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J.J. Audubon: No. 13 -- 10. / Plate 173. / Mac Gillivray's Finch, Fringilla Macgillivraii
J.J. Audubon: Sharp-tailed Finch, Fringilla Caudacuta. Wils
Cosway: William Bromfield Squ
William Hogarth: Pit Ticket / Royal Sport [Cock-fighting]
Doolittle, Amos: A map of the Northern and Middle States; Comprehending the Western Territory and the British Dominions in North America
Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Italia annexis Insulis Sicilia, Sardinia et Corsica secundum observationes Societatis Regiae Scientiarum quae est Parifiis et diverforum celeberrimorum Alronomorum noviter et accuratiss exarata Cura et Smtibus
George E. Turner: Map of Newfoundland Compiled from the Most Recent Surveys / Compliments of the Royal Stores Limited the House for Value St. John's, Nfld
Thomas Kitchin: Plan of the North Part of Gibraltar as it was Besieged by the Spaniards and French in the Year 1704,5
Merian: Beschribung der Bataille, wie sie vor Warschau gestanden den 20/19 July Ao. 1656. nachmittag. Welches wahr der Andere tag
H. Kellett: Mouillage de Pulpito
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly: Der Noerdliche Theil des Koenigreichs Dalmatien. Nro. 24
De L'Isle, Guillaume; Bellin: Empiere du Monomotapa et Etats Voisins Tire de M. Delisle et autres Auteurs. / Monarchy van Monomotapa, en de Nabuurige Landen, getrokken uit de l'Isle en andere Schryveren
John Lodge Jr: A New and Accurate Map of the European Settlements on the Coast of Africa, from the River Senegal to that of Benin, Comprehending the Gum, Grain, Ivory, Gold and Slave Coasts
Pierre Vander Aa: Carte du Gouvernement de Bourgogne. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messr.s de l'Academie Royale des Science, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau a Leide. / Carte du Gouvernement de Lyonnois. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messr.s de l'Academie Royale des Science, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau a Leide
Pierre Vander Aa: Carte du Gouvernement de Normandie Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveaux
Pierre Vander Aa: Le Piemont Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Pierre Vander Aa: Le Duche de Brunswick. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau. / Le Duche de Lunebourg. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Pierre Vander Aa: Cercle Electoral du Rhin. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau. / Cercle du Haut Rhin. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Pierre Vander Aa: L'archeveche de Treves. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau. / L'archeveche de Mayence. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Pierre Vander Aa: La Souabe Septentrionale. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau. / La Souabe Meridionale. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Pierre Vander Aa: Landgraviat de Hesse. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Pierre Vander Aa: Carte du Gouvernement de Dauphine. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau. / Carte du Gouvernement de Provence. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Pierre Vander Aa: Carte du Gouvernement d'Orleans. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau. / Carte du Gouvernement de Bretagne. Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau
Belcher: Baie Bodega
W. P. Blake: U.S. P.R.R. Explorations & Surveys / War Department / Geological Map of the Country Between San Diego and the Colorado River California
William P. Blake: Geological Map of the Tejon Pass & Canada de las Uvas and the Vicinity. Including the Pass of San Francisquito & Williamson's Pass
William P. Blake: Geological Map of the Vicinity of San Francisco
Richard Bentley: Map of California: from the latest Authorities. as Published in the United States
Homann Heirs; James Rentone: Portus Pulchri in Isthmo Panamensi Siti accurata Ichnographia ex prototypo Londinensi, desumta prostat in Officina Homaniana 1740, cum Privil. / Dieser Grund Riss von dem Hafen, der Stadt u. den Forten von Porto belo
Emanuel Bowen: A New and Accurate Map of the Island of Antigua or Antego, taken from Surveys, and adjusted by Astronl. Observations Containing all the Towns, Parish, Churches, Forts, Castles, Windmills, Roads &c
Manuel Orozco y Berra: Carta Etnografica de Mexico, al Sr. D. Jose Fernando Ramirez, en testimonio de gratitud y de amistad, Manuel Orozco y Berra
A. de Humboldt: Points de partage et Communications projettees entre le Grand Ocean et L'Ocean Atlantique. / Carte De L'Isthme De Huasacualco / I. Riviere de la Paix et Tacoutche Tesse / II. Rio del Norte et Rio Colorado / III. Rio Huallaga et Rio Huanuco / IV. Golfe de S. Georges et Estero de Aysen / V. Rio de Huasacualco et Rio de Chimalapa / VI. Lac de Nicaragua / VII. Isthme de Panama / VIII. Ravin de la Raspadura et Embarcadero de Naipi
Emanuel Bowen: A New and Accurate Map of Italy / Drawn from the latest and Best Authorities, and Regulated by the most Approved Astron. Observations
D'Anville: Persian Gulph, From the Original by D'Anville
Capt. J. Cook: Plan der Haven van Samganoodha in het Eiland van Oonalaska
Capt. J. Cook: Schets van het Kanaal van Nootka
Capt. J. Cook: Kaart van Cook's Rivier in het N.O. Gedeelte van Amerika
Taylor: Sir Walter Raleigh ordering the Standard of Queen Elizabeth to be erected on the Coast of Virginia. / Engraved for Middleton's Complete System of Geography
Michel-Charles Fichot: Paris, 1867
