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John Milton: A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton: Correctly printed from the Original Editions. With an Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of the Author; Containing several Original Papers of His Never before Published Arthur Lismer: [Arthur Lismer’s original sketches in] the Penguin Hundred Best Crosswords John Carr 1772-1832: A Northern Summer; or Travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and part of Germany in the year 1804
Flavius Josephus; Roger L’Estrange, tr: The Works of Flavius Josephus: Translated into English By Sir Roger L Estrange, Knight. Viz. I. The Antiquities of the Jews, in Twenty Books. II. Their Wars with the Romans, in Seven Books. III. The Life of Josephus written by Himself. IV. His Book against Apion, in Defence of the Antiquities of the Jews, in Two Parts. V. The Martyrdom of the Maccabees. As also; VI. Philo s Embassy from the Jews of Alexandria to Caius Caligula. / Carefully Revis d, and Compar d with the Original Greek. / To which are added, Two Discourses, and several Remarks and Observations upon Josephus. Together with Maps, Sculptures, and Accurate Indexes Samuel Richardson: Clarissa. Or, The History of a Young Lady: Comprehending the most Important Concerns of Private Life. And particularly shewing, The Distresses that may attend the Misconduct Both of Parents and Children, In Relation to Marriage. / Published by the Editor of Pamela. [SEVEN VOLUMES] Bartolomeo Pinelli: Raccolta di costumi italiani i più interessanti; disegnati … nell’ anno 1828
Victor Quetin; Desire Guilmard: Le Magazine de Meubles Balat; Billoin; Fourmois; Huarl; Landers; Stroobant; Schubert; W. Le Roy: Souvenirs de la Fete Donnee le 26 septembre 1848 par le Cercle artistique et litteraire sous le patronage du roi du gouvernement et de la ville de Bruxelles aux artistes exposants et aux members du congres agricole. Dessines et lithographies Par MM. Billoin, Fourmois, Huarl, Landers, Stroobant, Schubert, W. Le Roy, Et publies sous la direction de M. Balat, Architecte, par Dero-Becker Adrien Hubert Brue: Atlas Universel de Geographie Physique, Politique et Historique, Ancienne et Moderne, contenant : Les Cartes Generales et particulieres des Cinq Parties du Monde; Dresse conformement aux progres de la Science Pour servir a la lecture des meilleurs ouvrages de Geographie et d Histoire
Andrew Lumisden: Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome and its Environs: Being a Classical and Topographical Survey of the Ruins of that Celebrated City Job Ludolph: A New History of Ethiopia. Being a Full and Accurate Description of the Kingdom of Abessinia, Vulgarly, though Erroneously called the Empire of Prester John. In four books. Wherein are contained. I. An Account of the Nature, Quality and Condition of the Country, and Inhabitants; . II. Their Political Government; the Genealogy and Succession of Their Kings; a Description of Their Court, . III. Their Ecclesiastical Affairs; Their Conversion to the Christian Religion, and the Propagation Thereof, Their Sacred Writings, . IV. Their Private Oeconomy, Their Books and Learning; Their Common Names, their Dyet, Marriages, and Economy, their Mechanick Arts, and Trades, their Burials, their Merchandize and Commerce,&c Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill: The World Crisis
S.M. Barrie, illustrated by Hugh Thomson: Quality Street, a Comedy in Four Acts Joseph R. Smallwood: The Book of Newfoundland Sadao Kikuchi (translated by Don Kenny): Ukiyo-e Prints. Masterpiece of the Japanese Wood-Block Print
Alexander Pushkin, Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Kuprin, Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov, Nikolai Leskov, Leo N. Tolstoy, Fyodor m. Dostoevsky, Ivan S. Turgenev, Maxim Gorky, Anton Chekhov: The Greatest Masterpieces of Russian Literature: The Captains Daughter and Other Stories, Oblomov, Tales, A Hero of our Time, Selected Tales, Resurrection, The Cossacks The Raid, The House of the Dead, Crime and Punishment, Letters from the Underworld, Smoke, Virgin Soil, The Spy, The Aratamonov Business, Stories Vol. I, Stories Vol. II Drawn and Etched by R. Farren: The Granta and the Cam, from Byrons Pool to Ely C. Parquin: Napoleon’s Victories. From the personal memoirs of Cap. C. Parquin of the Imperial Guard
