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Hamlin, A. D. F: Text- Book of the History of Architecture Herriot, James: 1941 Webster Groves High School Yearbook (The Echo) Missouri Herriot, James: 1939 Webster Groves High School Yearbook (The Echo) Missouri
Chandler, J.A.C. & T.B. Thames: Colonial Virginia Paatz, Walter: The arts of the Italian Renaissance painting, sculpture, architecture Colliers Magazine editors: Advertisement for the Lindbergh Line "The Lindbergh Line is the Luxury Line" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Colliers Magazine editors: Advertisement for the Arvin "The Next Big Name in Radio" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Colliers Magazine editors: Advertisement for the G & W Whiskey "Get Wise...get G&w...its Good Whiskey" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Colliers Magazine editors: Advertisement for Libby's Tomato Juice "Lily Pons Confesses!" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Colliers Magazine editors: Advertisement for Four Roses "50 Years Ago Today" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Sexton, R. W: Article: Lending Character to a Modern House (In 1929) This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Article: Architecture: "The Classical Style in Syracuse, NY, Green Blinds, White Clapboard & Stucco; Dining Rooms of Two Americans in France; English Windows from the Georgian Period; Ideas to Incorporate Into American Houses... This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Campbells Julienne Soups "Julienne for the Hostess Who Delights in the Recherche!" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Cannon Lavenlawn "There's a New Sense of Exquisite Rest in These Finer Light-Spun Sheets" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Roseville Pottery "If You Love Good Pottery,....." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Rookwood Pottery "The Enduring Charm of Pottery..." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Lovely Linen "At the Table....the Graciousness of Linen Damask" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Advertisement for F. Schumacher & Co. "Your Your Home Needs the Smart Personal Touch That Decorative Fabrics Give...." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
House & Garden editors: Advertisement for 1847 Rogers Bros. Silver Plate "One Happy Christmas Eve..." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Lincoln Automobiles "It is Unusual to Discover so Many Hidden Values in a Motor Car..." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Frigidaire "The Famous COLD CONTROL and Other Added Features Cost You Nothing...." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Weller Pottery "When Sunlight Falls...." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Leechman, Douglas: Article: Pottery of Old Quebec This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Article: Reglazing Worn Chintz This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Bell System "The comfort and Convenience that enough Telephones Bring..." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Article: a Little Portfolio of Good Interiors Taken from a Meritorious Small House (The Home of Mrs. Reginald M. Peirce) This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item House & Garden editors: Advertisement for Red Star Line, White Star Line "New Worlds of Mystery...." and Union Pacific "Union Pacific to Southern California..." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
National Geographic editors: Article: Venice Home City of Marco Polo: 8 Pages of Photos with Captions This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Richter, Norma: Article: Relating New Buildings to Old through Design: a National Trust Conference Brings Together Architects & Preservationists & Generates a Debate on Legislating Guidelines for Respect This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Miller, Nory; Pastier, John: Article: DALLAS, the Past and Future with Aerial Views, Interior Views, Maps and Some Old Views. This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Osman, Mary E: Article: Savannahs Victorial District: Attempting Restoration without Wholesale Dislocation This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Spring, Bernard P: Article: Evaluation: Rockefeller Center's Two Contrasting Generations of Space. its Recent Westward Extension is Far More Open -- and Far Less Lively--Than the 1930s Original. This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Aia Journal editors: Article: the Art of Architectural Illusion; AIA Arts Medalist Richard Haas Paints Buildings, Combining Whimsy with a Definite Sense of Mission 'to Enrich & Embellish" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Aia Journal editors: Article: Profile: Robert Wilson & the Practice of Survival Architecture This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item American Architect editors: Article: House of Nicholas Brady, Manhasset L. I. N. Y. ; John T. Windrim, Architect; 5 Pages of Captioned Photos This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Biemiller, Carl L: Article: Armstrong & Teagarden - Armstrong & His Hot-Noters Point a Trend: Small Bands, Bigger Artists, Lots of Travel. This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Maloney, John: Article: Town of Cultured Ghosts - the Village of Rugby, Tenn. , Remembers its Gay 1880s when an English Colony Brought Cotillions, Cricket & Culture to the Mountains. Photographs by James Keen This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Hollyman, Jean & Tom: Article: the Road to Canterbury - the Ancient Route of England's Religious Pilgrims Can Still be Traced. This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Joachim Folch Y Torres: Article: an Estimate of Goya after the Centenary; the Many Exhibitions of Goyas World Have Supplied an Opportunity for Judging Him in Relation to Painters of the Past & Present This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Parker, Robert Allerton: Article: the Drawings of Georges Seurat - in Preparation for His Canvases, Which Are Comparatively Few in Number, Seurat Painstakingly Developed His Ideas in His Many Drawings This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Van Marle, Dr. Raimond: Article: a Newly Identified Raphael Portrait - a Portrait of a Youth in the Collection of Viscount Lee...." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item International Studio editors: Article: ORIENTAL ART - an Early Tibetan Chalice This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Valentine, Uffington: Article: Gutenberg & His "Book of Books" - Not Only Because of its Priority Among Printed Books but for its Beauty is the Gutenberg Bible Ardently Sought by the Bibliophile This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Washington University, St. Louis, Mo: 1947 Yearbook: HATCHETT, Washington University Washington University, St. Louis, Mo: 1946 Yearbook: HATCHETT, Washington University
