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Merriman, Marion: American Commander in Spain: Robert Hale Merriman and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Collier, Richard: Eagle Day: The Battle of Britain, August 6-September 15, 1940 Costello, John: Mask of Treachery
Divine, David: The Nine Days of Dunkirk Warren, C. E. T, and Benson, James: Only Four Escaped: The Sinking of the Submarine Thetis Vercors [Bruller, J. ]: The Battle of Silence
Halley, James J: The Role of the Fighter in Air Warfare Harman, Nicholas: Dunkirk: The Patriotic Myth Szigeti, Joseph: With Strings Attached: Reminiscences and Reflections
Radcliff, Alan L: Adventures of a Vintage Car Collector Doig, Desmond: Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work Fowler, Doreen, and Abadie, Ann J, Eds: A Cosmos Of My Own: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1980
Cruikshank, R. J: Charles Dickens and Early Victorian England Craft, Robert: Stravinsky: Chronicle of a Friendship, 1948-1971 Sauer, Carl O: Selected Essays, 1963-1975
Smith, Anthony: The Body Ditfurth, Hoimar Von: The Origins of Life: Evolution As Creation Schwab, Arnold T: James Gibbons Huneker: Critic of the Seven Arts
Baskin, John: New Burlington: The Life and Death of an American Village Thompson, Kenneth W: Cold War Theories, Volume I: World Polarization, 1943-1953 Thompson, Kenneth W: The President and the Public Philosophy
Kittrie, Nicholas N: The War Against Authority: From the Crisis of Legitimacy to a New Social Contract Weems, John Edward: The Fate of the Maine Rubinstein, Helena: My Life for Beauty
Iremonger, Lucille: How Do I Love Thee Savage, Henry: Seeds of Time: The Background of Southern Thinking Wild, Roland: Arctic Command: The Story of Smellie of the Nascopie
Djilas, Milovan: Conversations with Stalin Lapierre, Dominique: The City of Joy Radford, Ken, Comp: Fire Burn: Tales of Witchery
Nottingham, Pamela: The Technique of Bobbin Lace Youngquist, Erick H: America Fever: A Swede in the West, 1914-1923 Flexner, James Thomas: Maverick's Progress: An Autobiography
Smith, Carolyn Vance, and Parks, Laura Bailey: Natchez by Design: Architectural Motifs in Stitchery from Nine Natchez Mansions Dahlsten, Donald L, and Garcia, Richard, Eds: Eradication of Exotic Pests Analysis with Case Histories Hampton, Bruce: The Great American Wolf
Ackerman, Diane: The Rarest of the Rare: Vanishing Animals, Timeless Worlds Belford, Barbara: Bram Stoker: A Biography of the Author of Dracula Barnett, Louise: Touched by Fire: The Life, Death, and Mythic Afterlife of George Armstrong Custer
Alinder, Mary Street: Ansel Adams: A Biography Salvatore, Nick: We all Got History: The Memory Books of Amos Webber Dees, Morris: Gathering Storm: America's Militia Threat
D'Emilio, John, and Freedman, Estelle B: Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America Dudman, Richard: Forty Days with the Enemy Eton, Peter, and Leasor, James: Wall of Silence
Pisor, Robert: The End of the Line: The Siege of Khe Sanh Dedijer, Vladimir: The Battle Stalin Lost: Memoirs of Yugoslavia, 1948-1953 McKee, Alexander: Strike from the Sky: The Story of the Battle of Britain
Foot, M.R.D, and Langley, J.M: MI 9: Escape and Evasion, 1939-1945 Weeks, John: Men Against Tanks: A History of Anti-Tank Warfare Rofe, Cyril: Against the Wind
Leasor, James: War At the Top Leasor, James: Green Beach Henriques, Robert: One Hundred Hours to Suez: An Account of Israel's Campaign in the Sinai Peninsula
Lewin, Ronald: The Chief Field Marshal Lord Wavell, Commander-In-Chief and Viceroy, 1939-1947 Oldfield, Barney: Never a Shot in Anger Smith, Bradley F, and Agarossi, Elena: Operation Sunrise: The Secret Surrender
Freeman, C. Denis, and Cooper, Douglas: The Road to Bordeaux Keegan, John, and Holmes, Richard: Soldiers: A History of Men in Battle Liu, F. F: A Military History of Modern China, 1924-1949
Dayan, Moshe: Diary of the Sinai Campaign Todorich, Charles: The Spirited Years: A History of the Antebellum Naval Academy Cookridge, E. H: Set Europe Ablaze
Pullen, John J: Patriotism in America: A Study of Changing Devotions, 1770-1970 Cooper, John C: The Right to Fly Bell, J. Bowyer: The Secret Army: The IRA, 1916-1970
River, W. L: Malta Story: Based on the Diary and Experiences of Lieutenant Howard M. Coffin, USAAF, Formerly Flying Officer of the RAF Grbasic, Z, and Vuksic, V: The History of Cavalry O'Sullivan, John, and Meckler, Alan M, Eds: The Draft and its Enemies: A Documentary History
Eiler, Ernest McNeill: The Soviet Sea Challenge Reynolds, Quentin: Dress Rehersal: The Story of Dieppe Peniakoff, Vladimir: Popski's Private Army
Windchy, Eugene G: Tonkin Gulf Bell, Whitfield J: The Colonial Physician and Other Essays Hoffman, Robert L: More Than a Trial: The Struggle over Captain Dreyfus
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