R.A. Sproule: View of the Place d'Armes, Quebec--1832
R. A. Sproule: View of the Market Place and Catholic Church, Uppertown, Quebec--1832
Herbert Dicksee: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
H.M. Pettit: Panoramic View of the Panama Canal
R.A. Sproule: Place D'Armes, Montreal
Homann Heirs; James Rentone: Scenographica Portus pulchri ex prototypo Londinensi recusa per Heredes Homannianos / Perspectivische Vorstellung des Hafens, Castels u. der Stadt Porto belo
Brownell, Charles De Wolf: The Indian Races of North and South America
Harmsworth: The Harmsworth Atlas and Gazetteer of the World
The National Trust for Scotland: Photographic Album: Scotland s Heritage / Some Lands and Buildings of Historic, Architectural and National Interest and Natural Beauty preserved and maintained by / The National Trust for Scotland
Julius Pflugk Harttung: Deutsche Gedenkhalle
W.H. Bartlett; B.B. Woodward: The History of the United States of North America; from the Discovery of the Western World to the Present Day. / By W.H. Bartlett, Author of “Walks about Jerusalem,” “Footsteps of Our Lord and His Apostles, “Forty Days in the Desert,” “The Nile Boat,” “Gleanings on the Overland Route,” “Pictures from Sicily,” &c., &c. / Continued by B.B. Woodward, B.A., F.S.A., Author of “The History of Wales,” &c
Bowen, Eman: A Draught of Boston Harbour
Merian: Delineation von der Action, welche Zwischen denen Schweden, und Saxen, nebit denen Pohlen, vorgegangen bey Warschau
Edward Weller: Map of Texas illustrating the Missions & Journeys of the Abbe Em. Domenech
Mercator; Hondius: Islandia / Per Gerardum Mercatorem
Hendrick Doncker: Pas-Caert van Terra Nova, Nova Francia, Nieuw-Engeland en de groote Rivier van Canada
Matthaus Seutter: Nova Designatio Insulae Jamaicae ex Antillanis Americae Septentrion, non postreniae Secundum Gubernationes suas accuratas aeri incisa et publici juris facta a Matthaeo Seuttero
Robert Bell; A.P. Low: Geological Map of Lake of the Woods and adjacent country
A. Lindenkohl: Map Showing Longitude Stations and Connections determined by means of the Electric Telegraph between 1846 and June 30.1887
Blaeu: Rhenus Fluviorum Europae celeberrimus, cum Mosa, Mosella, et reliquis, in illum se exonerantibus, fluminibus. / Amplissimo Spectatissimo, Prudentissq, Viro D. Andreae Bickero I.V.D. Reip. Amstelodamensis Consuli et Senatori, nuper ad Poloniae et Sueciae Reges secundum Legato
Le Rouge, George Louis: Canada et Louisiane
Charles Oliver Murray Jr: Flemish Kitchen
Cook, James & James King: A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Undertaken, by the Command of his Majesty for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere
Burden, Phillip D: The Mapping of North America: A List of Printed Maps 1511-1670
Francois Rabelais; Samuel Putnam, translator; Jean de Bosschere, illustrator: All the Extant Works of Francois Rabelais: An American Translation With a Critical Text Variant Readings – Variorum Notes & Drawings Attributed to Rabelais / In Three Volumes / By Samuel Putnam / With Illustrations by Jean de Bosschere / Privately Printed for Subscribers Only
John Francis Waller, editor: The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography: A Series of Original Memoirs of Distinguished Men, of All Ages and All Nations. By Writers of Eminence in the Various Branches of Literature, Science, and Art. Conducted by Professor John Eadie, D.D., LL.D. / John Francis Waller, LL.D., M.R.I.A. / Professor J. P. Nichol, LL.D. / Edwin Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. / Professor Francis Bowen, M.A., United States, Late Editor of “North American Review.” / John Francis Waller LL.D., M.R.I.A., Editor
John Hawkes: The Story of Saskatchewan and Its People / By John Hawkes Legislative Librarian / Illustrated
Lord Charles Beresford; H.W. Wilson: Nelson and His Times by Vice-Admiral Lord Charles Beresford & H.W. Wilson
Joachim Heinrich Campe; J.B.J. Breton, translator: Bibliotheque Geographique et Instructive des Jeunes Gens, ou Recueil de Voyages Interessants Dans toutes les parties du monde, Pour l’instruction et l’amusement de la jeunesse ; par Campe. Traduit de l’allemand et orné de cartes et figures
Christopher Wordsworth: Greece: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. / By Christopher Wordsworth D.D. / Canon of Westminster; Late Fellow of Trinity College, and Public Orator in the University of Cambridge; Head-Master of Barrow School; Member of the Archaeological Institute at Rome; and Author of “A Journal of a Residence in Athens and Attica,” “Inscriptions at Pompeii,” etc. /A New Edition, Carefully Revised. / With Numerous Engravings on Wood and Steel, Illustrative of the Scener, Architecture, Costume, and Fine Arts of that Country, by Coply Fielding, F. Creswick, D. Cox, Jun., Harvey, Paul Huet, Meissonier, Sargent, Daubigny, Jaques, and Other Artists. / And A History of the Characteristics of Greek Art, Illustrated by George Scharf, Junr., Esq
Renneville: I. Baly / [Bali, Indonesia]
Renneville: Insula S. Laurentii / [Madagascar]
La Perouse; Buffon: [Indian Ocean map] Carte des Declinaisons et inclinaisons de l'Aiguille Aimantee redigee d'apres la table des observations Magnetiques faites par les Voyageurs depuis l'Annee 1775
Jacques Goulart; Blaeu: Lacus Lemanni Locorumque Circumjacentium Accuratissima Descriptio
Blaeu: Insulae Balearides et Pytiusae [Ibiza, Majorca and Minorca]
Fernando Alvares Seco; Blaeu: Portugallia et Algarbia quae olim Lusitania
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