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Brue, A.H: Carte Generale des Indes en-deca et au-dela du Gange
Van der Aa, Pieter: Canada ou Nouvelle France Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. De l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Selves, Henri: Carte des Etats - Unis, a l'usage des Colleges
Visscher, Nicolas: Insula Ceilon olim Taprobana Incolis Tenarisin et Lankawn exactissime delineata et nuperrime edita per Nicolaum Visscher Amst Bat
Munster, Sebastian: La dipintura di Franckfordia ad Odera fiume mandatami dal prudente senato di quella. / Franckfurt an der Oder 1548 Anno
Homann Heirs: Tabvla Marchionatvs Brandenbvrgici et Dvcatvs Pomeraniae quae sunt Pars Septentrionalis Circvli Saxoniae Svperioris
Homann Heirs: Ducatus Luneburgici et Comitatus Dannebergensis
Mercator, Gerard: Tab. IX. Europae, Continens Daciam, Misiam, Thraciam, ac Macedoniae partem
Reinecke, Johann Matthias Christoph: Charte der Laender am Caucasus
Tasso, Girolamo: Atene E Sue Vicinanze
Tasso, Girolamo: Regno De' Paesi-Bassi compresa la Olanda / La Svizzera o Confederazione Elvetica dopo l'anno 1815
Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph Von: Karte von dem Konigreiche Portugal
Tasso, Girolamo: Antico Impero Messigano
Bertius, Petrus: Daniae Regnu
Bertius, Petrus: Svecia, et Norwegia etc
Bertius, Petrus: Austria Archiducatus
Bertius, Petrus: Germania
Bertius, Petrus: Bohemia
Bertius, Petrus: Hungaria
Darby: Environs of Detroit Engraved for Darby's Tour
Darby: [Great Lakes]
Rossi, Luigi: L'America Storica, Fisica E Politica Nel 1825. Continente Meridionale Continente Settentrionale
Tasso, Girolamo - Le Sage: Tab. XXIV. Mappa A. Mappa B
Sanson: Table des Cartes etc: Du Sr. Sanson. Contenues Dans ce Vollume
Nicollet, H: Mouvemens Apparens du Soleil, Theorie des Saisons
Nicollet, H: Revolution Annuelle de la Terre Autour Du Soleil
Homman Heirs: Schematismvs Geographiae Mathematicae, id est, repraesentatio figurarum in quantum ad aliqualem globi terraquei et mapparum intelligentiam in gratiam juventutis erudiendae facere possunt, expositionem ipsarum tradente
Jansson, Joannes - Hondius, Henricus: Scotiae Pars Meridionalis
Vaugondy, Robert De: Les Provinces-Unies des Pays-Bas, qui Comprennent Le Duche de Gueldre, Les Comtes de Hollande, De Zelande, de Zutphen, Les Seigneuries d'Utrecht, d'Ouest-Frise, d'Ower-Issel, et de Groningue
Blaeu: Campus inter Bohvm et B orystenem ; Lectori S. Hunc Borysthenis tractum .
Aitken, A: Plan of York Harbour Surveyed by Orer of Liut. Govr. Simcoe
A.D. Bache, F.R. Hassler: Patapsco River and the Approaches
Rapkin, J: Australia
Rapkin, J: Asia
Rapkin, J: West Canada
Rapkin, J: Eastern Hemisphere
Burr, David H: Maine
Burr, David H: Mississippi
Burr, David H: Illinois
Burr, David H: Indiana
Burr, David H: New York
Burr, David H: Map of the State of Alabama
Burr, David H: Vermont and New Hampshire
Burr, David H: Kentucky and Tennessee
Bonne, Rigobert: L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, Avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane. Partie Occidentale
Bonne, Rigobert: L'Ancien et le Nouveau Mexique, Avec la Floride et la Basse Louisiane. Partie Orientale
Bache, A. D: J No 9 U.S. Coast Survey A.D. Bache Superintendent Reconnaissance of the Western Coast o the United States from San Francisco to San Diego by the Hydrographic Party under the command of Lieut. James Alden U.S.N. Assistant
Bache, A. D: (J No 7) U.S. Coast Survey A.D. Bache Superintendent Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States (Northern Sheet) from Umpquah River to the Boundary By the Hydrographic Party under the command of Lieut James Alden U.S.N. Assistant Geographical Positions by G. Davidson Assistant
Bache, A. D: Provincetown Harbor Massachusetts
Popple, Henry - Covens & Mortier: Nouvelle Carte Particuliere de l'Amerique ou sont exactement marquees la Nouvelle Bretagne, le Canada ou Nouvelle France, la Nouvelle Ecosse, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Nouvelle York, la Pensilvanie, Mary-Land, la Caroline Septentrionale l'Ile de Terre Neuve, le Grande Banc &c
Bache, A. D: (J No 2) U.S. Coast Survey A.D. Bache Superintendent Reconnaissance of the Western Coast of the United States Middle Sheet From San Francisco to Umpquah River
C.H. Ourand-W.Morey: Military map of the Island of Cuba
Jefferys, Thomas: The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida or Channel of Bahama with the Bahama Islands
Blaeu, W. J: India quae Orientalis dicitur, et Insvlae Adiacentes
Hondius, Henricus: Accuratissima Brasiliae Tabula
Blaeu: Svffolcia Vernacule Svffolke
Blaeu: Nortfolcia; Norfolke
Bouchette, Joseph: Plan of the District of Gaspe By Joseph Bouchette Surveyor General
Hayward, George: Bay & Port of New-York Capital of New-York
Hayward, George: City of Manhattan or New York
Hayward, George: Plan of the City of New York Showing the made and swampland
Edwin Smith: County of New York Town of Harlem
Tiddeman, Mark: A Draught of New York from the Hook to New York Town
James Lyne: A Plan of the City of New York from an actual Survey
Dripps, M: Map of the Five Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken & Hudson City
Sanson, Nicolas d\'Abbeville: Partie Meridionale de l\'Inde En deux Prequ\'Isles l\'une deca et l\'autre de le Gange
Sanson, Nicolas d'Abbeville: Afriqve
Del Rio, D.Jose: Carta Esferica que comprende la Costa Meridional, parte de la Setentrional e Islas adjacentes de la Isla de Cuba desde la Punta de Maisi Hasta cabo S. Antonio Levantada de orden superior en 1793
Van der Aa, Pieter / John Smith: d'Engelze Volkplanting in Virginie door Johan Smith Berogt en verder uytgeset
Darby, William: The Straits of Niagara
Edwards, Bryan: A map of the Island of Jamaica divided into counties and Parishes
Bache, A.D: Galveston Entrance Texas From a Trigonometrical Survey
Darby, William: [North West Territory]
Seutter, George Matthaus: Britanniae sive Angliae Regnum, tam secundum prifea Anglo-Saxonum Imeria, quam recetiorem Provinciarum divisionem accuratissime designatum studio et suntibus
Sartine, Me De: Plan de l'Ile de St. Jean au Nord de l'Acadie et dans le Sud du Golfe de St. Laurent
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