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MILLAIS J G: The Life of Frederick Courtenay Selous
KOHARY J: Rose Cottage Cave - Ladybrand, Orange Free State
ROOSEVELT T: African Game Trails
WILLIAMS F N: Precolonial Communities of Southwestern Africa; A History Owambo Kingdom 1600-1920
ERASMUS D: Onder Hoogwater: Namibie uit 'n Pennekwas
PIETERSE P: Bosberaad
DE JONGH M ( F A Venter): Die Oë van Okatura: 'n Aktuele Suidwes Verhaal
RUDNER J & I: The Hunter and his Art
DAVIDTSZ M J: Jess Davidtsz se Kookboek
KRIGE E J: The Social System of the Zulus
JONSSON N: The Jonsson Journey
HAYWARD R & STRATTON N: A Foundation for the Future
CARTWRIGHT A P: Strenue - the Story of King Edward VII School
PASSARGE S: Die Buschmänner der Kalahari
De Baudot, A: Eglises De Bourgs Et Villages
L. Gregoire: Geographie Generale Illustree: Geographie Generale Physique, Politique et Economique
Abbot de Vertot: The History of the Revolutions in Portugal, being an enlargement of an account formerly published of the revolution there in the year 1640; and now reviewed, the history take higher, and deduced to the year 1661
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot: The Republican Court; or American Society in the Days of Washington
George Keate: An Account of the Pelew Islands
Canada: Geological Survey of Canada
Allan Ramsay: The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy; by Allan Ramsay
Ritchie, Leitch: Travelling Sketches in the North of Italy, the tyrol, and the rhine
Leitch Ritchie: Travelling Sketches in the North of Italy, the Tyrol, and on the Rhine
Jules Gabriel Janin: La Normandie
Roscoe, Thomas. 1791-1871: Wanderings and Excursions in South Wales
Wilson, John: Scotland Illustrated in a Series of Eighty Views from original Drawings by Celebrated Artists with Letterpress Descriptions, and an Essay on the Scenery of the Highlands by Professor Wilson
Beattie, William: Scotland Illustrated…
Henry Penruddocke Wyndham: A Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales. Made in the months of June & July 1774 and in the months of June, July & August 1777
Frederic Lacroix: Les Mysteres de la Russie
Rosa Salvator; Sandrart Joachim: A collection of sixty etchings after Salvator Rosa
Matthew Prior 1664-1721: Poems on Several Occasions
Finden, William & Edward, Francis: The Ports, Harbours, Watering-Places and Coast Scenery of Great Britain. Illustrated by views taken on the spot by W.H.Bartlett with descriptions by W.Beattie
Tiedge, Christoph August 1752-1841: Urania. Ein lyrisch-didactisches Gedicht…
Hugh Craig: Johnson\\\'s Household Book of Nature containing full and interesting descriptions of the Animal Kingdom based upon the Writings of the Eminent Naturalists Audubon, Wallace, Brehm, Wood and others
Izaak Walton; Charles Cotton: The Complete Angler, or Contemplative Man's Recreation: Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish, and Fishing
Bremi, Io Henr: Aeschinis in Ctesiphontem et Demosthenis De Corona Orationes Duae ad Fidem Optimorum Exemplarium Recensitae Varietate…
Anonymous: Recent Expeditions to Eastern Polar Seas: 1. Voyage of the Hansa and Germania 2. Voyage of the Tegethoff
Aristotlis: De Rhetorica Libri Tres
Kinloch, Alexander Angus Airlie: Large Game Shooting in Thibet, the Himalayas, and Northern India
M'Gregor, John 1797-1857: British America
Milton, John: Paradise Regain'd A Poem in Four Books
Mason W: The Poems of Mr. Gray
Lavater, Johann Casper 1741-1801: Essay on Physiognomy, designed to promote the knowledge and the love of mankind. Illustrated by more than eight hundred engravings, accurately copied; and some duplicates added from originals; executed by, or under the supervision of Thomas Holloway. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter, D.D
Collier, Jeremy. 1650-1726: A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage
Polybius: Historiarum libri qui supersunt
Plumptre, Henry; Pemberton, Henry: Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis
Plutarch: Plutarchi Quae Vocantur Parallela
Salmon, Thomas: Historical Collections Relating the Originals, Conversions, and Revolutions of the Inhabitants of Great Britain to the Norman Conquest in a Continued Discourse
Owen Felltham: Resolves The Eight Impressio . .
Bryant Y. C: Picturesque America
Grant, George Monro: Picturesque Canada
Sharp, Samuel 1700?-78: Traite des Operations de Chirurgie (A Treatise on the Operations of Surgery)
Delille, Jacques: L Eneide
Bayley, John: The History and Antiquities of the Tower of London, with Memoirs of Royal and Distinguished Persons, Deduced from Records, State-Papers, and Manuscripts and from other Original and Authentic Sources
Thomas Sheridan: A Course of Lectures on Elocution: Together with Two Dissertations on Language; and other Tracts Relative of those Subjects
Muir, John 1838-1914: Picturesque California and the Pacific Slope
James Browne: Picturesque Views of Edinburgh
Soules, Francois 1748-1809: Histoire des Troubles de l’Amerique Anglaise.
William W. Thomas: Sweden and the Swedes
Robert Bowyer 1758-1834: An Impartial Historical Narrative of Those Momentous Events…
Fraser, James 1713-54: The History of Nadir Shah, Formerly called Thamas Kuli Khan, The Present Emperor of Persia. To which is prefixed a short History of the Moghol Emperors
Peter Pindar; John Wolcot: A Poetical, Supplicating, Modest and Affecting Epistle to those Literary Colossuses, the Reviewers, by Peter Pindar Esq
Tieleman van der Horst; Jan Schenk, engraver: Theatrum Machinarum Universale of Nieuwe Algemeene Bouwkunde
Vancouver, George (1758-1798): Voyage de decouvertes, a l’ocean Pacifique du nord, et autour du monde Dans lequel la cote Nord-Ouest de l’Amerique .
Wells, Nathaniel Armstrong: The Picturesque Antiquities of Spain; Described in a series of letters, with illustrations, representing Moorish Palaces, Cathedrals, and other monuments of art, contained in the cities of Burgos, Valladolid, Toledo, and Seville
Kohler, Bruno: Trachtenbilder fur die Buhne
Wilbur Nesbit: Just Because of You
Benzoni, Giralomo (b.1519), Hennepin, Louis: De gedenkwaardige West-Indise Voyagien, Gedaan door Christoffel Columbus, Americus Vesputius en Lodewijck Hennepin; Aenmerkelyke voyagie gedaan na’t Gedeelte can Noorder America
Thompson, Robert: The Gardener’s Assistant: Practical and Scientific. A Guide to the formation and management of the Kitchen, Fruit, and Flower Garden, and the cultivation of conservatory, green-house, and stove plants. With a copious calendar of gardening operations
Clarkson, L: Violet Among the Lilies: A Sequel to Violet with Eyes of Blue & the Gathering of the Lilies
Samuel Manning: Swiss Pictures: Drawn with Pen and Pencil
Combe, William-Rowlandson, Thomas: The Tour of Doctor Syntax, In Search of the Picturesque; A Poem
Butler, Samuel: Hudibras, A Poem
Smith, John Thomas: The Cries of London: Exhibiting Several of the Itinerant Traders of Antient and Modern Times
Turton, William M.D: A Manual of the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the British Islands
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