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Wright, Leonard M: Trout Maverick: Fly-Fishing Heresies and Tactics Bartlett, Thomas, and Jeffery, Keith, editors: A Military History of Ireland Veith, George J: Code-Name Bright Light: The Untold Story of U.S. POW Rescue Efforts During the Vietnam War
Iserson, Kenneth V: Death to Dust: What Happens to Dead Bodies? Young, Allen M: Sarapiqui Chronicle: A Naturalist in Costa Rica Whittingham, Richard: The Rand-McNally Almanac of Adventure: A Panorama of Danger and Daring
Bartlett, James Y: Golf Gurus: The Wisdom of the Game's Greatest Instructors Fabri, Ralph: Color: A Complete Guide for Artists More, Carey, and More, Julian: Impressions of the Seine
Johnson, Hugh: The World Atlas of Wine: A Complete Guide to the Wines and Spirits of the World Lacey, Sarah: File Under--Missing Cutler, Judith: Dying to Write
Wright, Patricia: The Strange History of Buckingham Palace: Patterns of People Marino, Andy: Herschel: The Boy Who Started World War II Steer, John, and White, Antony: Atlas of Western Art History: Artists, Sites and Movements from Ancient Greece to the Modern Age
Smith, Beatrice Scheer: A Painted Herbarium: The Life and Art of Emily Hitchcock Terry (1838-1921) Stegemann, Michael: Camille Saint-Saens and the French Solo Concerto from 1850 to 1920 Mann, Vivian B, and Cohen, Richard I: From Court Jews to the Rothschilds, 1600-1800: Art, Patronage, and Power
Straus, Eugene: Rosalyn Yalow, Nobel Laureate: Her Life and Work in Medicine Hiltzik, Michael: Dealers of Lightning: Xerox Parc and the Dawn of the Computer Age Crossette, Barbara: The Great Hill Stations of Asia
Cohn, Roy: From Desire to Godot: Pocket Theater of Postwar Paris Apostle, Richard A, Et Al: The Anatomy of Racial Attitudes Steele, Shelby: A Dream Deferred: The Second Betrayal of Black Freedom in America
Schmid, Carol L: Conflict and Consensus in Switzerland Patterson, Orlando: Rituals of Blood: Consequences of Slavery in Two American Centuries Wendt, Lloyd M: Dogs: A Historical Journey: the Human/Dog Connection through the Centuries
Milton, Joyce: Tramp: The Life of Charlie Chaplin Hamilton, Ian: Keepers of the Flame: Literary Estates and the Rise of Biography from Shakespeare to Plath Naveh, Eyal J: Crown of Thorns: Political Martyrdom in America from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King, Jr
Adero, Malaika, editor: Up South: Stories, Studies and Letters of This Century's Black Migrations Maeda, Tetsuo: The Hidden Army: The Untold Story of Japan's Military Forces Sloan, James Park: Jerzy Kosinski: A Biography
Hall, Bruce Edward: Tea That Burns: A Family Memoir of Chinatown Von Kleist, Heinrich: Penthesilea: A Tragic Drama Matson, Wallace I: Sentience
Ayres, E. C: Hour of the Manatee Fields, Armond, and Fields, Marc: From the Bowery to Broadway: Lew Fields and the Roots of American Popular Theater Alexander, Caroline: Mrs. Chippy's Last Expedition: The Remarkable Journal of Shackleton's Polar-Bound Cat
Wakefield, Dan: New York in the Fifties Franklin, V. P: Living Our Stories, Telling Our Truths: Autobiography and the Making of the African-American Intellectual Tradition Wickwire, Jim, and Bullitt, Dorothy: Addicted to Danger: A Memoir
Brier, Bob: The Murder of Tutankhamen: A True Story Gilbert, Martin: The Boys: The Story of 732 Young Concentration Camp Survivors Stultz, Newell M: Afrikaner Politics in South Africa, 1934-1948
Andrews, William L, and Gates, Henry Louis, Eds: The Civitas Anthology of African American Slave Narratives Baldwin, Neil: Legends of the Plumed Serpent: Biography of a Mexican God Reed, Philip: Low Rider
Edwards, Anne: Throne of Gold: The Lives of the Aga Khans Sinclair, Andrew: The Discovery of the Grail Marcus, Greil: Invisible Republic: Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes
Waterman, Jonathan: A Most Hostile Mountain: Re-Creating the Duke of Abruzzi's Historic Expedition on Alaska's Mount St. Elias Shentalinsky, Vitaly: Arrested Voices: Resurrecting the Disappeared Writers of the Soviet Regime Kinsella, Patrick: Letters from Patrick: Wartime Letters of Life and Love from an R. A. F. Pilot-Bombadier to the American Actress, Claire Luce
Tillman, Barrett: The Wildcat in WWII Fontaine, Andre: History Of The Cold War: From The October Revolution To The Korean War, 1917-1950 [with] From The Korean War To The Present Gruber, Frank: Brass Knuckles: The Oliver Quade, Human Encyclopedia Stories
Hare, Peter H: A Woman's Quest for Science: Portrait of Anthropologist Elsie Clews Parsons Wittlin, Thaddeus: Commissar: The Life and Death of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria Aubrey, Philip: The Defeat of James Stuart's Armada 1692
Glasgow, Ellen: Ellen Glasgow's Reasonable Doubts: A Collection of Her Writings Davis, Harold E: Henry Grady's New South: Atlanta, A Brave and Beautiful City Lyon, Jeff, and Gorner, Peter: Altered Fates: Gene Therapy and the Retooling of Human Life
Pahor, Boris: Pilgrim Among the Shadows Dreiser, Vera, and Howard, Brett: My Uncle Theodore Ingells, Douglas J: 747: Story of the Boeing Super Jet
Gillingham, John: The Wars of the Roses: Peace and Conflict in Fifteenth-Century England Hemmings, F. W. J: Baudelaire the Damned: A Biography Rothman, Tony: A Physicist on Madison Avenue
Barrow, John D: The Artful Universe Kramer, Hilton: The Revenge of the Philistines: Art and Culture, 1972-1984 Butler, Hubert: Independent Spirit: Essays
Avery, Gillian: The Echoing Green: Memories of Victorian Youth Lefebvre, Georges: From 18 Brumaire To Tilsit, 1799-1807 [with] Napoleon: From Tilsit To Waterloo, 1807-1815 Pruessen, Ronald W: John Foster Dulles: The Road to Power
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