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Elizabeth D. Leonard: Yankee Women: Gender Battles in the Civil War
Caroline Brothers: War and Photography: A Cultural History
Malcolm Bell: Major Butler's Legacy: Five Generations of a Slaveholding Family
Kemble, Francis Anne: Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839
Moore, Frank: Women of the War: Their Heroism and Self-Sacrifice
Wellman, Manly Wade: They Took Their Stand: The Founders of the Confederacy
Henry, Robert Selph: First With The Most: Forrest
Wellman, Manly Wade: Rebel Boast: First At Bethel-Last At Appomattox
Wise, David And Thomas B. Ross: The Espionage Establishment
Lindsay Moran: Blowing My Cover
Pyne, Henry R,: Ride to War: The History of the First New Jersey Cavalry
Pratt, Fletcher: Civil War on Western Waters
Robert Wooster: The Civil War 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential People in the War Between the States
Webb, Todd: The Gold Rush Trail and the Road to Oregon
Jac Weller: Wellington in the Peninsula, 1808-14
Dudley pope: The Great Gamble: Nelson at Copenhagen
David Hamilton-Williams; Hamilton Williams: Waterloo: New Perspectives: The Great Battle Reprised
Robert V. Remini: Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Freedom 1822-1832
Robert V. Remini: Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Democracy: 1833-1845 (Andrew Jackson & the Course of American Democracy 1833-1845)
Cynthia Owen Philip: Robert Fulton: A Biography
MICHAEL GLOVER: The Peninsular War, 1807-1814: A Concise Military History
A. A. Hoehling: Thunder at Hampton Roads
Jack Coombe: Gunfire Around the Gulf: The Last Major Naval Campaigns of the Civil War
Daniels, Jonathan: Prince of Carpetbaggers
Kennedy, Ludovic: Nelson's Captains
Jeffry D. Wert: From Winchester to Cedar Creek: The Shenandoah Campaign of 1864
Brininstool, E. A: Troopers with Custer Historic Incidents of the Battle of Little Big Horn
Townsend, George Alfred: Rustics in Rebellion A Yankee Reporter on the Road to Richmond 1861-65
Weisberger, Bernard A: Reporters for the Union
Dickens, Charles: The Adventures of Oliver Twist. Or, The Parish Boy's Progress
Hubert Essame: Patton: A Study in Command
Fleming, Peter: News from Tartary: A Journey from Peking to Tartary
Sachar, Abram Leon: A History of the Jews
Smith, John: The General History of Virginia, New England, and The Summer Isles with the Names of the Adventureres, Planters, and govenours from their first begining An 1584 to this present 1624
Chester G. Starr: The Roman Empire, 27 B.C.-A.D. 476: A Study in Survival
M. I. Finley: Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology
Allendy, Rene: Treason Complex
Allison, J. Murray: Raemaeker's Cartoon History of the War Volume I The First Twelve Months of The War
Alan McKenzie: How to Draw and Sell... Comic Strips... For Newspapers and Comic Books
Ross Thomson; Bill Hewison; Ross Thompson: How to Draw and Sell Cartoons: All the Professional Techniques of Strip Cartoon, Caricature and Artwork Demonstrated
Robert G. Elliott: Ironclad of the Roanoke: Gilbert Elliott's Albemarle
Brion,Marcel: Attila the Scourge of God
Edward G Longacre: From Union Stars to Top Hat: A Biography of the Extraordinary General James Harrison Wilson
Thomas Lawerence Connelly: Autumn of Glory: The Army of Tennessee, 1862-1865
Thomas, Benjamin; Hymen, Harold: Stanton: The Life and Times of Lincoln's Secretary of War
Julian Rathbone: Wellington's War: Or 'Atty, the Long-Nosed Bugger That Licks the French'
Philip J. Haythornthwaite: The Napoleonic Source Book
Baynham, Henry: From The Lower Deck: the Royal Navy, 1780-1840
George Nafziger: Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
Cooper, Leonard: The Age of Wellington
Cornwall-Marshall, James: Napoleon: As Military Commander
Glover, Michael: Wellington as Military Commander
Lewis, Michael: Napoleon and His British Captives
Evelyn, George Palmer: A Diary of the Crimea
Rudorff, Raymond: War to the death: The Siege of Saragossa, 1808-1809
Franz J. Hausmann: A Soldier for Napoleon: The Campaigns of Lieutenant Franz Joseph Hausmann, 7th Bavarian Infantry
Mark Urban: Wellington's Rifles: Six Years to Waterloo with England's Legendary Sharpshooters
Butterfield, H: Napoleon
Horne, Alistair: Fall of Paris: The Siege and the Commune, 1870-71
McGuffie, T. H: Rank and File: The Common Soldier at Peace and War 1642-1914
Fenwick, Kenneth (ed.): Voice From the Ranks: A Personal Narrative of the Crimean Campaign by a Sergeant of the Royal Fusiliers
Baldick, Robert: The Siege of Paris
David Walder: Nelson: A Biography
Georges Blond: La Grande Armee, 1804-15
Gerald Early: "Ain't But a Place": An Anthology of African American Writings about St. Louis
John Nance: The Gentle Tasaday: A Stone Age People in the Philippine Rain Forest
Eli Sagan: AT THE DAWN OF TYRANNY: The Origins of Individualism, Political Oppression, and the State
Rene J. Dubos: Louis Pasteur: Free Lance of Science
Toland, John: Ships in the Sky: Great Airship Disasters of the World
Koehl, Hermann, Fitzmaurice, James, and Von Huenefeld, Guenther: The Three Musketeers of the Air: Their Conquest of the Atlantic from East to West
DeWet, Christiaan Rudolf: Three Years' War
Hillary, Richard: Falling Through Space
Raymond Arsenault: The Wild Ass of the Ozarks: Jeff Davis and the social bases of southern politics
Fergusson, Bernard: Rupert of the Rhine
Fortescue , John: Marlborough
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