Geoffroy St. Hilaire: H.N. Reptiles / 1.1 Couleuvre aux raies paralleles. 2.2 Couleuvre a bouquets. 3.3 Couleuvre a capuchon. 4.4 Couleuvre oreillard J. Ces. Savigny: H.N. Zoologie Reptiles. (Supplement) / Geckos. Agames. Lezards J.-Ces. Savigny: H.N. Zoologie. Reptiles (Supplement) / Viperes et couleuvres
J.-Ces. Savigny: H.N. Zoologie. Reptiles (Supplement) / Couleuvres Geoffroy St. Hilaire: H.N. Reptiles. / 1 Vipere des pyramides. 2 Vipere Haje adulte. 3 Vipere Haje jeune. 4.5 Parties de la Vipere Haje. 6 Couleuvre maillee Geoffroy St. Hilaire: H.N. Reptiles. / 1 Anolis marbre. 2 Agame ponctue. 3.4 Agame variable. 5 Gecko lobe. 6 Gecko annulaire. 7 Variete du gecko annulaire
Geoffroy St. Hilaire: H.N. Reptiles. / 1 Tupinambis du Nil. 2 Quaran de Forskal. 3 Anolis gigantesque Bartolomeo Pinelli: Raccolta di costumi italiani i più interessanti; disegnati … nell’ anno 1828. [SERIES OF 17 PLATES] J.B. Masse: L.J. M. Quis De Mont-Calm
Jules Laurens: Teheran. Vue preise de la route de Casbinn. (Perse) Jules Laurens: Cour du Palais de la mission Francaise a Teheran, en 1848 Jules Laurens: Grande Palace de Teheran
Eugene Flandin: Vue D'Ispahan Eugene Flandin: Mont Bi-Sutoun Eugene Flandin: Matchit-I-Chah ou Mosquww Royale. A Teheran
Salvator Rosa: Polycrates Sami Tyrannus, opibus, et felicitate iclytus, ab Orete Perfarume Satrapa captus, as cruci affixus docuit, neminem ante obitum merito dici pofse felicem, Salvator Rosa: Jo: Bapte Ricciardo Amico Unico Attilium Regulum in praecipitis Fortunae uertigine tot inter clauos firmioris costantiae centrum R. Farren: The Granta and the Cam, from Byrons Pool to Ely
Jules Laurens: Palais Sur Le Tchar-Bag, A Hispahan Antonio Garcia Cubas: Atlas Pintoresco e Historico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Edited by David Woodward: Five centuries of map printing
Roger Baynton Williams: Investing In Maps R.A. Skelton: Maps A Historical Survey of Their Study and Collecting P.L. Phillips: A list of Maps of America. In the library of Congress
Robert E. Peary: The North Pole; Its discovery in 1909 under the auspices of the Peary Arctic Club Herman Dieck: The Marvelous Wonders of the Polar World. Being a complete and authentic history of voyages and discoveries in the polar regions, . . Lewis R. Freeman: The Nearing North
Adolphus W. Greely: Three Years of Arctic Service an account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition Wilfred Thomason Grenfell: Adrift on an Ice-Pan Anne Morrow Lindbergh (maps by Charles A. Lindbergh): North to the Orient
David Mills: A report on the boundaries of the Province of Ontario Captain J. E. Bernier: Report on the Dominion of Canada Government Expedition to the Arctic Islands and Hudson Strait William H. Gilder: Schwatka s Search. Sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin Records
Ross Cumming: Historical Atlas of Carleton County [1979 Reprint] Mary Deare: Hammond Innes Joseph Kessel: The Lion
Geoffrey Rawson: Letters from Lord Nelson Janssonius, Joannes: Orbis Terrarvm Veteribvs Cogniti Typvs Geographicvs F.N. Gisborne; Gust. Smith: Map No. 1 (Eastern-Section) Dominion of Canada Telegraph & Signal Service
S. Hall: British America Gastaldi: Tabula Asiae VII Gastaldi: Tabula Asiae V
Gastaldi: Tabula Asiae III Joannes Janssonius; Hondius: Gallia Vetvs Sickler, F: Pantogramma des Environs de Roma
Admiral Bayfield: Chart of Thunder Bay; Lake Superior Admiral Bayfield: Chart of Nepigon Bay; Lake Superior Robert Sayer: The Kingdom of Poland and Great Dutchy of Lithuania
Derpy: Niagara Frederick Leighton: The Odalisque F. Houttuyn: Adam donne les Noms a tous les Animaux; Adam greeft aan alle de Dieren Naamen
A.J. Waudby: Amalgamated society of Carpenters and Joiners Moran, Lord: Churchill Taken from the Diaries of Lord Moran: The Struggle for Survival 1940-1965 Churchill, Winston S: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Martin, Ralph G: Jennie: The Life of Lady Randolph Churchill
Volume I: The Romantic Years 1854-1895
Volume II: The Dramatic Years 1895-1921
Miss Tully: Narrative of a Ten Years Residence at Tripoli in Africa : from the original correspondence in the possession of the Family of the late Richard Tully.. Samuel Pufendorf: De Rebus a Carolo Gustavo Sveciae Rege Gestis Commentariorum Libri Septem Elegantissimis Tabulis Aeneis Exornati cum Triplici Indice
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