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Ware, Caroline, Panikkar, K. M, and Romein, J.m: History of Mankind: Cultural and Scientific Development, Volume VI: The Twentieth Century McLauchlin, Russell: Alfred Street Van Doren, Mark: The Autobiography of Mark Van Doren
Golding, William: An Egyptian Journal Kantor, Tim: My Father's Voice: Mackinlay Kantor Long Remembered Kennedy, Eugene: Cardinal Bernardin: Easing Conflicts--And Battling for the Soul of American Catholicism
MacCombie, John: The Prince and the Genie: A Study of Rimbaud's Influence on Claudel Thomas, Gordon: Desire and Denial: Celibacy and the Church Bushman, Richard L: The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities
Lopez, Barry: Crossing Open Ground Wdowinski, David, and Lazar, Chaim: And We Are Not Saved; including also The Jewish Military Organization in the Warsaw Ghetto Holmes, Madelyn: Forgotten Migrants: Foreign Workers in Switzerland before World War I
Castronovo, David: The American Gentleman: Social Prestige and the Modern Literary Mind Hochman, Elaine S: Architects of Fortune: Mies Van Der Rohe and the Third Reich Carmody, Denise Lardner, and Carmody, John Tully: The Republic of Many Mansions: Foundations of American Religious Thought
Weintraub, Stanley: Disraeli: A Biography Shadegg, Stephen C: Miss Lulu's Legacy Strawn, John: Driving the Green: The Making of a Golf Course
Harris, Jay S., compiler: TV Guide: The First 25 Years Whitfield, Philip: The Hunters Procopiou, Angelo: Athens, City of the Gods: from Prehistory to 338 B. C
Smith, Robert: My Life in the North Woods Deen, Edith: All of the Women of the Bible Bartholomew, Ed: The Houston Story: A Chronicle of the City of Houston and the Texas Frontier from the Battle of San Jacinto..
Lott, Milton: Dance Back the Buffalo Steward, Davenport: They Had a Glory Ashton-Warner, Sylvia: Incense to Idols
Disselhoff, Hans-Dietrich, and Linne, Sigvald: The Art of Ancient America Woldering, Irmgard: The Art of Egypt: The Time of the Pharaohs Leuzinger, Elsy: The Art of Africa: The Art of the Negro Peoples
Miles, Arnold: How Criminals Are Caught Stevenson, Robert Louis: The Black Arrow Heal, Edith: Siegfried
Kipling, Rudyard: Collected Verse of Rudyard Kipling Brandt, Francis Burke, and Gummere, Henry Volkmar: Byways and Boulevards in and about Historic Philadelphia Stephens, C. A: Off to the Geysers Or, the Young Yachters in Iceland, As Recorded by Wade
Reid, Mayne: The Young Voyageurs or the Boy Hunters in the North Brill, E. G: The Island of Yellow Sands: An Adventure and Mystery Story for Boys Sainsbury, Noel: Gridiron Grit
Silliman, Leland: Bucky Forrester Little Ladders to Learning, about How Things Are Made, Geography and Costumes, Science and Art, City Scenes, Rural.. Burleigh, Clarence B: The Smugglers of Chestnut
Salten, Felix: Bambi's Children: The Story of a Forest Family Gribbin, John: Blinded by the Light: The Secret Life of the Sun Shapiro, Karl: Poet: An Autobiography in Three Parts, Volume I: the Younger Son
Pollack, Jack Harrison: Croiset the Clairvoyant Dudley, Joseph Iron Eye: Choteau Creek: A Sioux Reminiscence Warshawsky, Abel G: The Memories of an American Impressionist
Blake, George: No Other Choice: An Autobiography Pym, Barbara: A Very Private Eye: An Autobiography in Diaries and Letters Llovio-Menendez, Jose Luis: Insider: My Hidden Life As a Revolutionary in Cuba
Whitlock, Brand: J. Hardin and Son Brown, Elaine: A Taste of Power: A Black Woman's Story Wilson, Carter: A Green Tree and a Dry Tree
Fall, Frieda Kay: Art Objects: Their Care and Preservation. A Handbook for Museums and Collectors Manvell, Roger, and Fraenkel, Heinrich: The Men Who Tried to Kill Hitler Albert, Susan Wittig: Witches' Bane
Glick, Allen: Winters Coming, Winters Gone : There Were Other Tragedies, Besides Dying in Vietnam : An American Struggle Kotzwinkle, William: The Exile Galante, Pierre, and Silianoff, Eugene: Operation Valkyrie: The German Generals' Plot Against Hitler
Schickel, Richard: D.W. Griffith: An American Life Wharton, David B: The Alaska Gold Rush Millhiser, Marlys: Murder in a Hot Flash: A Charlie Greene Mystery
Matthews, Anthony: Death Has Green Fingers Zochert, Donald: Murder in the Hellfire Club Tyre, Nedra: Twice so Fair
Dunant, Sarah: Fatlands Ashe, Gordon [Pseud. Of John Creasey]: A Nest of Traitors Nye, Simon: Men Behaving Badly
Tsutsui, Yasutaka: What the Maid Saw: Eight Psychic Tales Kincaid, Nanci: Crossing Blood Friedman, Kinky: Frequent Flyer
Padgett, Abigail: Turtle Baby Olcott, Anthony: Murder At the Red October Padgett, Abigail: Child of Silence
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