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Kauffman, George B. (Ed.): Werner Centennial: a Symposium Co-Sponsored By the Division of Inorganic Chemistry .. Bouissou, Michael: The Life of a Sensitive Andreae, Christine: Seances & Spiritualists
Berry, A.J: From Classical to Modern Chemistry: Some Historical Sketches Wilson, William: A Hundred Years of Physics Planck, Max: The Philosophy of Physics
Borek, Ernest: The Sculpture of Life Reid, Constance: The Search for E. T. Bell Also Known as Jonh Taine Milne, E.A: Sir James Jeans: A Biography
Russell, Peter: The Global Brain Awakens: Our Next Evolutionary Leap Broda, Engelbert: Ludwig Boltzmann: Man, Physicist, Philosopher Needleman, Jacob: The Heart of Philosophy
Mitchell, Margaretta K: Ruth Bernhard: Between Art & Life Heller, Nancy & Julia Williams: The Regionalists Forman, W. & J. Barinka: The Art of Ancient Korea
Weiner, Herbert: 9 1/2 Mystics: the Kabbala Today Butler, Linda: Italy: in the Shadow of Time Baer, Nancy Van Norman: Paris Modern: the Swedish Ballet, 1920-1925
Wollheim, Richard (editor): Philosophers on Freud: New Evaluations Cooke, Ruth H. & Jacob Needleman: The Uses of Life: a Conversation With Ruth H. Cooke and Jacob Needleman Wilber, Ken: A Sociable God: a Brief Introduction to Transcendental Sociology
Kherdian, David: On a Spaceship With Beelzebub: By a Grandson of Gurdjieff Khourey, Louis (Ed.): Tat Journal: Forum for Awareness #9 Fremantle, Anne (Ed.): Christian Conversation: Catholic Thought for Every Day in the Year
Jones, David Richard: Great Directors at Work: Stanislavsky, Brecht, Kazan, Brook Richmond, Stanley: Clarinet and Saxophone Experience Bishop, Robert & Patricia Coblentz: American Decorative Arts: 360 Years of Creative Design
Alloway, Lawrence: Roy Lichtenstein Keynes, Geoffrey (introduction & commentary by): William Blake's Water-Colours Illustrating the Poems of Thomas Gray Warren, Larry: Anna Sokolow: the Rebellious Spirit
Sante, Luc: No Smoking Levy, David W: Herbert Croly of the New Republic Mcfarland, Dorothy Tuck: Simone Weil
Masterpieces of Chinese Jade in the National Palace Museum, Supplement Masterpieces of Chinese Jade in the National Palace Museum Masterpieces of Chinese Painting in the National Palace Museum
Masterpieces of Chinese Porcelain in the National Palace Museum Rosenberg, Pierre: Chardin, 1699-1779 Pelecanos, George: Hard Revolution
Bernstock, Judith E: Joan Mitchell Lin, Maya: Boundaries Hirshfield, Jane: Given Sugar, Given Salt
Schine, Cathleen: Alice in Bed Bonhomme, Pierre & Shelley Rice: Album De Franca De Seeberger a L'Estudi Harcourt Marin, Jean-Yves & Jean-Marie Levesque: Memoires Du Chateau De Caen
Banier, Francois-Marie; Ernesto Sabato, Patrick Roegiers & Martin D'Orgeval: Francois-Marie Banier Roth, Rolf B: Madagaskar: Land Zwischen Den Kontinenten Schaedler, Karl-Ferdinand: Afrika: Maske Und Skulptur
Elsen-Schweider, Beate: Picasso: Bilder, Zeichnungen Und Keramik in Der Sammlung Wurth Couvreur, Jean-Francois & Elisabeth Chardin (Eds.): Mois De La Photo ŕ Paris: Catalogue Général Rogers, Anna (Ed.): Te Puawai O Ngai Tahu: Twelve Contemporary Ngai Tahu Artists
Jegede, Dele: Art by Metamorphosis: Selections of African Art From the Spelman College Collection Ancient Chinese Calligraphic Rubbings Mora, Gilles Et Al: Vive Les Modernités: Rencontres Internationales De La Photographie, Arles
Favrod, Charles-Henri; Philippe Lambelet & Andre Rouvinez: Voir La Suisse Autrement: Die Schweiz Anders Sehen / Un Altro Sguardo Sulla Svizzera / Vesair La Svizra En Moda Diversa Crivelli, Patrizia; Carin Kuoni & Christine Crowther (Eds.): The Eye of the Beholder: Seven Contemporary Swiss Photographers Noseda, Irma: Die Fotografendynastie Linck in Winterthur Und Zurich
(Alfred Jarry): Ubu a L'Anvers: Alfred Jarry, 1873-1907 Habarta, Gerhard (Ed.): Henry Moore (1898): Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Grafiken Boyi, Feng (Curator): China Now: Faszination Einer Weltveranderung / Fascination of a Changing World
Dziuba, Gabriele; Dorothea Baumer & Thomas Meinecke: Gabi Dziuba: Schmuck McCormick, Harriet Hammond: Landscape Art: Past & Present Ronte, Dieter; Walter Smerling & Evelyn Weiss (Eds.): China: Zeitgenössische Malerei
Alley, Ronald Et Al: Graham Sutherland Trumble, Angus: Bohemian London: Camden Town and Bloomsbury Paintings in Adelaide Ch'in Hsiao-Yi (Intro): Great National Treasures of China: Masterworks in the National Palace Museum
Degli, Marine: Sculptures: Africa, Asia, Oceania, Americas Rehm, Ellen: Kykladen und Alter Orient Seipel, Wilfried (Ed.): Die Sammlung Zyprischer Antiken Im Kunsthistorischen Museum / the Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in Kunsthistorischen Museum
Robins, Llewellyn Et Al: One Hundred and Forty Fifth International Print Exhibition Catalogue 2002 Ceysson, Bernard Et Al: Evelyne Axell: Du Viol D'Ingres Au Retour De Tarzan Linsmann, Maria (Ed.): Nora Schattauer: Prima Vista - Artist's Books
Avitabile, Gunhild (Ed.): Die Kunst Des Alten Japan: Meisterwerke Aus Der Mary and Jackson Burke Collection, New York Winkler, Susanne & Günter Düriegl (Ed.): Samurai Und Bushido: Der Spiegel Japans - Nagoya Und Die Einheit Des Reiches,1550-1867 Croissant, Doris: Japanische Landschaftsmalerei
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