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DEUTSCHER, Isaac: The Prophet Unarmed: Trotsky 1921-1929 DEXTER, Ted: Ted Dexter's Little Cricket Book. A Collection of Inspirational Anecdotes. PRESENTATION COPY DICKENS, Charles. Illustrated by Harry Keir: Oliver Twist
DICKINSON, Patric. Foreword by Bernard Darwin: A Round of Golf Courses. A Selection of the Best Eighteen DIXON, William Scarth: The Hunting Year. With Illustrations DONLEAVY, J. P: A Singular Country
DOSTOEVSKY, Fyodor: Crime and Punishment. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett DOSTOEVSKY, Fyodor: The Friend of the Family. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett DOSTOEVSKY, Fyodor: The House of the Dead. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett
DOUGHTY, Charles M. Introduced by T. E. LAWRENCE: Travels in the Arabia Deserta. New and Definitive Edition. In Two Volumes DOUGLAS, Norman: South Wind. Illustrated by Carlotta Petrina DOWNING, Brownie and John MANSFIELD: Tinka and His Friends. FIRST EDITION
DRABBLE, Margaret: Angus Wilson: A Biography. SIGNED BY AUTHOR DRABBLE, Margaret: The Peppered Moth. (SIGNED) DRUILLET, Philippe: Yragael-Urm
DRUILLET, Philippe (Painted by). LOB (Text by). AMAT, Dominique (Lettered by): Lone Sloane: Delirius DRUON, Maurice: The Lily and the Lion. Translated from the French by Humphrey Hare DRUON, Maurice. (Jacket design by Graham Oakley.): Alexander the God. Translated from the French by Humphrey Hare
DU MAURIER, Daphne: Rebecca. FIRST EDITION DUGUID, Andrew: On the Brink. How a Crisis Transformed Lloyd's of London. SIGNED DUNANT, Sarah: Transgressions. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
DUNNINGTON, G. Waldo: Carl Friedrich Gauss, Titan of Science DUNSANY, Lord: The Sirens Wake. FIRST EDITION DURRENMATT, Friedrich: The Judge & His Hangman. FIRST PENGUIN EDITION
DUTTON, Ralph: The English Garden. Illustrated from Old Prints, Pictures and Drawings, and from Photographs by Will F. Taylor and others EASTLAKE, Charles Lock: Materials for a History of Oil Painting. IN A FINE RED MOROCCO BINDING BY RIVIERE EBERHART, Richard: Selected Poems 1930-1965. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
ECO, Umberto: The Name of the Rose. Translated by William Weaver. Illustrations by Neil Packer. FOLIO SOCIETY EDITION. A PRESENTATION COPY WITH AN ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATION TO TITLE PAGE FROM THE ARTIST EDWARDS, Michael M: The Growth of The British Cotton Trade 1780 -1815 ELIOT, T. S: Four Quartets
ELLIS, Mrs: The Daughters of England: Their Position in Society, Character and Responsibilities ELLISON, Norman. Illustrated by C. F. TUNNICLIFFE: Over the Hills With Nomad. More Adventures in Search of Our Wildlife. FIRST EDITION ESTREN, Mark James: A History of Underground Comics
EVANS, W. R: Rustic Walking Routes Within the Twelve-Mile Radius From Charing Cross Containing A Field-Path Map of the District; Geographical Description; Thirty-Two Charts, With Ample Directions; And a Copious Index. First Series: West-to-North Quadrant FARNIE, D.A: The English Cotton Industry and the World Market 1815-1896. SIGNED BY AUTHOR FAWCETT, Brian. Written and Illustrated by..: Let Me Drive!
FEINSTEIN, Elaine: Anna of All the Russias: The Life of Anna Akhmatova. SIGNED BY AUTHOR FENBY, Eric: Delius AsI Knew Him FEYERABEND, Paul: Against Method. Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge
FIELDING, Sir Leslie: Is Diplomacy Dead ? SIGNED by the author FINNEY, Jack: Time and Again. An Illustrated Novel. EARLY EDITION FISHER, David and WICKER, Brian. (Edited by...): Just War On Terror? A Christian and Muslim Response
FISHLOCK, Trevor: A Gift of Sunlight. The fortune and quest of the Davies sisters of Llandinum FITZGERALD, Kevin: Trouble in West Two. A Story for A Journey FLECKER, James Elroy: The Collected Poems. Edited, with an Introduction, by J.C. Squire
FLEMING, Ian: For Your Eyes Only. Five Secret Occasions in the Life of James Bond. EARLY EDITION IN WRAPPER FLEMING, Ian: The Man With The Golden Gun. FIRST EDITION IN WRAPPER FLEMING, Ian: On Her Majesty's Secret Service. FIRST EDITION IN WRAPPER
FLEMING, Ian: You Only Live Twice. FIRST EDITION IN WRAPPER FLORESCU, Radu: In Search of Frankenstein FODEN, Giles: The Last King of Scotland. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
FOGLE, Ben: Land Rover. The Story of the Car That Conquered the World. FLAT - SIGNED BY FOGLE TO TITLE-PAGE FORBES, Alexander: First Steps in Coal Mining. For Use in Supplementary and Continuation Classes FORESTER, A. and OMOND, G.W.T: Belgium
FOTHERGILL, G. A: Hunting, Racing, Coaching and Boxing Ballads FOX, The Right Hon. Charles James: A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second with an Introductory Chapter [. . . ] to which is added An Appendix FRACCAROLI, Aldo: Italian Warships of World War II
FRASER, Antonia: Marie Antoinette. The Journey. SIGNED FREEMAN, H.W: Down in the Valley SIGNED BY AUTHOR FREGE, Dr. G. English Translation by J. L. Austin: The Foundations of Arithmetic. A logico-mathmatical enquiry into the concept of number
FREUD, Sigmund. Translated and Edited by James Strachey: Beyond the Pleasure Principle FREUD, Sigmund. Translated by Joan Riviere. Revised and newly edited by James Strachey: Civilization and its Discontents FULLER, Roy: The Second Curtain
GALVANO, Phi;: The Gentle Arts of Putting and Chipping GARNER, Alan: Boneland. FIRST EDITION GARROD, H.W. (Editor): The Oxford Book of Latin Verse
GARSTANG, John: The Hittite Empire. Being a Survey of the History, Geography and Monuments of Hittite Asia Minor and Syria. With Maps, Plans and Illustrations GERGES, Fawaz A: The Far Enemy: Why JIHAD Went Global GIBBINGS, Robert: Coming Down the Wye. With Engravings by the Author
GILLANDERS, A.T: Forest Entomology. With 351 illustrations GIRAUD, Jean "Meobius": Folles Perspectives. Carnet de Bord 1992-1995. (SIGNED) GIRAUD, Jean "Meobius": Moebius 2. Including The Long Tomorrow & Other Science Fiction Stories. The Gardens of Aedena. Pharagonesia & Other Strange Stories. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
GIRAUD, Jean "Moebius": Moebius 1. Upon A Star GIRAUD, Jean "Moebius": Moebius 6. Pharagonesia and Other Strange Stories GIRAUD, Jean "Moebius": Moebius ½. The Early Meobius & Other Humorous Stories
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