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Bacon, G.W: Bacon's 'Midget' Map of Central and West London Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Continuazione della Carta della Siberia e Kamtschatka Sanson, Nicolas: Mer Noire ou Mer Maievre
Blaeu, Willem: Delphinatus vulgo Dauphiné Avec ses Confins des Pais et Provinces voisins. Par Jean De Beins Geographe et Ingenieur du Roy Brown: Canoes used by the Groenlanders Cary, John: Chinese and Independent Tartary
Churchill: [The North Atlantic.] Craig, W.M: Mode of Travelling over the Snow In Iceland Craig, W.M: Mount Heckla with one of its Glaciers. The Geyser or Boiling Spring in Iceland
De Fer, Nicolas: Gouvernement General de Normandie.. De Wit, Frederick: Regni Norvegia Nova Tabula.. Garnier, F.A: Tableau des Régions Circumpolaires ou Carte Sphéroïdale des Deux Pôles..
Goodenough, Commodore J.G: Names of Provinces in Fiji. H.M.S. 'Pearl'. Commodore J.G.Goodenough 1874 Jansson, Johannes: Comitatus Lancastrensis. The County Palatine of Lancaster Lasor à Varea: Moscovia
Le Rouge, George Louis: La Moscovie Luffman, John: The Harbour of St Petersburg Magini, Giovanni Antonio: Tabula Asiae VIII
Magini, Giovanni Antonio: Tabula Asiae II Magini, Giovanni Antonio: Tabula Europae VIII Mallet, Alain Manesson: Chasteau de Cremenela
Mallet, Alain Manesson: Ardeuil où Ardebil Mallet, Alain Manesson: Groenlande Mallet, Alain Manesson: Norwegiens,
Mallet, Alain Manesson: Groenlandois Mercator, Gerard: Trier & Lutzenburg Mercator, Gerard: Walachia Servia, Bulgaria, Romania
Mercator, Gerard: Daniae Regnu Mercator, Rumold: Europa, ad magnæ Europæ Gerardi Mercatoris P. imitationem Rumoldi Mercatoris F. cura edita.. Middleton: Habits of the Groenlanders
Moll, Herman: Great or Asiatick Tartary, Agreable to Modern History Moore: Curious prospect of an Iceberg in the Island of Spitsbergen Morden, Robert: Moscovie or Russie
Munster, Sebastian: Moscovia Munster, Sebastian: Rubeaquum cum arce Isenburgo mœnibus incluso.. Olafsen: Mount Hecla
Reilly, Franz von: Des Konigreich Norwegen Roux, Joseph: Plan du Port de Malte Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge: North America Sheet XV. Utah, New Mexico, Texas, California, &c. and the Southern States of Mexico
Tallis, John: Holland Tallis, John: Asia Minor Tallis, John: Independent Tartary
Tallis, John: The Crimea Tallis, John: Belgium Tallis, John: Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse
Tallis, John: Cabool, the Punjab and Coloochistan Tallis, John: Northern India, with the Presidency of Calcutta Tallis, John: Malay Archipelago or East India Islands
Tallis, John: Russia in Asia Tallis, John: Tasmania Turner, J.M.W: Malta
Volkergallerie: Grönlander Mann u.Frau; Eskimaux von Labrador; Eskimaux Woodward, J.D: The Romsdalshorn from Aak Zatta, Antonio: La Regno di Scozia..
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguigon d': Germany, France, Italy, Spain, British Isles, In an intermediate Century between Antient and Modern Geography Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguigon d': The First Part of the Map of Europe, Containing France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Great Britain & Ireland, from the Original by D'Anville; under the Patronage of the Duke of Orleans Arrowsmith, John: Greece and the Ionian Islands
Basire, Isaac: Plan of the Works of the City of Messina, one of the strongest and most considerable Cities of Sicily, and a fine Sea-Port Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Eauweck Capitale de Camboye Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Plan de la Ville de Quebec
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: L'Isle de Montreal. Plan de la Ville de Montreal ou Ville Marie Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Nouvelle Yorck, et Pensilvanie Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de la Tartaries Orientale..
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Carte des Isles Kouriles d'après la Carte Russe. Dresée et Gravée par Laurent Bowen, Emanuel: Cornwall Divided into its Hundreds, Containing all the Buroughs & Market Towns with the Roads & Distances &c Bowen, Emanuel: Kent Divided into its Lathes, Containing the Cities Burough & Market Towns with the Roads & Distances
Bowen, Emanuel: Hampshire Divided into Hundreds, Containing the City Buroughs & Market Towns with the Roads & Distances Bowen, Emanuel: Sussex Divided into the Rapes, Containing the City Burough & Market Towns with the principal Roads & Distances &c Bowen, Emanuel: Surrey Divided into its Hundreds, Containing all the Burough & Market Towns with the principal Roads & Distances
Bowen, Emanuel: Dorset Divided into its Hundreds, Containing all the Burough & Market Towns with the principal Roads & Distances Bowen, Emanuel: Devon Shire Divided into its Hundreds, Containing the City Burough & Market Towns with the principal Roads & Distances Bowen, Emanuel: Middlesex Divided into its Hundreds, Containing the Cities London and Westminster, Market Towns &c
Bowen, Emanuel: Somerset Shire Divided into its Hundreds, Containing the Cities, Buroughs and Market Towns, with the Roads & Distances Bowen, Emanuel: The County of Essex Divided into its Hundreds, Containing the Boro- and Market Towns, with the Rivers, Roads, distances &c Bowen, Emanuel: Buckingham Shire Divided into its Hundreds; Containing all the Burough & Market Towns, with the Forests Hills Rivers Roads Distances
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