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Thomson, James C: While China Faced West: American Reformers in Nationalist China, 1928-1937
Thoms, Rosamund: The British Philosophy of Administration: A Comparison of British and American Ideas, 1900-1939
Gerson, Noel B: The Prodigal Genius: The Life and Times of Honore De Balzac
Cooke, Alistair: The Patient Has the Floor
Paschall, Rod: The Defeat of Imperial Germany, 1917-1918
Griffith, D. W: The Man Who Invented Hollywood: The Autobiography of D.W. Griffith
Steinem, Gloria: Marilyn
Yablonsky, Lewis: George Raft
Bailey, Kenneth K: Southern White Protestantism in the 20th Century
Scarfoglio, Carlo: The True Cross, 1177-1192
Butler, David: The Fall of Saigon: Scenes from the Sudden End of a Long War
Willis, John: John Willis' Dance World, 1973, Volume 8: 1972-1973 Season
McMullen, Roy: Art, Affluence, and Alienation: The Fine Arts Today
Titon, Jeff Todd, Et Al: Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples
Hadfield, Miles, Ed: The Gardener's Album
Earnest, Ernest: Expatriates and Patriots: American Artists, Scholars, and Writers in Europe
Hawkes, Jacquetta: The Atlas of Early Man
Putnam, Jeff: By the Wayside
Carter, Samuel: The Last Cavaliers: Confederate and Union Cavalry In The Civil War
Dykeman, Wilma: Return the Innocent Earth
Gannon, Michael: Operation Drumbeat: The Dramatic True Story of Germany's First U-Boat Attacks Along the American Coast in World War II
Ulam, Adam B: Expansion and Coexistence: The History of Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-67
Halle, Louis J: Out of Chaos
Moores, Richard Gordon: Hell is Not Anywhere
Harris, Louis: The Anguish of Change
Harbage, Alfred: Conceptions of Shakespeare
Karol, K. S: Between Two Worlds: The Life of a Young Pole in Russia, 1939-46
Seafaring in Colonial Massachusetts: A Conference Held by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Novermber 21 and 22, 1975
Hulton, Paul, Hepper, F. Nigel, and Friis, Ib: Luigi Balugani's Drawings of African Plants From the Collection Made by James Bruce of Kinnaird on His Travels...1776-1773
Strong, L. A. G: Shake Hands and Come out Fighting
Fjermedal, Grant: Magic Bullets
Rathbun, Hope Willis: Echoes of Chinese History
Goodspeed, D. J: Ludendorff: Genius of World War I
Wright, Leigh: Potash and Pine: The Formative Years in Randolph History [Vermont]
Fox, James M: The Wheel is Fixed
Lasky, Jesse L: Naked in a Cactus Garden
Hackett, John Wintrop, Sir: The Profession of Arms
Verner, Elizabeth O'Neill: Mellowed by Time: A Charleston Notebook
Bibesco, Marthe, Princess: Sir Winston Churchill: Master of Courage
Barnard, Christiaan: Heart Attack: You Don't Have to Die
Davies, Nigel: The Toltecs, Until the Fall of Tula
Wohl, Ellen E: Rain Forest Into Desert: Adventures in Australia's Tropical North
Walker, Dale L: C. L. Sonnichsen: Grassroots Historian
Kersting, A. F, and Little, Bryan: Portrait of Cambridge
Lash, Joseph P: Dealers and Dreamers: A New Look At the New Deal
Hull, William I: William Penn: A Topical Biography
Hyde, H. Montgomery: Lord Reading: The Life of Rufus Isaacs, First Marquess of Reading
Rose, Kenneth: Superior Person: A Portrait of Curzon and His Circle in Late Victorian England
White, Beatrice: Cast of Ravens: The Strange Case of Sir Thomas Overbury
Sitwell, Edith: The Queens and the Hive
James, Stella Frances: In the Shadow of Jesse James
Packard, Vance: Animal IQ: The Human Side of Animals
Kahn, E. J: The World of Swope: A Biography of Herbert Bayard Swope
Ross, Ishbel: The Expatriates
Olsen, Jack: The Bridge At Chappaquiddick
Trench, Charles Chenevix: The Road to Khartoum: A Life of General Charles Gordon
Barnard, Christiaan, and Pepper, Bill: One Life
Glasgow, Alice: Sheridan of Drury Lane: A Biography
Diehl, Charles: Byzantium: Greatness and Decline
Ricciuti, Edward R: Killers of the Seas
Mackenzie, Jeanne, and Mackenzie, Norman: The Murder of Maria Marten...with a Full Development of The...circumstances Which Led to the Discovery of Her Body..
Rodell, Fred: Nine Men: A Political History of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1790 to 1955
Teveth, Shabtai: The Cursed Blessing: The Story of Israel's Occupation of the West Bank
Trooboff, Peter D, Ed: Law and Responsibility in Warfare: The Vietnam Experience
Jones, L. E. [Lawrence Evelyn]: Georgian Afternoon
Lardner, Ring, Jr: The Lardners: My Family Remembered
Li, Dun J, Trans: Modern China: From Mandarin to Commissar
Brightwell, L. R: A Seashore Calendar
Godfrey, Michael A: A Closer Look
Scull, Penrose, and Fuller, Prescott C: From Peddlers to Merchant Princes: A History of Selling in America
Paisley, Keith: Protected Cultivation: Modern Management of Greenhouse and Frame
Coulter, John Wesley: Fiji: Little India of the Pacific
Heintzelman, Donald S: A Manual for Bird Watching in the Americas
Rader, Dotson: Tennessee: Cry of the Heart
Schevill, Ferdinand: The Medici
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