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PEATTIE, Charles and TAYLOR, Russell: The Alex Omnibus: Alex Cartoons 1987-1992 PETERS, Ellis: The House of Green Turf. FIRST EDITION PETTIFER, Adrian: Welsh Castles
PEVSNER, Nikolaus: North-West and South Norfolk. The Buildings of England PEVSNER, Nikolaus and NAIRN, Ian: Sussex. The Buildings of England PEVSNER, Nikolaus. Revised by Bridget Cherry: Hertfordshire. The Buildings of England
PHILLIPS, J. B. (Translated into Modern English by.. ) Illustrated by Edward ARDIZZONE: St. Luke's Life of Christ PINNER, John: A Welcome in the Hillside. Pontypool Golf Club Centenary. 1903-2003 PIOZZI, Hesther Lynch. [Hesther Thrale]: Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson During the Last Twenty Years of His Life
POLLARD, John: Birds in Greek Life and Myth. FIRST EDITION POLLOCK, Walter: Designs of Small Oil-Engined Vessels POP-UP BOOK. Anon: Air, Land and Sea In Pop-Up Action Pictures
POP-UP BOOK. Anon: Jolly Jump-Ups Nursery Rhymes POPE, Dudley: At 12 Mr Byng Was Shot... POPE, T. Michael (Edited by....): |The Book of Fleet Street. With Eight Plates
POWELL, Anthony: Temporary Kings POWELL, Mrs. Milton: Salads for Health. How To Prepare Them. How to Combine Them in Balanced Meals. How to Grow Them in your Home Garden. With 40 Delicious Recipes POWNALL, Rev. Alfred: Shakspere [SIC] Weighed in an even Balance
PRATCHETT, Terry: Witches Abroad. FIRST EDITION, FLAT-SIGNED BY AUTHOR PRATCHETT, Terry: Wyrd Sisters. FIRST EDITION PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Marc SIMONETTI: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Collector's Edition 2013 Calendar
PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Marc SIMONETTI: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Collector's Edition 2014 Calendar PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Paul KIDBY: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Collector's Edition 2012 Calendar PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Paul KIDBY: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Collector's Edition 2011 Calendar
PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Paul KIDBY: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Destinations. Collector's Edition 2020 Calendar PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Paul KIDBY, David WYATT, Stephen PLAYER et al: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Collector's Edition 2009 Calendar PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Paul KIDBY & Josh KIRBY: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Collector's Edition 2018 Calendar
PRATCHETT, Terry. Illustrated by Stephen PLAYER: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Collector's Edition 2015 Calendar PRITCHETT, V. S: It May Never Happen: And Other Stories PRITCHETT, V.S: When My Girl Comes Home
PROUDHON, Pierre-Joseph: General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century. Translated from the French by John Beverley Robinson. New Introduction by Robert Graham PROULX, E. Annie: The Shipping News. FIRST UK EDITION PROUST, Marcel: A Selection From His Miscellaneous Writings. Chosen and translated by Gerard Hopkins
PULMAN, John: Tackle Snooker This Way. FIRST EDITION PULP PAPERBACK EROTICA. Henry de MONTHERLANT: Desert Love. Translated from the French by Alec Brown PUNSHON, E. R: Helen Passes By. FIRST CHEAP EDITION
PUPILS OF MONMOUTHSHIRE SCHOOLS: No Seville Oranges QUANTICK, H. R: Climatology for Airline Pilots QUEEN, Ellery: The Door Between. (FIRST EDITION, GREEN PENGUIN PAPERBACK)
RABELAIS, Francois: Gargantua and Pantagruel. Translated into English by Thomas Urquhart and Peter le Motteux Annis 1653-1694. With an Introduction by Charles Whibley. The Tudor Translations, Edited by W. E. Henley and Published by David Nutt. Five books in Three Volumes. LIMITED EDITION OF ONLY 18 ON JAPANESE VELLUM RACKHAM, Arthur: Reading With Mother. An Arthur Rackham Story Book. CONTAINS: The Night Before Christmas, Henny Penny, Dick Whittington, The Pied Piper and Toads and Diamonds RACKHAM, Arthur. (Illustrated by...) Richard WAGNER: The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie. A Trilogy With a Prelude. Translated by Margaret Armour
RANKIN, Ian: The Hanging Garden. An Inspector Rebus Novel. (SIGNED, FIRST EDITION) RANKIN, Ian: Set in Darkness. SIGNED BY AUTHOR RANNIE, William F: Canadian Whisky. The Product and The Industry
READ, John: Explosives. (FIRST EDITION - PELICAN BOOKS) REECE, Richard: The Medical Guide, For the Use of the Clergy, Heads of Families, And Junior Practitioners in Medicine and Surgery. Comprising of A Family Dispensatory, And practical Treatise on the Symptons, Causes, Prevention and Cure of the Diseases Incident to the Human Frame: With The Latest Discoveries in Medicine. The Fourteenth Edition, With Additions REEVES, Marjorie: Sheep Bell and Ploughshare. The story of two village families
RHODE, John: Murder at Derivale. FIRST EDITION RHODE, John: Murder at Derivale. SIGNED PRESENTATION FIRST EDITION IN WRAPPER RIBBLESDALE, Lord: The Queen's Hounds and Stag-Hunting Recollections. With an Introduction on the Hereditary Mastership by Edward Burrows Compiled from the Brocas Papers in His Possession
RICE, Brian. Edited by Sylvia Turner. Essay by Andrew Lambirth: Brice Rice. Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, Drawings, Collages and Studies. 1952-2016. PRESENTATION FROM THE ARTIST, UNSUCCESSFULLY COVERED BY STICKER RICHARDS, Frank: Billy Bunter of Greyfriars School. Illustrated by R. J. MacDonald. SECOND EDITION RICHARDS, Vernon. (Compiled and edited by...): Errico Malatesta. His Life and Ideas
RICHTER, Peter-Cornell: Nude Photography. Masterpieces from the Past 150 Years RICKETTS, Ralph: The Manikin. SIGNED RICOEUR, Paul: Time and Narrative Volume 2. Translated by Kathleen McLaughlin and David Pellauer
RICOEUR, Paul: Time and Narrative Volume 3. Translated by Kathleen Blamey and David Pellauer RICOEUR, Paul: Time and Narrative Volume I. Translated by Kathleen McLaughlin and David Pellauer RIDGE, Antonia: Cousin Jan. AUTHOR'S SLIP SIGNED WITH A LOVELY NOTE LOOSELY INSERTED
ROBBIE, J. Cameron: The Chronicle of the Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh 1735-1935. In Two Volumes. 1983 FACSIMILE OF ORIGINAL 1936 EDITION ROBERTS, Keith: The Boat of Fate ROBERTSON, Geoffrey: Stephen Ward Was Innocent, OK. The Case For Overturning His Conviction
ROBO, Etienne: Mediaeval Farnham: Everyday Life in an Episcopal Manor RODENBURG, Patsy: Speaking Shakespeare. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR ROGERS, Phil: Throwing Pots. FLAT - SIGNED BY AUTHOR
ROLL, Eric: Crowded Hours. SIGNED ROLL, Eric: Where Did We Go Wrong. From the Gold Standard to Europe. SIGNED RURAL INDUSTRIES BUREAU: Cold Formed Ornamental Ironwork
RUSKIN, John: Unto This Last. THE KING'S TREASURY MINIATURE SERIES RUSSELL, Bertrand: Marriage and Morals RUSSELL, Bertrand. Compiled and edited by Baryy Feinberg: The Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell
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