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Maranto, Gina: Quest for Perfection: The Drive to Breed Better Human Beings Barker, Rodney: And the Waters Turned to Blood: The Ultimate Biological Threat Highfield, Roger, and Carter, Paul: The Private Lives of Albert Einstein
Weber, Nicholas Fox: Patron Saints: Five Rebels Who Opened America to a New Art, 1928-1943 Gross, John: Shylock: A Legend and its Legacy Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth: AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge
Herrick, James B: Memories of Eighty Years Salisbury, Harrison E: Black Night, White Snow: Russia's Revolutions, 1905-1917 Woodrew, Greta: On a Slide of Light
Fletcher, Fred, and Holmes, Chuck: Tempus Fugit (Time Flies) Clapesattle, Helen: The Doctors Mayo Mariani, Paul: Dream Song: The Life of John Berryman
Milosz, Czeslaw: A Year of the Hunter Preston, Percy: A Dictionary of Pictorial Subjects from Classical Literature: A Guide to Their Identification in Works of Art Levey, Michael: Painting At Court
Fitzgerald, Ed: A Nickel an Inch: A Memoir Hobson, Laura Z: Laura Z: A Life Black, Perry, Ed: Drugs and the Brain: Papers on the Action, Use, and Abuse of Psychotropic Agents
Dowie, Mark: Losing Ground: American Environmentalism At the Close of the Twentieth Century Redfield, James: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision: Further Adventures of the Celestine Prophecy Conacher, J. B: Waterloo to the Common Market
Scobey, Joan: Rugs and Wall Hangings: Period Designs and Contemporary Techniques Hitt, Russell T: Sensei: The Life Story of Irene Webster-Smith Conot, Robert: A Streak of Luck: The Life and Legend of Thomas Alva Edison
Sullivan, Walter: We Are Not Alone: The Search for Intelligent Life on Other Worlds Yoder, Edwin M: Joe Alsop's Cold War: A Study of Journalistic Influence and Intrigue Wilson, Dorothy Clarke: Palace of Healing: The Story of Dr. Clara Swain, First Woman Missionary Doctor, and the Hospital She Founded
Debenham, Frank: Discovery and Exploration: An Atlas-History of Man's Wanderings Jameson, P. R: Weather and Weather Instruments for the Amateur Pease, Theodore Calvin: The Story of Illinois
Forma, Norman: They Were Ragtime Heikal, Mohamed: Iran: The Untold Story: An Insider's Account of America's Iranian Adventure and its Consequences for the Future Budge, Ernest A. Wallis: Tutankhamen Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism with Hieroglyphic Texts of Hymns to Amen and Aten
Nagel, Paul C: The Lees of Virginia: Seven Generations of an American Family Delumeau, Jean: History of Paradise: The Garden of Eden in Myth and Tradition Black, Jeremy: Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of Warfare: Renaissance to Revolution, 1492-1792
Lewin, Roger: Thread of Life: The Smithsonian Looks At Evolution Hadfield, John, Ed: The Saturday Book [25th Annual Issue] Riley-Smith, Jonathan, Ed: The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades
Isenberg, Michael T: Shield of the Republic: The United States Navy in an Era of Cold War and Violent Peace, Volume I: 1945-1962 Hillerman, Tony: Rio Grande Gunji, Masakatsu: Kabuki
Roberts, Nancy: The Faces of South Carolina Comfort, Alex, Trans: Koka Shastra: Being the Ratirahasya of Kokkoka, and Other Medieval Indian Writings on Love Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks: Frank Lloyd Wright Drawings: Masterworks from the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives
Goddard, Donald, Ed: Saving Wildlife: A Century of Conservation Louis, William Roger: In the Name of God, Go!: Leo Amery and the British Empire in the Age of Churchill Hall, James: Sangoma: My Odyssey Into the Spirit World of Africa
Brooksher, William Riley: Bloody Hill: The Civil War Battle Of Wilson's Creek Cabrera Infante, Guillermo: Holy Smoke Conran, Terence: The Cigar in Art
Sullivan, Constance, Ed: Landscapes of the Civil War: Newly Discovered Photographs From the Medford Historical Society Riley, Carroll L: Rio Del Norte: People of the Upper Rio Grande from Earliest Times to the Pueblo Revolt Mishler, Clayton: Sampan Sailor: A Navy Man's Adventures in WWII China
Richardson, Peter: Herod: King of the Jews and Friend of the Romans Buchanan, Rita: The Shaker Herb and Garden Book McManus, Michael: A Treasury of American Scrimshaw: A Collection of the Useful and Decorative
Skelton, R. A, Marston, Thomas E, and Painter, George D: The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation Walsh, Michael: The Triumph of the Meek: Why Early Christianity Succeeded Krutch, Joseph Wood, Ed: The Gardener's World
Brues, Charles T: Insect Dietary: An Account of the Food Habits of Insects Wechsberg, Joseph: Verdi Stendhal [Beyle, Henri Marie]: Travels in the South of France
Ray, Cyril: Bollinger: Tradition of a Champagne Family Harth, Erich: Windows on the Mind: Reflections on the Physical Basis of Consciousness Ruby, Robert H, and Brown, John A: Half-Sun on the Columbia: A Biography of Chief Moses
Kahler, Erich: The Meaning of History Boettcher, Helmuth M: Wonder Drugs: A History of Antibiotics Rowan, Richard Wilmer: Terror in Our Time: The Secret Service of Surprise Attack
Christensen, Jerome: Coleridge's Blessed Machine of Language Thomas, Howard: Black River in the North Country Hill, Larry D: Emissaries to a Revolution: Woodrow Wilson's Executive Agents in Mexico
Rink, Evald: Printing in Delaware, 1761-1800 Dedmond, Francis B: Lengthened Shadows: A History of Gardner-Webb College, 1907-1956 Oliver, A. Richard: Charles Nodier: Pilot of Romanticism
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