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MCLUHAN, Marshall: The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man MASON, Philip. (Edited by....): India and Ceylon: Unity and Diversity. A Symposium MEILINK-ROELOFSZ, M. A. P: Asian Trade and European Influence. In the Indonesian Archipelago between 1500 and about 1630
MICHAEL, D. P. M. [Arthur MACHEN]: Arthur Machen. Writers of Wales Series. LIMITED TO 750 COPIES O'BRIAN, Patrick: Clarissa Oakes O'BRIAN, Patrick: TheYellow Admiral
OSTLE, R.C. (Editor): Studies in Modern Arabic Literature. SIGNED BY AUTHOR OUSPENSKY, P. D: In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching PHILIPS, C.H. (Editor): Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon. Historical Writing on the People of Asia
RAO, K. Vyasa: The Future Government of India RAYCHAUDHURI, Tapan and HABIB, Irfan. (Edited by...): The Cambridge Economic History of India. Volume 1: c. 1200 - c. 1750 REISNER, Mary: The House of Cobwebs. FIRST EDITION
RHYS, Keidrych. (Edited by...) Authors include David JONES, John Cowper POWYS, R. S. THOMAS, Elisabeth INGLIS-JONES and Clough WILLIAMS-ELLIS: Wales. The National Magazine. Vol. VI, No. 2. June 1946. AUTOGRAPH SIGNED POSTCARD FROM EDITOR LOOSELY INSERTED SEN, Surendranath (Editor): Indian Travels of Thevenot and Careri. Being the third part of the travels of M. De Thevenot into the Levant and the third part of a voyage round the world by Dr John Francis Gemelli Careri SIDDIQI, Asiya: Agrarian Change in a Northern Indian State. Uttar Pradesh 1819 - 1833
TIWARI, Dr. Shri Gopal: The Economic Prosperity of the United Provinces. A Study in the Provincial Income its Distribution and Working Conditions 1921 - 39. Foreword by Prof. Colin Clark TOY, Sidney: The Strongholds of India VALENTINE, Mark. [Arthur MACHEN]: Arthur Machen. Border Lives. FIRST EDITION
ADAMS, Jad: Tony Benn. A Biography. FIRST EDITION IN DW AHMED, A. F. Salahuddin: Bengali Nationalism and the Emergence of Bangladesh. An Introductory Outline. SIGNED BY AUTHOR AHMED, A. F. Salahuddin: Social Ideas and Social Change in Bengal 1818-1835
AHMED, Sharif Uddin (Editor): Dhaka: Past Present Future. SIGNED ALAM, Muzaffar: The Crisis of Empire in Mughal North India. Awadh and the Punjab 1707 - 1748 ALAS, Leopoldo: La Regenta. Translated with an Introduction by John Rutherford. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION
ALFVEN, Hannes: Worlds-Antiworlds: Antimatter in Cosmology. Translated by Rudy Feichtner ALIGHIERI, Dante. Translated by Dorothy L. Sayers: The Comedy of Dante Alighieri The Florentine. In 3 Volumes. I: Hell. II: Purgatory. III: Paradise. (PENGUIN CLASSICS) AUROBINDO, Sri: Essays on the Gita
BAGBY, George: Bird Walking Weather. An Inspector Schmidt Story FIRST EDITION BAILEY, H C: The Twittering Bird Mystery. FIRST US EDITION. [Published in the UK as Clunk's Claimant] BAKER, Denys Val. (Edited by...): Cornish Ghost Stories
BAKER, Richard M. Introduced by S. S. VAN DINE: Death Stops the Manuscript. Franklin Russell's First Case BALLANTYNE, R. M: Blown to Bits. A Tale of the Malay Archipelago BALLARD, J. G: The Disaster Area
BALLARD, J.G. Covers by Alan ALDRIDGE: The Wind from Nowhere. (Penguin Science Fiction - 2591) BARAT, Amiya: The Bengal Native Infantry. Its Organisation and Discipline 1796 - 1852 BATRA, H.C: The Relations of Jaipur State with East India Company (1803-1858)
BEETON: Beeton's Book of Poultry and Domestic Animals. Showing How to Rear and Manage Them In Sickness and In Health BELLAIRS, George: The Body in the Dumb River BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Demented Spiv. THRILLER BOOK CLUB EDITION IN DW
BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Famished Parson. FIRST EDITION BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Headless Jesuit BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Headless Jesuit. FIRST EDITION
BELLAIRS, George: Close all Roads to Sospel. FIRST EDITION BELLAIRS, George: Crime in Lepers' Hollow BELLAIRS, George: Dead March for Penelope Blow
BELLAIRS, George: Death Drops the Pilot. THRILLER BOOK CLUB EDITION IN DW BELLAIRS, George: Death in Dark Glasses BELLAIRS, George: Death of a Tin God
BELLAIRS, George: Death of a Tin God. THRILLER BOOK CLUB EDITION IN DW BELLAIRS, George: Death Sends for the Doctor BELLAIRS, George: Death Spins the Wheel
BELLAIRS, George: Death Treads Softly BELLAIRS, George: Death Treads Softly. FIRST EDITION BELLAIRS, George: Half-Mast For the Deemster
BELLAIRS, George: Intruder in the Dark BELLAIRS, George: A Knife for Harry Dodd BELLAIRS, George: The Murder of a Quack
BELLAIRS, George: The Night They Killed Joss Varran. FIRST EDITION IN DW BENJAMIN, S. G. W: Persia. (The Story of the Nations series) BENN, Tony. Edited by Ruth WINSTONE: The Diaries of Tony Benn, 1940-2001 Complete Seven Volume Set. Containing. Years of Hope 1940-1962 - FLAT - SIGNED BY BENN. Out of the Wilderness 1963-67, Office Without Power 1968-72, Against the Tide 1973-76, Conflicts of Interest 1977-80, The End of an Era 1980-90 and Free at Last! 1991-2001
BENNETT, Arnold: The Old Wives Tale BENSON, E.F: Limitations. A Novel BERCKMAN, Evelyn: No Known Grave. FIRST EDITION IN DW
BERCKMAN, Evelyn: The Strange Bedfellow. FIRST EDITION IN DW BINDER, Eando: The Three Eternals. ATale of the Future. AUSTRALIAN FANTASY FICTION MAGAZINE BIRRELL, Anne. Introduced and Translated by..: Chinese Love Poetry. New Songs from a Jade Terrace. A Medieval Anthology. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION
BLOCHMAN, Lawrence G: Blow-down. (Dell - 4156). MAP BACK BLOCHMAN, Lawrence G: See You at the Morgue (A Dell Mystery - 638). MAP-BACK BLYTON, Enid: The Folk of the Faraway Tree. Illustrated by Dorothy Wheeler. SIXTH IMPRESSION OF FIRST EDITION
BOHLE, Edgar: The Man Who Disappeared. (UK FIRST EDITION) BOUCHER, Anthony: Exeunt Murderers. The Best Mystery Stories of Anthony Boucher. Edited by Francis M. Nevins, Jr. & Martin H. Greenberg BOXER, C.R: Portuguese Conquest and Commerce in Southern Asia, 1500-1750
BOYLE, A. J. and J. P. Sullivan. Edited and Introduced by..: Roman Poets of the Early Empire. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION BREBNER, J. Bartlet: The Explorers of North America 1492-1806 BRENAN, Gerald: Spanish Scene. Current Affairs Number 7. July 13th, 1946
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