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Proctor, Samuel Dewitt: The Substance of Things Hoped For: A Memoir of African-American Faith King, B. B, and Ritz, David: Blues All Around Me: The Autobiography of B. B. King Hausman, Gerald, and Rodriques, Kelvin: African-American Alphabet: A Celebration of African-American and West Indian Culture, Custom, Myth, and Symbol
Gittleman, Edwin: Jones Very: The Effective Years, 1833-1840 Keuls, Eva C: The Reign of the Phallus: Sexual Politics in Ancient Athens Fletcher, William A: Rebel Private Front and Rear: Memoirs of a Confederate Soldier
Freeman, Lucy, La Follette, Sherry, and Zabriskie, George A: Belle: The Biography of Belle Case La Follette Baldini, Gabriele: The Story of Giuseppe Verdi: Oberto to Un Ballo in Maschera Sanger, Marjory Bartlett: Billy Bartram and His Green World: An Interpretative Biography
Edwards, John Carver: Berlin Calling: American Broadcasters in Service to the Third Reich Porter, David: Emerson and Literary Change Altick, Richard D: The Art of Literary Research
Beals, Carleton: The Nature of Revolution Tolstoy, Tatyana: Tolstoy Remembered West, Richard: Congo
Russell Of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley Russell, Baron: Henry of Navarre: Henry IV of France Barrett, William E: The Red Lacquered Gate Richmond, J. C. B: Egypt, 1798-1952: Her Advance Towards a Modern Identity
Ames, Winslow: Prince Albert and Victorian Taste Robbins, Richard G: Famine in Russia, 1891-1892: The Imperial Government Responds to a Crisis Lee, Ki-Baik [Yi, Ki-baek]: A New History of Korea
McHugh, Tom: The Time of the Buffalo Allen, Durward L: Wolves of Minong: Their Vital Role in a Wild Community Hutchison, T. W: A Review of Economic Doctrines, 1870-1929
Allan, Herbert S: John Hancock: Patriot in Purple Bidney, Martin: Blake and Goethe: Psychology, Ontology, Imagination Jenkinson, Michael: Wild Rivers of North America
Brown, Raymond Lamont: Phantom Soldiers Durant, Jack D, and Hester, M. Thomas: A Fair Day in the Affections: Literary Essays in Honor of Robert B. White, Jr Linklater, Eric: The Prince in the Heather
Riddle, Maxwell: The Wild Dogs in Life and Legend Sachar, Howard M: The Emergence of the Middle East, 1914-1924 Cecil, David: The Cecils of Hatfield House: An English Ruling Family
Vincent, John: The Formation of the British Liberal Party Donovan, Robert J: Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1953 Huxtable, Ada Louise: Architecture Anyone?
Fishbaugh, Charles Preston: From Paddle Wheels to Propellers: The Howard Ship Yards of Jeffersonville in the Story of Steam Navigation on the Western Rivers Novick, Sheldon M: Henry James: The Young Master Speck, Jean: The Gentleman from Haw River
Ganey, Terry: St. Joseph's Children: A True Story of Terror and Justice Spada, James: More Than a Woman: An Intimate Biography of Bette Davis Maher, Brendan A: A Passage to Sword Beach: Minesweeping in the Royal Navy
Clarke, William: The Lost Fortune of the Tsars McDonald, John: The Origins of Angling Hendler, Gordon, Et Als: Sea Stars, Sea Urchins, and Allies: Echinoderms of Florida and the Caribbean
Potter, Stephen R: Commoners, Tribute, and Chiefs: The Development of Algonquian Culture in the Potomac Valley Busch, Briton Cooper: Whaling Will Never Do for Me: The American Whaleman in the Nineteenth Century Farr, Sidney Saylor: Table Talk: Appalachian Meals and Memories
Sacks, Howard L, and Sacks, Judith Rose: Way Up North in Dixie: A Black Family's Claim to the Confederate Anthem Hamilton, Charles: The Hitler Diaries: Fakes That Fooled the World Whitehead, Charles E: The Camp-Fires of the Everglades or Wild Sports in the South
Felker, Christopher: Reinventing Cotton Mather in the American Renaissance: Magnalia Christi Americana in Hawthorne, Stowe, and Stoddard Eisenhower, John S. D: Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott Purdon, Liam O, and Vitto, Cindy L, Eds: The Rusted Hauberk: Feudal Ideals of Order and Their Decline
Nelson, Paul David: General James Grant: Scottish Soldier and Royal Governor of East Florida Servies, James A, Ed: The Log of H. M. S. Mentor, 1780-1781: A New Account of the British Navy At Pensacola Callahan, North: Thanks, Mr. President: The Trail-Blazing Second Term of George Washington
La Forte, Robert S, and Marcello, Ronald E: Building the Death Railway: The Ordeal of American Pows in Burma, 1942-1945 Butler, Ruth: Rodin: The Shape of Genius Tolstikov, Vladimir, and Treister, Mikhail: The Gold of Troy: Searching for Homer's Fabled City
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Schmidgall, Gary: Shakespeare and the Poet's Life Peddie, John: The Roman War Machine Williams, Geoffrey: Flying through Fire: Fido--The Fogbuster of World War Two
Avianus: The Fables of Avianus Adkins, Lesley, and Adkins, Roy A: Dictionary of Roman Religion Littlejohn, David: The Fate of the English Country House
Troyat, Henri: Flaubert Tarkhanov, Alexei, and Kavtaradze, Sergei: Architecture of the Stalin Era Stocking, Hobart E: The Road to Santa Fe
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