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Sadi; John T. Platts, tr: The Gulistan; or, Rose Garden of Shaikh Mislihud-din Sadi of Shiraz Translated from a Revised Text, with Copious Notes, and A Life of the Poet
Sadi 1184-1291: The Gulistan or Rose Garden of Sa’di
Sadi; James Ross, tr: The Gulistan or Flower-Garden, of Shaikh Sadi of Shiraz
Sadi; W. Nassau Lees, Mawlawi Kabir al Din Ahmad, ed: Lees’ Persian Series No.VII Prose No. IV The Iqd-I Gul. Being a Selection from the Gulistan and Anwar-i Sohaili
Charles N. Robinson: Navy and Army Illustrated
Horace Walpole; L.B. Seeley: Horace Walpole and his World / Select Passages from His Letters
Henry Youle Hind: Narrative of The Canadian Red River Exploring Expidition of 1857 and of the Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858
Samuel M. Smucker: Arctic Exploration and Discoveries During the Nineteenth Century
Samuel Parker: Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains Under the Direction of the A.B.C.F.M
Daniel Defoe: The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
W.H. Maxwell: The Life of Wellington
Dr. G. Hartwig: The Polar and Tropical Worlds: A Description of Man and Nature in the Polar and Equatorial Regions of the Globe
B. Nichols: Atlas of Montgomery and Fulton Counties New York
Charles Avison: An Essay on Musical Expression
Dante, Cary (translator) Gustave Dore (Illustrator): Dante’s Inferno
Moses King: The Dewey Reception and Committee of New York City
W. Houghton: British Fresh-Water Fishes
Marquis Charles Auguste de La Fare: Memoires et Reflexions Sur les Principaux Evenemens du Regne de Louis XIV
J. Mandrillon: Le Spectateur Americain
T. Corneille: Poems Dramatiques de T. Corneille
John R. Sellers: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789
Adam Olearius: Voyages tres-curieux et tres-renommez faits en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse
Anacreon; Alcaeus; Sappho: Anacreontis Carmina cum Sapphonis et Alcaei Fragmentis
Pomponius Mela: Pomponii Melae Philosophi Celeberrimi de Orbis Situ
Francis Gladwin: Dissertations on the Rhetoric, Prosody and Rhyme of the Persians
J. M. Morphis: History of Texas from its Discovery and Settlement with Descrition of its Principle Cities and Countries, and the Agricultural, Mineral, and Material Resources of the State
D. Angel Fernandes de Los Rios: La Tierra. Descripcion Geografica y Pintoresca de las Cinco Partes del Mundo
Thomas Moule; Robert Garland: Winkles’s Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales
Georg Friedrich von Martens; William Cobbett, tr: Summary of the Law of Nations, Founded on the Treaties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe; with a list of the Principal treaties, concluded since the year 1748 down to the present times indicating the works in which they are to be found
Mrs. Trollope: Domestic Manners of the Americans
W. Scoresby: Journal of a Voyage to Australia and Round the World for Magnetical Research
A.E. Zucker: The Chinese Theater
A. Condie Stephen: Fairy Tales of a Parrot. Adapted from the Persian
Burton, Robert: The Anatomy of Melancholy
Department of State USA: Passport
Andre Blum: Histoire du Costume Les Modes au XVII et au XVIII Siecle
Andre Blum: Histoire du Costume Les Modes au XIX Siecle
Henry Steuart: The Planter's Guide: A Practical Essay on the Best Method of Giving Immediate Effect to Wood by the Transplanting of Large Trees and Underwood
Pierce Egan: The Life of an Actor
Charles Lyell: The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man with Remarks on Theories of The Origin of Species by Variation
Charles Nordhoff: Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich Islands
Gaston Vuillier: A History of Dancing from the Earliest Ages to Our Own Times
J.G. Wood: Animate Creation Popular Edition of Our Living World, A Natural History
Steph Werbocz (Istvan Werboczi) 1458-1542: Corpus Juris Hungarici seu Decretum Generale et Tripartitum Opus Juris Consuetudinarii Regni Hungariae
Simon Thomassin: Recueil des Statues, Groupes, Fontaines, Termes, Vases, Et autres Magnifiques Ornemens du Chateau & Parc de Versailles
Hiram Bingham: A Residence of Twenty-One Years in the Sandwich Islands; or the Civil, Religious, and Political History of Those Islands: Comprising A Particular View of the Missionary Operations Connected with the Introduction and Progress of Christianity and Civilization among the Hawaiian People
E.R. and J. Pennell: The Life of James McNeill Whistler
J.W. Bennett: Ceylon and its Capabilities; An Account of its Natural Resources, Indigenous Productions, and Commercial Facilities
Joseph A. Joel and Lewis R. Stegman: Rifle Shots and Bugle Notes; or, the National Military Album of Sketches of the Principal Battles, Marches, Picket Duty, Camp Fires, Love Adventures, and Poems Connected with The Late War
H. Moses (Artist and Engraver): Vases from the Collection of Sir Henry Englefield
Christopher Wood: James Bond and Moonraker
William Marsden: Histoire de Sumatra, Dans laquelle on traite du Gouvernement, du Commerce, des Arts, des Loix, des Coutumes & des Moeurs des Habitans; des Productions Naturelles, & de l’ancien etat politique de cette Isle
James Stuart: Three Years in North America
Charles Darwin: The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication
John Muir (Editor): Picturesque California: The Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Slope
Robert Dodsley, ed: A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes by Several Hands
Jacques Besson: Theatrum Instrumentorum et Machinarum
Frederick Gerstaecker: Wild Sports in The Far West
Prohor Prokopovich: Letters of Reasons, Separation of the Roman Church from the Eastern
P.P. Semenov: Remarkable Russia our Motherland, Topography, History, Economy and Life. (Translation of title)
Joseph Nash: The Mansions of England in the Olden time; Re-edited by J. Corbet Anderson. With the original one hundred and four illustrations, carefully reduced and executed in lithography
Jacob H. Studer: The Birds of North America. One Hundred and Nineteen Artistic Colored Plates Representing the Different Species and Varieties
Robert Burton: The Anatomy of Melancholy
Eugene Poitou: Un Hiver en Egypte
Friedrich II of Prussia: Memoires pour Servir a L Histoire de la Maison de Brandebourg
Andre Gide; Pierre Boncompain, lith: Les Nourritures Terrestres
James Fergusson: The Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Restored: An Essay on Ancient Assyrian and Persian Architecture
Bayard Taylor: Travels in Arabia
Josiah Priest: American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West: Being an Exhibition of the Evidence Ancient Population of Partially Civilized Nations Differing Entirely from those of the Present Indians Peopled America Many Centuries Before its Discovery by Columbus, and Inquiries into their Origin
M. Chopin; A. Ubicini; M. Ubicini: Provinces Danubiennes et Roumaines Par MM. Chopin et A. Ubicini; Bosnie, Servie, Herzegovine, Bulgarie, Slavonie, Illyrie, Croatie, Dalmatie, Montenegro, Albanie Par M. Chopin; Valachie, Moldavie, Bukovine, Transylvanie, Bessarabie, Par M. Ubicini
Pierre Mignard: Galerie de Mignard ou collection de dix-huit lithographies representant les amours de Theagenes et Chariclee
F. Barham Zincke: A Month in Switzerland
George Paston: Social Caricature in the Eighteenth Century
Henry Moses: Ancient Vases from the Collection of Sir Henry Englefield, Bart
Jules Verne: A Journey to the Centre of the Earth / A Voyage to the Centre of the Earth
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