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JENKINS Herbert: The Bindles on the Rocks WILLIMENT T M I: John Hobbs 1800-1883 Wesleyan Missionary to the Ngapuhi Tribe of Northern New Zealand COATES Lydia Trattles: American Dressmaking Step By Step; a Complete Simplified Method of Sewing, Dressmaking and Tailoring
anon: The New Dressmaker DeFOE Daniel: The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Bound with, The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe MARSDEN John: The Night is for Hunting
MYRER Anton: The Intruder SMITH Martin Cruz: Polar Star, the Sequel to Gorky Park JACOBS Leland B: Good Night, Mr Beetle
HINTON Alan: Shells of New Guinea and the Central indo-Pacific CONRAD Joseph: The First and Last of Conrad ; Almayer's Folly, an Outcast of the Islands, the Arrow of Gold and the Rover LONDON Jack: The Mutiny of the Elsinore
Corporation of the City of Glasgow: Handbook on the Municipal Enterprises STAPLEDON W Olaf: Last and First Men APOLLINAIRE Guillame Edited Roger Shattuck: Selected Writings of Guillame Apollinaire
POST C W: I am well! The Modern Practice of Natural Suggestion as Distinct from Hypnotic or Unnatural Influence MEADE L. T. & Robert Eustace: The Brotherhood of the Seven Kings JEFF Terence E: First World Bowls Championship, Australia, October 1966
BILSTEINRoger E: Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles ROSENTHAL Franz: The Classical Heritage in Islam BAKER Roger: Drag: A History of Female Impersonation on the Stage
TURNBULL M J & ALLOM M J C: The Book of the Two Maurices (M C C team 1929-1930) HOWARD Alfred: The Beauties of Byron Consisting of Selections from His Works LAWRENCE Rosamond: Charles Napier Friend and Fighter 1782-1853
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WUJCIK Erick: After the Bomb, A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Supplement MICHAEL Marjorie: I married a Hunter SCHOPENHAUER Arthur: On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason and on the Will in Nature Revised Edition
WOOD Eric (Frank Knowles Campling): Death of an Oddfellow SELLWOOD Arthur & Mary: Black Avalanche CLEBERT Jean-Paul Translated Charles Duff: The Gypsies
SOPHOCLES Translated By John Harrower: Oedipus the King GERRETSON F C History Of the Royal Dutch Volume One, Three, Four: History Of the Royal Dutch Volume One LINDT J W: Picturesque New Guinea, with an Historical Introduction and Supplemenatry Chapters on the Manners and Customs of the Papuans
MACRAE David: National Humour, Scottish -English - Irish - Welsh- Cockney - American SLEEPER M B: The Radio Experimenters Handbook JAN Crane, Valerie K Nelson, Rona Randall,Linden Grierson, Iris Bromige, Louise Ellis, Jan Cox Speas, Claire Vernon, Phyllis Matthewman, Margaret Wood: The Heart Remembers, Refugee from Love, Doctor Havelock's Wife, Sea Jewel, The House of Conflict, Doctor Herriott's Daughter, Bride of the MacHugh, The Doctor Was a Doll, Colour of Romance, The Dark Love
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NAMOOS in Collaboration with Mohamed Zakaria: The Ascension Key PEIKOFF Leonard: The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America BARTSCH Shadi: Decoding the Ancient Novel: The Reader and the Role of Description in Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius
IRVING David: The War Between the Generals Inside the Allied High Command CHEEVER John: The Wapshot Chronicle BURROUGHS Junior. William,: Speed
FINE John V. A: The Ancient Greeks : A Critical History BEAGLEHOLE J C (signed Presentation copy): Captain Hobson and the New Zealand Company: A Study in Colonial Administration WASON Katherine: The Living Master ( Maharaj Charan Singh Ji )
McLELLAN Duncan: The Laird of Balfrie CHILDERS Erskine: The Riddle of the Sands; a Record of Secret Service SABATINI Rafael: Sinner Saint and Jester (comprising The Snare, The Strolling Saint & The Shame of Motley)
HAMMETT Dashiell: The Maltese Falcon MOSLEY Diana: A Life of Contrasts: The Autobiography of Diana Mitford Mosley SCHEFFEL Joseph V: Ekkehard, A Tale of the Tenth Century
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VALENTINE Douglas: The Secret Hand, Some Further Adventures By Desmond Okewood of the British Secret Service TE KANAWA Kiri: Land of the Long White Cloud; Maori Myths Tales and Legends GOULART Ron: The Hardboiled Dicks an anthology of detective Fiction
RICHTER Conrad: The Trees SUMMERS John: Whiteout; The Fenwick Affair REED Douglas: From Smoke to Smother (1938-1948) a Sequel to Insanity Fair
KIRCHNER Josef: Die Darstellung des ersten Menschenpaares in der bildenden Kunst von der ältesten Zeit bis auf unsere Tage IONESCO Eugene: Present Past Past Present, thoughts and memoirs of Eugene Ionesco ANTONIONI Michelangelo & BRIGANTE & MOORE: Screenplays of Michelangelo Antonioni ( L'Avventura, Il Grido, La Notte, L'eclisse)
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