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James Imray: Borodino Ids James Imray: Midway Is James Imray: Rouk Isles (Carolines)
James Imray: Kittie Harbour (Pouynipete, Carolines) James Imray: Port Lloyd (Bonin Is) James Imray: Sta. Rosa or Clarion Id. (Revillagigedo Isles)
James Imray: Guadalupe I James Imray: Umata Bay (Mariana or Laurone Is.) James Imray: Duperrey Is. (Carolines)
James Imray: Louasap Is. (Carolines) James Imray: Magicienne Bay (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: Alamagan (Mariana or Ladrone Is.)
James Imray: Port Lottin (Carolines) James Imray: Farallon de Medinilla (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: Fitton Bay (Bonin Isles)
James Imray: Tarofofo Harbour (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: Guguan (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: Roca Partida
James Imray: Clipperton I James Imray: McAskill Is. (Carolines) James Imray: Gouap (Carolines)
James Imray: Rota (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: San Luis d'Apra (Mariana or Ladrone Is.) James Imray: Avatcha Bay
James Imray: Oualan (Carolines) James Imray: St. Lawrence Bay James Imray: Guajan Island (Mariana or Ladrone Is.)
Ptolemy; Giovanni Magini; Girolamo Porro: Tavola Dell' Universale descrittione del mondo, secondo tolomeo N. de Fer: Quebec, Ville de l'Amerique Septentrionale dans la Nouvelle France avec Titre d'Eveche. Situee sur le Fleuve de St. Laurent ... elle fut assiegee par les Anglois sur les Francois par qui elle est encore possedee l'an 1670 depuis le 16e Octobre Jusqu'a 22 du meme mois. Monsr. de Frontenac estant pour lors Gouverneur du Pays qui leur fit honteusement lever le Siege G. De L'Isle: Hispania ex Archetypo Roderici Mendez Sylvae et variis Relationibus et Chartis manuscriptis et impressis lurjus Regni rectificatis per Observationes Sociorum Academiae Scientiarum quae est Parisiis
G. Blaeu: Navarra Regnum J. M. Atwood: Map of the Western States Johann Ulrich Muller: Canada Halt In Fich
G. B. Piranesi: Tab. XIV / Reliquiae Basilicae Caii et Lucii... G.B. Piranesi: Tab. XXXV. / 1. Posticum earundem reliquiarum templi psudodipteri Antonini Pii, quae in praecedente Tabula sunt expositae G. B. Piranesi: Vestiggi d'antichi Edifici fra i quali evvi l'Urna Sepolcrale tutta d'un prezzo di porfido di Marco Agrippa che oggi serve per il Sepolcro di Clemente XII. Si vede anche un pezzo di Guglia con caratteri Egizi, ed in lontano un Vestibulo di antico Tempio
R. Wimmer: R. Wimmer: Fraunhofer erklart seinen Freunden den Spektrometer G.B. Piranesi: Tav X. / Dimostrazione in grande di quella parte di sustruzioni che nella Tav. IX. si accenna con la lettera A G. B. Piranesi: Tav XI. / Dimostrazione in grande di quella parte di sustruzioni che nella Tav. IX. si accenna con la lettera B
Mark Catesby: 91. [Caryophyllis spurius inodorus / Convolvulus minor Pentaphyllos / Phalaena ingens ... The Great Moth] Mark Catesby: T. 85. / Haematopus Mark Catesby: T. 96 / Anas &c
Mark Catesby: 90 [Ketmia ... The Maho-Tree / Phalaena fusca] Mark Catesby: T. 12 / Turdus &c / Alburnus Mark Catesby: T 25 / Anthea &c
Mark Catesby: T 97 / Anas cristata elegans. / The Summer Duck Samuel Hearne: A Journey from Prince of Wales s Fort in Hudson s Bay, to the Northern Ocean. Undertaken by Order of the Hudson s Bay Company, for the Discovery of Copper Mines, a North West Passage, &c. In the Years 1769, 1770, 1771, & 1772 A.K. Dzivelegov, S.P. Melgunov, V.E. Picheta: Grand Reform, Peasant’s Dilema and Russian Society Today and Before (translantion of title)
Paracelsus; Johannem Huserum Brisgoium: Erster Theil Der Buecher und Schrifften des Edlen / Hochgelehrten un Bewehrten Philosophi anno Medici. Philippi Theophrasti Bombast von Hohenheim / Paracelsi genannt: Jetzt auffs nem auss den Originalten, und Theophrasti cigner Handschifft / Souiel Derselben zubefommen gewesen / auffs trewlichst und fleissigst an tag geben: Durch Johannem Huserum Brisgoium Chursuerstlichen Coelnischen Rhat unnd Medicum. In diesem Theil warden begriffen die Buecher welche von Disprung und hergoomen aller Brancthessen banddnin Genere: Deren Catalogus nach det Draesation an den Leser zufinden Jean-Baptiste du Halde: The General History of China. Containing A Geographical, Historical, Chronological, Political and Physical Description of the Empire of China, Chinese-Tartary, Corea and Thibet. Including an Exact and Particular Account of their Customs, Manners, Ceremonies, Religion, Arts and Sciences. The Whole adorn’d with Curious Maps, and Variety of Copper-Plates. / Done from the French of P. du Halde Olivier Dapper: Description de l’Afrique…Traduite du flamand