Kissell, Mary Lois: Article: Mediaeval Craftsmen of the North - Memories of Charlemagne & Even the Ancient Vikings Live in These Survivals of the Craft of the Swedish Woodcarver & Metal Worker This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Chait, Ralph M: Article: Relics of a Royal Sport in China - Because Polo Was Reserves for Those of the Highest Rank, it Never Became a Common Subject for Painter or Sculptor This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Mayer, Dr. August L: Article: Some Unpublished Works by El Greco - the First Toledan Period As Well As the Later Years At Illescas Are Represented in the Paintings & Sculpture Here Reproduced This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Borenius, Tancred: Article: Enamels from the Sigmaringen Collection - the Greater Part of the Sigmaringen Collection, Including This Rare Group of Champleve Enamels, Has Been Acquired by the City of Frankfurt This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Voss, Dr. Hermann: Article: Bernardo Bellotto, Painter of Dresden - While Canaletto Interpreted the "Veduta" in England, His Nephew, Bernardo Bellotto, Also Called Canaletto, Introduced it Into Germany This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Gould, Mr. & Mrs. G. Glen: Article: Dolls for the Antiquarian - While Dolls Contribute to the Knowledge of Ethnology & History, Their Chief Hold Upon Our Affections is in Their Charm This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Freund, Frank E. Washburn: Article: "The Guelph Treasure" of Ecclesiastical Art - This Collection Was Begun by Henry the Lion with Some of the Relics & Precious Stones Which He Brought from the Holy Land in 1122 This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item La Roche: Article: These Disarming Women As I like Them - Wedding Gown by Schiarparelli This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Italian Tourist Information Office - WINTER in ITALY This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Town & Country Travel Service "VISIT MOROCCO - in 20 Days You Travel through 20 Centuries on the New Circuit Tour of Morocco This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Macy's - the ALPINE ATTITUDE This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Braggiotti, Isidore: Article: Words & Music, I This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Town & Country editors: Article: the Descent of the "Wally" Dress - from Paris to New Yorks 14th Street, from $250 to $8.90 in Six Weeks (Design of Gown Worn by Duchess of Windsor) This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Life Magazine editors: Article: Fifty Million Watermelons Go to Market - all Southerners like Watermelon. Expresses Stereotypical View of Negroes and Their Love for Watermelons. Note That it is a 1937 View of Life. This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Life Magazine editors: Article: Life Goes to a Party with Cecil Beaton & His London Friends This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Life Magazine editors: Article: 60,000 Summer Visitors Replace Whalers on Salty Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket, with Edna Reindel, Who Painted Scences of Martha's Vineyard Which Appear on This Pages This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Life Magazine editors: Article: Eleanor Holm is Photogenic (Eleanor Holm, the Swimmer, Announcing an Upcoming Divorce from Art Jarrett, Her Band Leader Husband) This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Life Magazine editors: Advertisement for Studebaker Automobiles with Kate Smith "Shes Americas First Lady of the Airways..." This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Town & Country editors: Article: Love Letters of a King (Constantine of Greece) - in Epistles to His Mistress, Published Here As His Son Returns to the Greek Throne, the King Who Until His Exile Kept Greece out of War Elucidates Tortured Politics and the Pags of Neutrality This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Town & Country editors: Article: Gems Circa 1935 - 2 pages with illustrations and one paragraph of text. This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Hennessy Cognac Brandy with Drawing of MONTE CARLO This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Bullocks Wilshire in Los Angeles "We Live Here the Year 'round" This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Guerlain Parfumeur Paris GIFTS by GUERLAIN Include Vol De Nuit, L'Heure Bleue, Shalimar, Sous Le Vent This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Listerine Tooth Paste with Miss Elisabeth Remsen of Remsenburg, L. I. ; Also Shown on One of Her Prize-Winning Thoroughbreds. This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Town & Country editors: Advertisement for Matson Line HAWAII the VOYAGE the WHOLE WORLD HOPES to MAKE This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Abbott, Ernest Hamlin; Dawley, Thomas R. , Jr: Articles: 1. Religious Life in America - Religious Tendencies of the Negroat the Pan-American Congress 2. At the Pan-American Congress This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Outlook Magazine editors: Article: the Isthmian Canal This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
Outlook Magazine editors: Article: Fenimore Cooper To-Day This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Briscoe, Margaret Sutton; Root, Jean Christie; Hoblit, Orpha Bennet: Articles: 1, Creating a Vacuum - a Christmas Story; 2. the First Dream of Christmas; 3. Footprints - a Christmas Story This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item Dawley, Thomas R. , Jr. ; Washburn, William D. , Jr: Articles: 1, the Pan-American Congress & Mexican Hospitality; 2. Minnesota & the Railway Trust This is not a book but an article, ad or vintage paper item
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