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Prestwich, Michael: Edward I
Benn, Carl: The Iroquois in the War of 1812
Winborn, Byron R: Wen Bon: A Naval Intelligence Officer Behind Japanese Lines in China
Read, Anthony, and Fisher, David: The Proudest Day: India's Long Road to Independence
Peters, Margot: Unquiet Soul: A Biography of Charlotte Bronte
Anzar, Naosherwan: The Beloved: The Life and Work of Meher Baba
Phelps, Robert, Comp: Belles Saisons: A Colette Scrapbook
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Baker, William F: Running Her Easting Down: A Documentary of the Development and History of the British Tea Clippers..
Kightly, Charles: Strongholds of the Realm: Defences in Britain from Prehistory to the Twentieth Century
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Gault, S. Millar, and Synge, Patrick M: The Dictionary of Roses in Color
Dempsey, Hugh A: History in Their Blood: The Indian Portraits of Nicholas De Grandmaison
McMillan, Mary Lee, and Jones, Ruth Dorval: My Helenka
Benson, Maxine, Ed: From Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains: Major Stephen Long's Expedition, 1819-1820
Zwinger, Ann H, and Willard, Beatrice E: Land Above the Trees: A Guide to American Alpine Tundra
Foshee, John: You, Too, Can Canoe: The Complete Book of River Canoeing
Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich: Reverberations: The Memoirs of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Eubanks, Steve: Augusta: Home of the Masters Tournament
Robinson, Randall: Defending the Spirit: A Black Life in America
King, Larry L: Warning, Writer At Work: The Best Collectibles of Larry L. King
Grafton, Sue: I is for Innocent
Bradford, Sarah: Splendours and Miseries: A Life of Sacheverell Sitwell
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Ziegler, Philip: The Duchess of Dino
Wolf, William, and Wolf, Lillian Kramer: Landmark Films: The Cinema and Our Century
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Cull, John: Windweir
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Bailey, Richard: Neither Carpetbaggers nor Scalawags: Black Officeholders During the Reconstruction of Alabama, 1867-1878
Prassel, Frank Richard: The Great American Outlaw: A Legacy of Fact and Fiction
Ozment, Steven: Flesh and Spirit: Private Life in Early Modern Germany
Lloyd, Christopher: In My Garden
Brinkley, George A: The Volunteer Army and Allied Intervention in South Russia, 1917-1921: A Study In The Politics... Of The Russian Civil War
Johnson, Haynes: The Bay of Pigs: The Leaders' Story of Brigade 2506
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Early, Gerald: Lure and Loathing: Essays on Race, Identity, and the Ambivalence of Assimilation
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Bergstraesser, Arnold: Goethe's Image of Man and Society
Walsh, John: Strange Harp, Strange Symphony: The Life of Francis Thompson
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Wilson, Colin: Bernard Shaw: A Reassessment
Lloyd, Mark: Special Forces: The Changing Face of Warfare
Boudet, J, Ed: Jerusalem: A History
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Dekay, James Fertius: Monitor: The Story Of The Legendary Civil War Ironclad and The Man Whose Invention Changed The Course Of History
Miles, Barry: William Burroughs, El Hombre Invisible: A Portrait
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Saunders, Robert: John Archibald Campbell: Southern Moderate, 1811-1889
Forrest, John: Lord I'm Coming Home: Everyday Aesthetics in Tidewater North Carolina
Green, Robert, and Morgan, Brian: Classic Holes of Golf: A Grand Tour of the World's Most Challenging, Historic, and Beautiful Golf Holes
Fehl, Noah Edward, Ed: Sir Herbert Butterfield, Cho Yun Hsu & William H. McNeill on Chinese and World History
Wiley, Mason, and Bona, Damien: Inside Oscar: The Unofficial History of the Academy Awards
Gilbert, Felix: A European Past: Memoirs, 1905-1945
Carroll, John M: The Third Listener: Personal Electronic Espionage
Rowley, H. H: From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology
Eisen, Jonathan, Ed: Twenty-Minute Fandangos and Forever Changes A Rock Bazaar
Rhys, Howard: The Epistle to the Romans
Ward, James M: Hosea: A Theological Commentary
Kiefer, Howard E, and Munitz, Milton K, Ed: Mind, Science, and History: The International Philosophy Year Conferences At Brockport
MacDonald, Margaret, Ed: Philosophy and Analysis: A Selection of Articles Published in ANALYSIS between 1933-40 and 1947-53
MacLagan, W. G: The Theological Frontier of Ethics: An Essay Based on the Edward Cadbury Lectures in the University of Birmingham, 1955-56
Peirce, Neal R: The New England States: People, Politics, and Power in the Six New England States
Cowan, J. L: Pleasure and Pain: A Study in Philosophical Psychology
Brown, Robert L: Colorado Ghost Towns--Past and Present
De Groot, Roy Andries: The Wines of California, the Pacific Northwest, and New York
Jantz, Harold: The Soothsayings of Bakis: Goethe's Tragi-Comic Observations on Life, Time, and History
Ayling, Keith: Semper Fidelis: The U. S. Marines in Action
Kennedy-Fraser, Marjory: A Life of Song
Wyss, Dieter: Depth Psychology, a Critical History: Development, Problems, Crises
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