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: La Nouvelle France ou Canada Johannes van Keulen: Paskaart van't Canaal Engelandt Schotlandt en Yrland.. D'Anville: Carte De La Partie De L'Afrique ou Les Carthaginois
P. F. Tardieu: Carte Des Iles Hawaii D'Anville: Carte De La Grande Grece y compris La Sicile D'Anville: L'Orient
D'Anville: Carte Pour servir a l'intelligence de l'Histoire des Assyriens Medes Babyloniens et Perses J.H. Pope: Southern Part of Streetsville Toronto Township J.H. Pope: Northern Part Streetsville in the Township of Toronto
Robert Morden: Of Wales La Perouse: Carte Des Decouvertes Faites en 1787 dans les Mers De Chine et De Tartarie, par les Fregates Francaises... D'Anville: L'Asie Mineure Et Le Bosphore
R. Savonarola: Cypri Insula R. Savonarola: Sicilia Eugene Flandin: Entree De La Grande Mosquee Ispahan
David Roberts; Louis Haghe; George Croly: The Holy Land. After Lithographs by Louis Haghe. From Original Drawings by David Roberts, R. A. With Historical Descriptions by The Rev. George Croly, LL. D Thomas Williamson; Samuel Howitt, illus: Oriental Field Sports; Being a Complete, Detailed, and Accurate Description of the Field Sports of the East; and Exhibiting, in a Novel and Interesting Manner, the Natural History of the Elephant, the Rhinoceros, the Tiger, the Leopard, the Bear, the Deer, the Buffalo, the Wolf, the Wild Hog, the Jackall, the Wild Dog, the Civet, and Other Domesticated Animals: As Likewise the Different Species of Feathered Game, Fishes, and Serpents. The Whole Interspersed with a Variety of Original, Authentic, and Curious Anecdotes, Taken from the Manuscript and Designs of Captain Thomas Williamson, Who served upwards of Twenty Years in Bengal; The Drawings by Samuel Howitt, Made Uniform in Size, and Engraved by the First Artists John Malcolm: The History of Persia, from the Most Early Period to the Present Time: Containing an Account of the Religion, Government, Usages, and Character of the Inhabitants of that Kingdom. / By Colonel Sir John Malcolm, K.C.B., K.L.S. Late Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Persia from the Supreme Government of India
J. Ross Robertson: The History of Freemasonry in Canada from its Introduction in 1740. Complied and Written from Official Records and from MSS. Covering the Period 1749-1858, in the Possession of the Author. By J. Ross Robertson Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada. Author of “A History of the Cryptic Rite,” “History of the Knights Templar in Canada” and “Talks with Craftsmen” George Cruikshank: [A Collection of Caricature Plates in Four Volumes:] Caricatures / Caricatures / Jealousy &c. / Progress of a Midshipman John Long: Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, Describing The Manners and Customs of the North American Indians; with an Account of the Posts Situated on the River Saint Laurence, Lake Ontario, &c. To which is added, a Vocabulary of The Chippeway Language. Names of Furs and Skins, in English and French. A List of Words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux Tongues, and a Table, Shewing The Analogy between the Algonkin and Chippeway Languages. By J. Long
Corneille le Brun: Voyage de Corneille le Brun par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales. / Ouvrage enrichi de plus de 320. Tailles douces, des plus curieuses, representant / Les plus belles vuës de ces Païs; leurs principales Villes; les differens habillemens des Peuples, qui habitant ces Regions eloignées; les Animaux, les Oiseaux, les Poissons & les Plantes extraordinaires, qui s’y trouvent. Avec les Antiquitez de ces Païs, & particulièrement celles du Fameux / Palais de Persepolis, Que les Perses appellant Chelminar. / Le tout dessiné d’après Nature sur les Lieux. / On y a ajoûté la route qu’a Suivie Mr. Isbrants, Ambassadeur de Moscovie, En traversant la Russie & la Tartarie, pour se render à la Chine. / Et quelques Remarques contre Mrs. Chardin & Kempfer. Avec une Lettre écrite à l’Auteur, sur ce sujet. [VOLUME TWO ONLY] John Speed: A Map of Jamaica Sold by Thomas Basset in Fleetstreet, and Richard Chiswell in St. Pauls Church yard. / BarBados Homann, Johann Baptist: Verschiedene Prospecte der Vornemsten Stadten in Persien
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