" & "Autograph Album." Dedicado al Senor A. C. Brown con motino de su alida de la Cerencia del Ferro-carril Buenos Aires Puerto de la Ensenada entestimonio del aprecio estima quele profesan sus agradecidos subalternos.1879-1894. Two Volumes
ATTERBURY, Paul. With Additional Material by Beatrice Moorcroft: Moorcroft. A Guide to Moorcroft Pottery 1897-1993. (SIGNED)
BAKER, John C: Sunderland Pottery. Revised by... [TOGETHER WITH] Rhymes and Mottoes on Sunderland Pottery. Edited by James Crawley
BARKER, David. Foreword by Arnold Mountford: William Greatbatch A Staffordshire Potter
BATKIN, Maureen: Gifts For Good Children. The History Of Children's China. Part II 1890-1990
BONDHUS, Sandra V. Photographed by Mitchell Z. Bistany. Editor Bernard M. Wolpert: Quimper Pottery: A French Folk Art Faience
BRADLEY, H.G. (Edited by): Ceramics of Derbyshire. 1750-1975. An Illustrated Guide
BRAMAH, Ernest: A Little Flutter
BRIDGES, Victor: The Man from Nowhere
BROOKS, Dr. Edward. BEARDSLEY, Aubrey: The Story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table For Boys and Girls. With Thirteen Illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley
BUCHNER, Alexander: Folk Music Instruments
BURKETT, M.E. and SLOSS, J.D.G: William Green of Ambleside. A Lake District Artist. (1760-1823). SIGNED BY BOTH AUTHORS
CAREY, David. (LADYBIRD BOOK): How It Works. The Motor Cycle. With Illustrations by B.H. Robinson
CARRA, Massimo with Patrick Waldberg and Ewald Rathke. Historical Foreword by Caroline Tisdall: Metaphysical Art
CASEY, Andrew: Susie Cooper Ceramics. A Collector's Guide. (SIGNED)
CHANDLER, Raymond. With an Introduction by Philip Durham: Killer In The Rain
CHRISTIE, Agatha: Witness For the Prosecution And Other Plays
CORNEILLE, Pierre: Oeuvres de Pierre Corneille. Précédées d'une. Notice sur Sa Vie et Ses Oeuvres par Fontenelle
CREASEY, John: Good, God and Man. An Outline of Philosophy of Self-Ism by.... With Illustrations by Martin Creasey
DAVIES, Marion: Lore of the Sacred Horse. [SIGNED FIRST EDITION]
EDWARDS, Diana and HAMPSON, Rodney: White Salt-Glazed Stoneware of the British Isles
ELLIS, Anita: Rookwood Pottery. The Glorious Gamble
FARJEON, Eleanor. Illustrated by Peggy Fortnum: Grannie Gray. Children's Plays and Games. FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION
FEUERLICHT, Roberta Strauss: The Fate of the Jews. A People Torn Between Israeli Power and Jewish Ethics
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